Tvet courses offered are categorized into three major groups; artisan, craft, and diploma programs. They are courses whose curriculum is designed to impart practical skills to young people to become qualified; artisans, craftsmen, and technicians. Tvet courses have been known for their high level of employ-ability compared to many other academic programs such as degree courses.
In this article, we share a broad list of tvet courses available in each category to help you make informed career choice. In addition, we will describe the admission requirements of all the tvet courses categories; artisan, craft, and diploma programs.
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All Tvet Courses
Whether you want to become an artisan, craftsman or technician, there are hundreds of tvet courses you can consider depending on your career interests and academic prowess. The following courses comprise of all tvet courses categories including; artisan, craft, and diploma courses;
- Grade III, II and I in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
- Trade test in hair and beauty therapy
- Artisan in Hair and Beauty Therapy
- NVCET level I & II in hairdressing and beauty therapy
- NVCET in hair dressing
- Trade Test III in Carpentry and Joinery
- Artisan in Carpentry & Joinery
- Artisan in plumbing
- Artisan in plumbing works
- Artisan in plumbing & building services
- NVCET in plumbing
- Grade Test in plumbing
- Artisan certificate in electrical installation
- Artisan in electrical
- Artisan in electrical engineering
- Artisan in electrical and electronics
- Artisan in electrical and electronics technology
- Trade test in electrical wireman
- Grade (I, II & III) in electrical wireman
- Artisan certificate in electrical wireman
- NVCET in electrical installation
- NVCET in electrical and electronics technology
- NVCET level I & II in electrical and electronics
- Grade test in electrical installation and wiring
- Grade test III in electrical installation
- Trade test in electrical engineering
- Trade test in electrical fitter
- NVCET in welding
- Artisan in arc welding
- Trade test III & I in arc welding
- Grade III in arc welder
- Trade test in gas welding
- Artisan in welding and fabrication
- Artisan in welding & fabrication
- Artisan craft in welding and fabrication
- Trade test in welding & fabrication
- Trade test grade III in welding
- Artisan in general agriculture
- NVCET in modern methods of agriculture (agribusiness development)
- Artisan certificate in agribusiness
- NVCET in I and II in agribusiness management
- NVCET refrigeration and air conditioning
- Artisan in Information Communication Technology
- NVCET in Information Communication Technology/ NVCET (ICT)
- Trade test in ICT
- Trade test in leatherwork technology
- Trade test in leatherwork
- Artisan certificate in food and beverage production and service
- Artisan in food and beverage production, sales and service
- Artisan in food and beverage
- Artisan craft in food & beverage
- Trade test in food processing
- Trade test in food processing technology
- Artisan in food processing technology
- Artisan certificate in building technology
- Artisan in building construction technology
- NVCET in building technology
- Artisan certificate in motor vehicle mechanics
- Artisan craft in motor vehicle mechanics
- Artisan in motor vehicle technology
- Artisan in automotive vehicle mechanics
- Artisan in automotive engineering
- Trade test in automotive vehicle mechanics
- Trade test in automotive engineering
- Artisan in motor vehicle electrical (wiring)
- Artisan in store-keeping/ store keeping
- Artisan in catering and accommodation
- Artisan in general fitters
- Trade test in general fitters
- Artisan in mechanical engineering
- Artisan in automotive engineering
- Artisan in masonry
- Artisan/ Trade test in masonry
- Grade III in masonry
- Trade test in fashion design and garment making
- Grade III, II & I in tailoring and dress making
- Artisan in dressmaking and tailoring
- Grade in garment making
- Trade test in garment making
- Trade test in garment making and fashion design
- Artisan in garment making
- Artisan craft in garment making
- Artisan in fashion design and garment making
- Artisan in fashion design and garment making technology
- Artisan in fashion & design
- NVCET in fashion and design
- NVCET in garment making and fashion design
- Trade Test in Solar Photovoltaic
- Trade test in clothing
- Single and group certificate secretarial studies
- Artisan in secretarial
- Artisan in accounting technician
- Craft certificate in motor vehicle mechanics
- Craft certificate in automobiles technology
- Craft certificate in motor vehicle technology
- Craft certificate in automotive engineering
- Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (automotive option)
- Craft certificate in vehicle engineering
- Craft certificate in food and beverage
- Craft certificate in food and beverage management
- Craft certificate in food and beverage production
- Craft certificate in food and beverage production, sales and service
- Certificate in freight management
- Craft certificate in electrical engineering
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronics technology
- Craft certificate in electrical engineering and electronic technology (telecommunication option).
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronic engineering (power option).
