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What is the role of government

What is the role of government?What is the role of government is a common question that must be addressed before delving deeper in the history and government curriculum? It is a sub-topic that helps learners appreciate the duties and significance of government in leadership. globally, governments provide political guidance and exercises executive and regulatory duties. In addition, it offers significant policy guidance through bills and related acts.

What is the role of government in Kenya?

The government of Kenya constitute three arms of government; the executive, judiciary and legislature. The three arms of government are independent and are supposed to work so. No arm of the governance system should overpower the other. Doing so ensures the rule of law is maintained according to the dictates of the country’s constitution. The following are the three main roles of the government.

  1. The executive develops and implements government policies
  2. The legislature represents people in parliament, makes laws and performs an oversight duties of government operations
  3. The judiciary ensures justice is given to those who need it the most

The Kenyan government comprise two levels; county and national. The two forms of administration perform duties that complement each other. The national government is headed by the president while counties are headed by 47 governors.

Duties of the national government

The national government performs several duties. According to the constitution and local laws, the following are the functions of the national government in Kenya.

  1. Foreign affairs, foreign policy and international trade
  2. Control and management of international waters and water resources
  3. Immigration and citizenship
  4. The relationship between religion and state
  5. Language policy and promotion of official languages
  6. National defense and use of national defense services
  7. Police services
  8. Courts
  9. Among other duties of national and international scale

The national government of Kenya is responsible for the maintenance of internal and external security. This is achieved through establishment of national laws and enforcing them.

Roles of county governments

County governments in Kenya are 47. Each of the county administration performs similar duties within its jurisdiction. The following are the main functions of the county government in Kenya.

  1. County legislation
  2. Exercising executive powers
  3. Establishment and staffing of county staff
  4. Management of municipalities
  5. Any other function transferred by the national government

Final word on what is the role of government

A stable and functional government is an important system that promotes the rule of law in any country globally. The role of National governments includes; developing policy guidelines, laws, representation and the rule of law. The Kenya government consist of national and county administrative units. The two forms of administration perform duties that complement each other. The national government is headed by the president while counties are headed by 47 governors.

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By | 2024-07-12T17:44:57+03:00 July 12th, 2024|History and government|
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