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Marketable courses in Kenya

Marketable courses in KenyaMarketable courses in Kenya are synonymous with hotcake courses in Kenya. These are courses believed to have greater job opportunities for graduates. Marketable courses are very competitive during the college application stage because every applicant wants to study them. However, if you find a course with the most job opportunities, you have better chances after.

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Most marketable courses in Kenya

Exploring marketable courses in Kenya can be an uphill task for many students. There are thousands of courses to choose from, so, selecting the best one can be challenging. If you are looking for the most marketable course in Kenya, explore the following carefully curated guide.

  1. Business information technology
  2. Computer science
  3. Software engineering
  4. Information technology
  5. Cybersecurity
  6. Graphic design
  7. Website design
  8. Digital marketing
  9. Data science
  10. Artificial intelligence
  11. Information science
  12. Medicine and surgery
  13. Nursing
  14. Dental surgery
  15. Pharmacy
  16. Clinical medicine
  17. Community health
  18. Construction management
  19. Building technology
  20. Civil engineering
  21. Structural engineering
  22. Architecture
  23. Land survey
  24. Urban planning
  25. Real estate management
  26. Quantity survey
  27. Interior design
  28. Mechanical engineering
  29. Electrical and electronics engineering
  30. Business administration
  31. Supply chain management
  32. Accounting (having CPA is an added advantage
  33. Economics
  34. Agriculture
  35. General agriculture
  36. Animal health
  37. Agronomy and crop science
  38. Horticulture
  39. Veterinary medicine
  40. Primary school teaching courses
  41. Secondary school teaching courses
  42. Tvet trainers

Technology related marketable programs in Kenya

Technology related marketable programs in Kenya are in high demand because they simplify business operations. Virtually every sector today utilizes technology related professionals to enhance operational efficiencies. The following are some of technology related programs on demand in Kenya.

  1. Business information technology
  2. Computer science
  3. Software engineering
  4. Information technology
  5. Cybersecurity
  6. Graphic design
  7. Website design
  8. Digital marketing
  9. Data science
  10. Artificial intelligence
  11. Information science

Healthcare related marketable courses in Kenya

Provision of healthcare is a basic human need. Everyone deserves good health regardless of their social economic backgrounds. For people to get sound healthcare services, there must be competent healthcare personnel. Therefore, careers in the health sector have greater marketability in the job market. Some health related marketable courses in Kenya include;

  1. Medicine and surgery
  2. Nursing
  3. Dental surgery
  4. Pharmacy
  5. Clinical medicine
  6. Community health

Building and engineering programs

Building, construction and engineering programs are some of the marketable courses in Kenya. The courses are in great demand in the building construction field and other related sectors. The following courses have the most job opportunities in the construction and engineering sector.

  1. Construction management
  2. Building technology
  3. Civil engineering
  4. Structural engineering
  5. Architecture
  6. Land survey
  7. Urban planning
  8. Real estate management
  9. Quantity survey
  10. Interior design
  11. Mechanical engineering
  12. Electrical and electronics engineering

Business related marketable programs in Kenya

The business field comprise of some the most marketable courses in Kenya. Business courses are in high demand across many sectors. Skills acquired in many business courses are transferable to many fields. The following are some popular business courses in Kenya

  1. Business administration
  2. Supply chain management
  3. Accounting (having CPA is an added advantage
  4. Economics

Agriculture courses in Kenya

Agriculture remains Kenya’s economy backbone. It employs a significant number of Kenyans both professionals and smallholder farmers. To remain competitive, there is a growing demand for skilled agricultural officers. Thus, the following agriculture related programs are marketable in Kenya.

  1. Agriculture
  2. General agriculture
  3. Animal health
  4. Agronomy and crop science
  5. Horticulture
  6. Veterinary medicine

Education courses

Education or rather teaching remains one of the most marketable courses in Kenya. It is a course that empowers you to find a promising job anywhere in the country. Imagine you can even start working as an untrained teacher as you plan to join college or university. The following are some of the marketable teaching courses.

  1. Primary school teaching courses
  2. Secondary school teaching courses
  3. Tvet teachers and trainers

You need different education training for each of the above teaching courses.

Factors to consider when choosing marketable courses

The internet is amassed with information about marketable courses. Don’t trust any information you find online. While some websites may provide generic information, here at Coursebook, we carefully examine course information before giving our opinion; it’s information you can trust. However, you’re encouraged to investigate the courses further before choosing one.

When choosing marketable courses in Kenya, there are some factors you need to consider. The most important factors include;

  1. Your personality
  2. Your interests
  3. Your ability
  4. Market dynamics
  5. Your independent research
  6. Expert help from career advisor.

Final thoughts

The programs discussed above are some of the most marketable courses in Kenya. The field of study can greatly influence your career opportunities. Some courses are marketable than others. It is therefore crucial to select your course very carefully.  If you are not able to decide on your own, seek career guidance from an experienced person. We have a team of career advisors available to guide you. Contact us for personalized help.

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