- Craft certificate in electrical technology (power)
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronics
- Craft certificate in wireman
- Craft certificate in electrical installation
- Craft certificate in electrical installation and maintenance
- Craft certificate in telecommunication and power
- Craft certificate in electrical technology (telecommunication option)
- Craft certificate in electrical engineering (telecommunication option)
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronic technology (telecommunication)
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronic engineering (telecommunication)
- Craft certificate in telecommunication and power
- Craft certificate in telecommunication engineering
- Craft certificate in telecommunication
- Craft certificate in plumbing
- Craft certificate in plumbing technology
- Craft certificate in plumbing and pipe fitting
- Craft certificate in plumbing and water services
- Craft certificate in plumbing and building services
- Craft certificate in nutrition and dietetics
- Certificate in pastry and baking technology
- Certificate in baking technology
- Certificate in nature interpretation and tour administration
- Craft certificate in mechanical engineering
- Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (production option)
- Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (marine)
- Craft certificate in mechatronics engineering
- Certificate in metal work and process technology
- Craft certificate in information studies
- Craft certificate in information science
- Craft certificate in archives and information sciences
- Craft certificate in library information science
- Craft certificate in information studies (library science)
- Craft in library science
- Craft certificate in archives and information studies
- Craft certificate in library archival studies
- Craft certificate in library science
- Craft certificate in library information studies
- Craft certificate in library science
- Craft certificate in library information studies
- Craft certificate in library and information technology
- Craft certificate in information studies (library science)
- Craft certificate in library and archives studies
- Craft certificate in archives and information studies
- Craft certificate in information technology, (IT)
- Craft certificate in information communication technology, (ICT)
- Craft certificate in petroleum geoscience
- Craft certificate in welding and fabrication
- Craft certificate in welding
- Craft certificate in journalism and mass media
- Craft certificate in fisheries technology
- Craft certificate in aquaculture
- Craft certificate in building construction
- Craft certificate in building and construction technology
- Craft certificate in building and civil engineering
- Craft certificate in building technology
- Craft certificate in plant mechanics
- Craft certificate in construction plant mechanics
- Craft certificate in clothing technology
- Craft certificate in clothing design
- Craft certificate in fashion design
- Craft certificate in tailoring and dressmaking
- Craft certificate in fashion design and garment making
- Craft certificate in fashion design and clothing
- Craft certificate in knitting
- Craft certificate in garment making
- Craft certificate in community wildlife management
- Craft certificate in electrical instrumentation
- Craft certificate in electrical instrumentation and control
- Craft certificate in electrical and electrical engineering (instrumentation and control option)
- Craft certificate in civil engineering
- Craft certificate in building and civil engineering
- Craft certificate in water engineering
- Craft certificate in water resources technology and management
- Craft certificate in water technology
- Craft certificate in clerical operations
- Craft certificate in road transport management
- Craft certificate in tour guide
- Craft certificate in tour guiding and travel
- Craft certificate in tour guiding operations
- Craft certificate in tourism management
- Craft certificate in carpentry and furniture technology
- Craft certificate in carpentry and joinery
- Craft certificate in customs administration
- Craft certificate in tax administration
- Craft certificate in food processing technology
- Craft certificate in food science and processing technology
- Craft certificate in food science technology
- Craft Certificate in Food Processing and Preservation
- Craft certificate in accountancy
- Craft certificate in accounting
- Craft Certificate in accounting technician
- Craft certificate in accounting and management skills
- Craft certificate in hairdressing and beauty therapy
- Craft certificate in general agriculture
- Craft certificate in agriculture and community development
- Craft certificate in entrepreneurial agriculture
- Craft certificate in agricultural engineering
- Craft certificate in agricultural technology
- Craft certificate in agricultural mechanics
- Craft certificate in aquaculture
- Craft certificate in fisheries technology
- Craft certificate in human resources management
- Craft certificate in social development
- Craft certificate in community development
- Craft certificate in social work and community development
- Craft certificate in community development
- Craft certificate in social work and community development
- Craft certificate in social development
- Craft certificate in social work
- Craft certificate in social work and community development
- Craft certificate in supply chain management
- Craft certificate in supplies chain management
- Craft certificate in purchasing and supply management
- Craft certificate in storekeeping
- Craft certificate in storekeeping
- Craft certificate in business management
- Craft certificate in business administration
- Craft certificate in credit management
- Craft certificate in banking
- Craft certificate in banking and finance
- Craft certificate in cooperative management
- Craft certificate in land surveying
- Craft certificate in survey and mapping
- Craft certificate in laundry and housekeeping
- Craft certificate in catering and accommodation management
- Craft certificate in catering and accommodation operation
- Craft certificate in science laboratory technology
- Craft certificate in secretarial studies
- Craft certificate in computerized secretarial studies
- Craft certificate in road construction technology
- Craft certificate in road and bridge construction
- Craft certificate in road building and construction
- Craft certificate in sales and marketing
- Craft certificate in health records and IT
- Craft certificate in records maintenance
- Craft certificate in project management
- Certificate in early childhood development and education
- Craft certificate in computer studies
- Craft certificate in computer packages
- Craft certificate in computer systems and application packages
- Early Childhood Education
- Teacher Certificate in Adult Education
- Special Needs Education
- However, if you are a special needs student (visually or hearing impaired), you can study a diploma in primary teacher education.
