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Objectives of history and government

Objectives of history and governmentObjectives of history and government (HAG) are a crucial consideration for learners enrolled in this popular group 3 subject. You need to master the objectives of HAG to handle continuous assessment tests and KCSE exams successfully. In this article, we respond the question, “what are the objectives of history and government” as requested by several followers.

What are the objectives of history and government?

The objectives of HAG are general outcomes that students must grasp at the end of history and government class. Each HAG student must understand the objectives of the course because the goals of the subject will help you identify crucial concepts that you must cover before CATs and KCSE. The main objective of teaching local history is to help learners understand their community. Generally, the following are the objectives of history and government in Kenya.

  1. Help learners should appreciate the importance of studying history and government.
  2. To help learners understand how people and events in the past have shaped how people lived and behaved.
  3. Appreciate the importance of mutual responsibility
  4. Develop a sense of patriotism and national pride
  5. Investigate and analyze crucial historical social-economic-political organizations of African societies.
  6. Help learners recognize and appreciate rights, privileges for oneself and others to promote peace and justice
  7. Enhance a sense of patriotism, nationalism and national unity.
  8. Promote encouragement and sustenance of moral and social responsibility
  9. Promote a sense of democracy for Kenya and other nations
  10. Promote understanding of intra-national and international relationship
  11. Promote higher education in HAG
  12. Appreciate the significance of interdependence among people and nations
  13. Identify, and evaluate different methods of influencing development at community, national and global levels.
  14. Showcase acquisition and development of positive attitudes for self-reliance
  15. Develop useful competencies for technological and industrial processes.

Final word

HAG is a popular subject in secondary schools. It is taught in private and government schools. Although history is an optional subject, those who take it gain various benefits aligned to the course. There are objectives of the course that learners must grasp at the end of the program. In Kenya the objectives of history and government include; developing a sense of patriotism among the learners, appreciating how past events and personalities have shaped current leadership styles, promoting democracy, and career development among others.

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By | 2024-07-12T13:41:19+03:00 July 12th, 2024|History and government|
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