**Don’t Risk Your Future – A Wrong Course Choice Can Ruin It. Get Expert Curated PDF Course Guides. [Learn More](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**
**Don’t Risk Your Future – A Wrong Course Choice Can Ruin It. Get Expert Curated PDF Course Guides. [Learn More](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**

University course selection Kenya

University course selection KenyaUniversity course selection Kenya is crucial and undertaken with great care. Unfortunately, many university applicants complete their course application exercise without the seriousness and keenness of the process it deserves. A wrong course selection move can negatively impact your future. Conversely, informed campus course selection can empower your future.

PAY ATTENTION. We have created a practical course selection guide to help college and university applicants make informed course selections. [Download here].

Mistakes to avoid in university course selection Kenya

There are many mistakes that the majority of students make when completing university and college course selection in Kenya. However, with the right guidance and support course applicants can avoid serious mistakes that can hinder them from pursuing the careers of their choice. Our course selection guide in PDF will show you what those mistakes are and how to avoid them.

If you are not guided, you are likely to make serious mistakes when selecting your university course. The course guide PDF under reference offers practical tips supported by real-life examples to help you make informed university course selections. By following the guidance given in the PDF booklet, you will be on your way to informed course selection.

Course selection Kenya requirements

Does C+ qualify for university you ask? The minimum entry requirement for university degree courses is C+ and above. So, with a C+ you qualify for university admissions. Besides, you qualify with a KCSE mean grade C- or equivalent plus a Certificate and Diploma. The minimum entry requirement for Diploma Programmes is C – (minus); for Craft Certificate Courses is D (plain); and for Artisan Certificate courses is D- (minus) and below.

Final word

University course selection Kenya is crucial and undertaken with great care. Unfortunately, many university applicants complete their course application exercise without the seriousness and keenness of the process it deserves. We have created a carefully summarized PDF guide to help you make informed course choices. There are many mistakes that the majority of students make when completing university and college course selection in Kenya. Our course selection guide in PDF will show you what those mistakes are and how to avoid them. To get the course choice guide, [Download it here].

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By | 2024-09-14T17:11:03+03:00 September 14th, 2024|Career guidance|
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