- Diploma in teacher education (English and geography)
- Diploma in teacher education (Kiswahili and geography)
- Diploma in teacher education (Kiswahili and history)
- Diploma in teacher education (geography/ business studies)
- Diploma in teacher education (physics and computer studies)
- Diploma in teacher education (mathematics and computer studies)
- Diploma in teacher education (math’s and geography)
- Diploma in teacher education (physics and chemistry)
- Diploma in teacher education (physics and mathematics)
- Diploma in teacher education (art and design/ English)
- Diploma in teacher education (art and design/ Kiswahili)
- Diploma in teacher education (biology/ mathematics)
- Diploma in teacher education (mathematics/ business studies)
- Diploma in teacher education (chemistry/ mathematics)
- Diploma in teacher education (biology/ chemistry)
- Diploma in teacher education (agriculture/ chemistry)
- Diploma in teacher education (agriculture/ biology)
- Diploma in teacher education (French/ English)
- Diploma in teacher education (German/ English)
- Diploma in teacher education (geography/ Christian Religious Education, CRE)
- Diploma in teacher education (English and CRE)
- Diploma in teacher education (Kiswahili and CRE)
- Diploma in teacher education (English and history)
- Diploma in teacher education (history and CRE)
- Diploma in teacher education (geography/ history)
- Diploma in teacher education (IRE with English)
- Diploma in teacher education (Islamic Religious Education, IRE with either Arabic/ Kiswahili/ geography/ English or history)
- Diploma in teacher education (French with either history, geography, CRE, IRE or English)
- Diploma in teacher education (music/ English)
- Diploma in teacher education (music/ Kiswahili)
- Diploma in agricultural education and extension
- Diploma in agricultural extension and community development
- Diploma in counselling psychology
- Diploma in guidance and counselling
- Diploma in applied statistics
- Diploma in disaster management
- Diploma in software development
- Diploma in computer systems
- Diploma in computer studies
- Diploma in computer science
- Diploma in information technology
- Diploma in information communication technology, ICT
- Diploma in business information technology
- Diploma in early childhood education
- Diploma in early childhood development
- Diploma in refrigeration and air condition
- Diploma in sugar agronomy
- Diploma in cooperative management
- Diploma in horticulture
- Diploma in agriculture
- Diploma in general agriculture
- Diploma in agriculture, human ecology and consumer science
- Diploma in agriculture and biotechnology
- Diploma in fisheries and aquatic sciences
- Diploma in agricultural irrigation and drainage engineering
- Diploma in agricultural engineering
- Diploma in water resources
- Diploma in water technology
- Diploma in water technology (water supply option)
- Diploma in water engineering
- Diploma in animal production and health management
- Diploma in electronics
- Diploma in electronics (IVQ) level 2
- Diploma in electrical and electronics technology
- Diploma in electrical and electronics technology (power)
- Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering
- Diploma in electrical & electronics
- Diploma in electrical engineering
- Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering (power option)
- Diploma in electrical engineering (power option)
- Diploma in electrical and electronics technology (telecommunication option)
- Diploma in electrical & electronics engineering (telecommunication option)
- Diploma in telecommunication engineering
- Diploma in electrical (telecommunication)
- Diploma in technology (telecommunication & information engineering)
- Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering (instrumentation option)
- Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering (instrumentation & control)
- Diploma in technology (instrumentation & control)
- Diploma in technology (electronics and automation engineering)
- Diploma in technology in electrical power engineering
- Diploma in technology in electronic engineering
- Diploma in sports administration and management
- Diploma in welding and fabrication
- Diploma in customs administration
- Diploma in tax administration
- Diploma in analytical chemistry
- Diploma in applied chemistry
- Diploma in environmental sciences
- Diploma in environmental management
- Diploma in applied biology
- Diploma in science laboratory technology
- Diploma in water and waste water laboratory technology
- Diploma in risk management and insurance
- Diploma in pharmacy
- Diploma in pharmaceutical technology
- Diploma in medical engineering
- Diploma in technology medical engineering
- Diploma in medical laboratory science
- Diploma in medical laboratory sciences
- Diploma in medical laboratory technology
- Diploma in environmental health sciences
- Diploma in health promotion and education
- Diploma in community health and HIV management
- Diploma in community and public health
- Diploma in community health
- Diploma in community health & development
- Diploma in community health and nutrition
- Diploma in medical-biotechnology
- Diploma in supply chain management
- Diploma in supplies chain management
- Diploma in purchasing and supplies management
- Diploma in supplies management
- Diploma in procurement and materials management
- Diploma in shipping
- Diploma in airports operations
- Diploma in air cargo management
- Diploma in freight operations and dispatch
- Diploma in freight management
- Diploma in logistics and transport management
- Diploma in road transport management
- Diploma in transport management
- Diploma in petroleum management
- Diploma in petroleum and geoscience
- Diploma in mechanical technology
- Diploma in mechanical engineering
- Diploma in mechanical engineering (plant option)
- Diploma in mechanical engineering (production option)
- Diploma in mechanical engineering (automotive option)
- Diploma in automotive engineering
- Diploma in motor vehicle systems
- Diploma in motor vehicle mechanics
- Diploma in motor vehicle systems technician
- Diploma in international vocational qualification level 2 in motor vehicle systems
- Diploma in mechatronics
- Diploma in mechatronic engineering
- Diploma in building and civil engineering
- Diploma in civil engineering
- Diploma in civil engineering technology
- Diploma in highways engineering
- Diploma in road construction
- Diploma in construction plant
- Diploma in construction plant engineering
- Diploma in building technology
- Diploma in building engineering technology
- Diploma in building construction technology
- Diploma in building and construction
- Diploma in construction management
- Diploma in architecture
- Diploma in quantity surveying
- Diploma in map production (printing)
- Diploma in land surveying
- Diploma in photogrammetry and remote sensing
- Diploma in cartography
- Diploma in nutrition & dietetics
- Diploma in nutrition & dietetic management
- Diploma in dietetic management
- Diploma in dietetics management
- Diploma in nutrition and diet management
- Diploma in international tourism
- Diploma in tourism management
- Diploma in technology (tourism and travel management)
- Diploma in tourism and hospitality management
- Diploma in hospitality management
- Diploma in hotel and institutional management
- Diploma in baking technology
- Diploma in housekeeping and laundry
- Diploma in catering and hotel management
- Diploma in catering and accommodation management
- Diploma in catering and accommodation operations
- Diploma in technology (event and convention management)
- Diploma in tour guiding and travels
- Diploma in tour guiding
- Diploma in marine engineering
- Diploma in nautical sciences
- Diploma in chemical engineering
- Diploma in computerized secretarial studies
- Diploma in secretarial studies (computerized)
- Diploma in secretarial studies
- Diploma in secretarial studies and office management
- Diploma in front office operations and customer care
- Diploma in social work and community development
- Diploma in social work and development
- Diploma in community development and social work
- Diploma in community development and counselling
- Diploma in community development
- Diploma in aeronautical engineering (avionics)
- Diploma in aeronautical engineering (airframes and engines)
- Diploma in technology (aeronautical engineering)
- Diploma in wildlife management
- Diploma in journalism & media
- Diploma in mass communication
- Diploma in human resource management
- Diploma in criminology and justice
- Diploma in security and intelligence studies
- Diploma in music and dance
- Diploma in archives and records management
- Diploma in health records and IT
- Diploma in health records and information
- Diploma in information science
- Diploma in international vocational qualification in information studies level 2
- Diploma in information studies
- Diploma in library and information science
- Diploma in library and information studies
- Diploma in public relations
- Diploma in public relations and creative advertising
- Diploma in business administration
- Diploma in business administration/ management
- Diploma in business management
- Diploma in leadership and management
- Diploma in management
- Diploma in county governance and ethics
- Diploma in agribusiness management
- Diploma in farm business management
- Diploma in entrepreneurship development
- Diploma in entrepreneurial agriculture
- Diploma in entrepreneurship
- Diploma in entrepreneurship education
- Diploma in food technology and quality assurance
- Diploma in food science and processing technology
- Diploma in food science and technology
- Diploma in food technology
- Diploma in industrial microbiology and biotechnology
- Diploma in project management
- Diploma in micro finance
- Diploma in credit management
- Diploma in banking and finance
- Diploma in banking
- Diploma in accountancy
- Diploma accounting technician 1
- Diploma accounting technicians
- Accounting technician diploma
- Diploma in accounting and finance
- Diploma in accountant technician
- Diploma in accountant’s technicians diploma
- Diploma accounting technician 2
- Diploma in marketing
- Diploma in sales and marketing
- Diploma in clothing technology
- Diploma in fashion design and garment making
- Diploma in fashion and garment making
- Diploma in fashion design and garment making technology
- Diploma in fashion design & clothing
- Diploma in clothing technology
- Diploma in clothing and textile
- Diploma in food and beverage
- Diploma in food and beverages production
- Diploma in food and beverage management
- Diploma in food and beverage production, sales and service management
- Diploma in food and beverage production and service management
- Diploma in graphic design
Tvet Artisan Courses
The admission requirements for artisan tvet courses is KCPE or KCSE mean grade of D- (minus) downwards. The following is comprehensive list of artisan tvet courses you can explore to actualize your career dreams.
- Grade III, II and I in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
- Trade test in hair and beauty therapy
- Artisan in Hair and Beauty Therapy
- NVCET level I & II in hairdressing and beauty therapy
- NVCET in hair dressing
- Trade Test III in Carpentry and Joinery
- Artisan in Carpentry & Joinery
- Artisan in plumbing
- Artisan in plumbing works
- Artisan in plumbing & building services
- NVCET in plumbing
- Grade Test in plumbing
- Artisan certificate in electrical installation
- Artisan in electrical
- Artisan in electrical engineering
- Artisan in electrical and electronics
- Artisan in electrical and electronics technology
- Trade test in electrical wireman
- Grade (I, II & III) in electrical wireman
- Artisan certificate in electrical wireman
- NVCET in electrical installation
- NVCET in electrical and electronics technology
- NVCET level I & II in electrical and electronics
- Grade test in electrical installation and wiring
- Grade test III in electrical installation
- Trade test in electrical engineering
- Trade test in electrical fitter
- NVCET in welding
- Artisan in arc welding
- Trade test III & I in arc welding
- Grade III in arc welder
- Trade test in gas welding
- Artisan in welding and fabrication
- Artisan in welding & fabrication
- Artisan craft in welding and fabrication
- Trade test in welding & fabrication
- Trade test grade III in welding
- Artisan in general agriculture
- NVCET in modern methods of agriculture (agribusiness development)
- Artisan certificate in agribusiness
- NVCET in I and II in agribusiness management
- NVCET refrigeration and air conditioning
- Artisan in Information Communication Technology
- NVCET in Information Communication Technology/ NVCET (ICT)
- Trade test in ICT
- Trade test in leatherwork technology
- Trade test in leatherwork
- Artisan certificate in food and beverage production and service
- Artisan in food and beverage production, sales and service
- Artisan in food and beverage
- Artisan craft in food & beverage
- Trade test in food processing
- Trade test in food processing technology
- Artisan in food processing technology
- Artisan certificate in building technology
- Artisan in building construction technology
- NVCET in building technology
- Artisan certificate in motor vehicle mechanics
- Artisan craft in motor vehicle mechanics
- Artisan in motor vehicle technology
- Artisan in automotive vehicle mechanics
- Artisan in automotive engineering
- Trade test in automotive vehicle mechanics
- Trade test in automotive engineering
- Artisan in motor vehicle electrical (wiring)
- Artisan in storekeeping/ store keeping
- Artisan in catering and accommodation
- Artisan in general fitters
- Trade test in general fitters
- Artisan in mechanical engineering
- Artisan in automotive engineering
- Artisan in masonry
- Artisan/ Trade test in masonry
- Grade III in masonry
- Trade test in fashion design and garment making
- Grade III, II & I in tailoring and dress making
- Artisan in dressmaking and tailoring
- Grade in garment making
- Trade test in garment making
- Trade test in garment making and fashion design
- Artisan in garment making
- Artisan craft in garment making
- Artisan in fashion design and garment making
- Artisan in fashion design and garment making technology
- Artisan in fashion & design
- NVCET in fashion and design
- NVCET in garment making and fashion design
- Trade Test in Solar Photovoltaic
- Trade test in clothing
- Single and group certificate secretarial studies
- Artisan in secretarial
- Artisan in accounting technician
Craft Tvet Courses
The admission requirements for craft tvet courses is KCSE mean grade D (plain) and above. You can become a qualified craftsman by enrolling in one of the following craft tvet courses;
- Craft certificate in motor vehicle mechanics
- Craft certificate in automobiles technology
- Craft certificate in motor vehicle technology
- Craft certificate in automotive engineering
- Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (automotive option)
- Craft certificate in vehicle engineering
- Craft certificate in food and beverage
- Craft certificate in food and beverage management
- Craft certificate in food and beverage production
- Craft certificate in food and beverage production, sales and service
- Certificate in freight management
- Craft certificate in electrical engineering
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronics technology
- Craft certificate in electrical engineering and electronic technology (telecommunication option).
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronic engineering (power option).
- Craft certificate in electrical technology (power)
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronics
- Craft certificate in wireman
- Craft certificate in electrical installation
- Craft certificate in electrical installation and maintenance
- Craft certificate in telecommunication and power
- Craft certificate in electrical technology (telecommunication option)
- Craft certificate in electrical engineering (telecommunication option)
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronic technology (telecommunication)
- Craft certificate in electrical and electronic engineering (telecommunication)
- Craft certificate in telecommunication and power
- Craft certificate in telecommunication engineering
- Craft certificate in telecommunication
- Craft certificate in plumbing
- Craft certificate in plumbing technology
- Craft certificate in plumbing and pipe fitting
- Craft certificate in plumbing and water services
- Craft certificate in plumbing and building services
- Craft certificate in nutrition and dietetics
- Certificate in pastry and baking technology
- Certificate in baking technology
- Certificate in nature interpretation and tour administration
- Craft certificate in mechanical engineering
- Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (production option)
- Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (marine)
- Craft certificate in mechatronics engineering
- Certificate in metal work and process technology
- Craft certificate in information studies
- Craft certificate in information science
- Craft certificate in archives and information sciences
- Craft certificate in library information science
- Craft certificate in information studies (library science)
- Craft in library science
- Craft certificate in archives and information studies
- Craft certificate in library archival studies
- Craft certificate in library science
- Craft certificate in library information studies
- Craft certificate in library science
- Craft certificate in library information studies
- Craft certificate in library and information technology
- Craft certificate in information studies (library science)
- Craft certificate in library and archives studies
- Craft certificate in archives and information studies
- Craft certificate in information technology, (IT)
- Craft certificate in information communication technology, (ICT)
- Craft certificate in petroleum geoscience
- Craft certificate in welding and fabrication
- Craft certificate in welding
- Craft certificate in journalism and mass media
- Craft certificate in fisheries technology
- Craft certificate in aquaculture
- Craft certificate in building construction
- Craft certificate in building and construction technology
- Craft certificate in building and civil engineering
- Craft certificate in building technology
- Craft certificate in plant mechanics
- Craft certificate in construction plant mechanics
- Craft certificate in clothing technology
- Craft certificate in clothing design
- Craft certificate in fashion design
- Craft certificate in tailoring and dressmaking
- Craft certificate in fashion design and garment making
- Craft certificate in fashion design and clothing
- Craft certificate in knitting
- Craft certificate in garment making
- Craft certificate in community wildlife management
- Craft certificate in electrical instrumentation
- Craft certificate in electrical instrumentation and control
- Craft certificate in electrical and electrical engineering (instrumentation and control option)
- Craft certificate in civil engineering
- Craft certificate in building and civil engineering
- Craft certificate in water engineering
- Craft certificate in water resources technology and management
- Craft certificate in water technology
- Craft certificate in clerical operations
- Craft certificate in road transport management
- Craft certificate in tour guide
- Craft certificate in tour guiding and travel
- Craft certificate in tour guiding operations
- Craft certificate in tourism management
- Craft certificate in carpentry and furniture technology
- Craft certificate in carpentry and joinery
- Craft certificate in customs administration
- Craft certificate in tax administration
- Craft certificate in food processing technology
- Craft certificate in food science and processing technology
- Craft certificate in food science technology
- Craft Certificate in Food Processing and Preservation
- Craft certificate in accountancy
- Craft certificate in accounting
- Craft Certificate in accounting technician
- Craft certificate in accounting and management skills
- Craft certificate in hairdressing and beauty therapy
- Craft certificate in general agriculture
- Craft certificate in agriculture and community development
- Craft certificate in entrepreneurial agriculture
- Craft certificate in agricultural engineering
- Craft certificate in agricultural technology
- Craft certificate in agricultural mechanics
- Craft certificate in aquaculture
- Craft certificate in fisheries technology
- Craft certificate in human resources management
- Craft certificate in social development
- Craft certificate in community development
- Craft certificate in social work and community development
- Craft certificate in community development
- Craft certificate in social work and community development
- Craft certificate in social development
- Craft certificate in social work
- Craft certificate in social work and community development
- Craft certificate in supply chain management
- Craft certificate in supplies chain management
- Craft certificate in purchasing and supply management
- Craft certificate in storekeeping
- Craft certificate in storekeeping
- Craft certificate in business management
- Craft certificate in business administration
- Craft certificate in credit management
- Craft certificate in banking
- Craft certificate in banking and finance
- Craft certificate in cooperative management
- Craft certificate in land surveying
- Craft certificate in survey and mapping
- Craft certificate in laundry and housekeeping
- Craft certificate in catering and accommodation management
- Craft certificate in catering and accommodation operation
- Craft certificate in science laboratory technology
- Craft certificate in secretarial studies
- Craft certificate in computerized secretarial studies
- Craft certificate in road construction technology
- Craft certificate in road and bridge construction
- Craft certificate in road building and construction
- Craft certificate in sales and marketing
- Craft certificate in health records and IT
- Craft certificate in records maintenance
- Craft certificate in project management
- Certificate in early childhood development and education
- Craft certificate in computer studies
- Craft certificate in computer packages
- Craft certificate in computer systems and application packages
Teaching Tvet Courses
Ever dreamed of becoming a teacher? The following are tvet courses you can consider for a career in teaching. The admission requirements for courses 1 to 3 below is KCSE C-, while the rest of the teaching courses require a KCSE mean grade of C+, with C+ in the two teaching subjects.
- Early Childhood Education
- Teacher Certificate in Adult Education
- Special Needs Education
- Diploma in teacher education (English and geography)
- Diploma in teacher education (Kiswahili and geography)
- Diploma in teacher education (Kiswahili and history)
- Diploma in teacher education (geography/ business studies)
- Diploma in teacher education (physics and computer studies)
- Diploma in teacher education (mathematics and computer studies)
- Diploma in teacher education (math and geography)
- Diploma in teacher education (physics and chemistry)
- Diploma in teacher education (physics and mathematics)
- Diploma in teacher education (art and design/ English)
- Diploma in teacher education (art and design/ Kiswahili)
- Diploma in teacher education (biology/ mathematics)
- Diploma in teacher education (mathematics/ business studies)
- Diploma in teacher education (chemistry/ mathematics)
- Diploma in teacher education (biology/ chemistry)
- Diploma in teacher education (agriculture/ chemistry)
- Diploma in teacher education (agriculture/ biology)
- Diploma in teacher education (French/ English)
- Diploma in teacher education (German/ English)
- Diploma in teacher education (geography/ Christian Religious Education, CRE)
- Diploma in teacher education (English and CRE)
- Diploma in teacher education (Kiswahili and CRE)
- Diploma in teacher education (English and history)
- Diploma in teacher education (history and CRE)
- Diploma in teacher education (geography/ history)
- Diploma in teacher education (IRE with English)
- Diploma in teacher education (Islamic Religious Education, IRE with either Arabic/ Kiswahili/ geography/ English or history)
- Diploma in teacher education (French with either history, geography, CRE, IRE or English)
- Diploma in teacher education (music/ English)
- Diploma in teacher education (music/ Kiswahili)
- Diploma in agricultural education and extension
Technical Diploma Tvet Courses
Do you have a KCSE mean grade C- (minus) and above? The following are a broad list of diploma tvet courses that will equip you with the skills to become a skilled technician;
- Diploma in agricultural extension and community development
- Diploma in counselling psychology
- Diploma in guidance and counselling
- Diploma in applied statistics
- Diploma in disaster management
- Diploma in software development
- Diploma in computer systems
- Diploma in computer studies
- Diploma in computer science
- Diploma in information technology
- Diploma in information communication technology, ICT
- Diploma in business information technology
- Diploma in early childhood education
- Diploma in early childhood development
- Diploma in refrigeration and air condition
- Diploma in sugar agronomy
- Diploma in cooperative management
- Diploma in horticulture
- Diploma in agriculture
- Diploma in general agriculture
- Diploma in agriculture, human ecology and consumer science
- Diploma in agriculture and biotechnology
- Diploma in fisheries and aquatic sciences
- Diploma in agricultural irrigation and drainage engineering
- Diploma in agricultural engineering
- Diploma in water resources
- Diploma in water technology
- Diploma in water technology (water supply option)
- Diploma in water engineering
- Diploma in animal production and health management
- Diploma in electronics
- Diploma in electronics (IVQ) level 2
- Diploma in electrical and electronics technology
- Diploma in electrical and electronics technology (power)
- Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering
- Diploma in electrical & electronics
- Diploma in electrical engineering
- Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering (power option)
- Diploma in electrical engineering (power option)
- Diploma in electrical and electronics technology (telecommunication option)
- Diploma in electrical & electronics engineering (telecommunication option)
- Diploma in telecommunication engineering
- Diploma in electrical (telecommunication)
- Diploma in technology (telecommunication & information engineering)
- Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering (instrumentation option)
- Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering (instrumentation & control)
- Diploma in technology (instrumentation & control)
- Diploma in technology (electronics and automation engineering)
- Diploma in technology in electrical power engineering
- Diploma in technology in electronic engineering
- Diploma in sports administration and management
- Diploma in welding and fabrication
- Diploma in customs administration
- Diploma in tax administration
- Diploma in analytical chemistry
- Diploma in applied chemistry
- Diploma in environmental sciences
- Diploma in environmental management
- Diploma in applied biology
- Diploma in science laboratory technology
- Diploma in water and waste water laboratory technology
- Diploma in risk management and insurance
- Diploma in pharmacy
- Diploma in pharmaceutical technology
- Diploma in medical engineering
- Diploma in technology medical engineering
- Diploma in medical laboratory science
- Diploma in medical laboratory sciences
- Diploma in medical laboratory technology
- Diploma in environmental health sciences
- Diploma in health promotion and education
- Diploma in community health and HIV management
- Diploma in community and public health
- Diploma in community health
- Diploma in community health & development
- Diploma in community health and nutrition
- Diploma in medical-biotechnology
- Diploma in supply chain management
- Diploma in supplies chain management
- Diploma in purchasing and supplies management
- Diploma in supplies management
- Diploma in procurement and materials management
- Diploma in shipping
- Diploma in airports operations
- Diploma in air cargo management
- Diploma in freight operations and dispatch
- Diploma in freight management
- Diploma in logistics and transport management
- Diploma in road transport management
- Diploma in transport management
- Diploma in petroleum management
- Diploma in petroleum and geoscience
- Diploma in mechanical technology
- Diploma in mechanical engineering
- Diploma in mechanical engineering (plant option)
- Diploma in mechanical engineering (production option)
- Diploma in mechanical engineering (automotive option)
- Diploma in automotive engineering
- Diploma in motor vehicle systems
- Diploma in motor vehicle mechanics
- Diploma in motor vehicle systems technician
- Diploma in international vocational qualification level 2 in motor vehicle systems
- Diploma in mechatronics
- Diploma in mechatronic engineering
- Diploma in building and civil engineering
- Diploma in civil engineering
- Diploma in civil engineering technology
- Diploma in highways engineering
- Diploma in road construction
- Diploma in construction plant
- Diploma in construction plant engineering
- Diploma in building technology
- Diploma in building engineering technology
- Diploma in building construction technology
- Diploma in building and construction
- Diploma in construction management
- Diploma in architecture
- Diploma in quantity surveying
- Diploma in map production (printing)
- Diploma in land surveying
- Diploma in photogrammetry and remote sensing
- Diploma in cartography
- Diploma in nutrition & dietetics
- Diploma in nutrition & dietetic management
- Diploma in dietetic management
- Diploma in dietetics management
- Diploma in nutrition and diet management
- Diploma in international tourism
- Diploma in tourism management
- Diploma in technology (tourism and travel management)
- Diploma in tourism and hospitality management
- Diploma in hospitality management
- Diploma in hotel and institutional management
- Diploma in baking technology
- Diploma in housekeeping and laundry
- Diploma in catering and hotel management
- Diploma in catering and accommodation management
- Diploma in catering and accommodation operations
- Diploma in technology (event and convention management)
- Diploma in tour guiding and travels
- Diploma in tour guiding
- Diploma in marine engineering
- Diploma in nautical sciences
- Diploma in chemical engineering
- Diploma in computerized secretarial studies
- Diploma in secretarial studies (computerized)
- Diploma in secretarial studies
- Diploma in secretarial studies and office management
- Diploma in front office operations and customer care
- Diploma in social work and community development
- Diploma in social work and development
- Diploma in community development and social work
- Diploma in community development and counselling
- Diploma in community development
- Diploma in aeronautical engineering (avionics)
- Diploma in aeronautical engineering (airframes and engines)
- Diploma in technology (aeronautical engineering)
- Diploma in wildlife management
- Diploma in journalism & media
- Diploma in mass communication
- Diploma in human resource management
- Diploma in criminology and justice
- Diploma in security and intelligence studies
- Diploma in music and dance
- Diploma in archives and records management
- Diploma in health records and IT
- Diploma in health records and information
- Diploma in information science
- Diploma in international vocational qualification in information studies level 2
- Diploma in information studies
- Diploma in library and information science
- Diploma in library and information studies
- Diploma in public relations
- Diploma in public relations and creative advertising
- Diploma in business administration
- Diploma in business administration/ management
- Diploma in business management
- Diploma in leadership and management
- Diploma in management
- Diploma in county governance and ethics
- Diploma in agribusiness management
- Diploma in farm business management
- Diploma in entrepreneurship development
- Diploma in entrepreneurial agriculture
- Diploma in entrepreneurship
- Diploma in entrepreneurship education
- Diploma in food technology and quality assurance
- Diploma in food science and processing technology
- Diploma in food science and technology
- Diploma in food technology
- Diploma in industrial microbiology and biotechnology
- Diploma in project management
- Diploma in micro finance
- Diploma in credit management
- Diploma in banking and finance
- Diploma in banking
- Diploma in accountancy
- Diploma accounting technician 1
- Diploma accounting technicians
- Accounting technician diploma
- Diploma in accounting and finance
- Diploma in accountant technician
- Diploma in accountant’s technicians diploma
- Diploma accounting technician 2
- Diploma in marketing
- Diploma in sales and marketing
- Diploma in clothing technology
- Diploma in fashion design and garment making
- Diploma in fashion and garment making
- Diploma in fashion design and garment making technology
- Diploma in fashion design & clothing
- Diploma in clothing technology
- Diploma in clothing and textile
- Diploma in food and beverage
- Diploma in food and beverages production
- Diploma in food and beverage management
- Diploma in food and beverage production, sales and service management
- Diploma in food and beverage production and service management
- Diploma in graphic design
Entry Requirements for Tvet Courses
The entry requirements for tvet courses vary on each level of study; artisan, craft and diplomas; for instance;
- Artisan courses require a KCSE mean grade of D- (minus) and below. Those with KCPE including secondary school drop-outs qualify to enroll for artisan courses.
- The requirements for craft tvet courses is KCSE D (plain) and above. Candidates who have completed an artisan course successfully can enroll for a craft course using the artisan certificate.
- Diploma tvet courses require a KCSE mean grade C- (minus) and above.
To summarize admission requirements for tvet courses; KCSE D- (minus) downwards, KCSE D (plain), and KCSE C- (minus) in respective course categories are the minimum requirements for tvet colleges in Kenya. However, the teaching diploma courses require a KCSE mean grade C+ (plus). Other teaching courses such as ECDE require KCSE C-.
What are The Benefits of Tvet Courses?
For a long time, tvet courses have been regarded as vocational programs for school drop-outs or “academic dwarfs” for lack of a better word. However, that is not the case because there are potential benefits of tvet courses such as;
- Practicability of the courses- tvet courses are more practical compared to many other academic programs including degree courses. Young people can be equipped with practical skills through tvet courses than degree courses
- High demand courses- tvet courses are in high demand among businesses looking for fresh, and experienced artisans, craftsmen, and technicians, thus they are some of the most marketable courses in the educational ladder.
- Entrepreneurship capacity- tvet courses empowers young people with market driven skills for starting one’s business related to their field of study.
Final Thoughts
The tvet courses open to young people are as diverse as their career aspirations. Whether you want to become an artisan, craftsman, or a technician, there are hundreds of artisan, craft, and diploma courses you can explore to meet your career aspirations. Depending on your academic performance, you can choose one of the courses listed in this article.
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