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Short Courses in Kenya

Short courses in Kenya

Short courses in Kenya have gained popularity due to the flexibility they offer to study different courses anytime, anywhere. Short courses are ideal for school leavers and professionals looking for extra skills to enhance their career within a shorter period. Compared to other courses like diplomas and degrees, short courses in Kenya are quite affordable and can be offered through various avenues such as; one-on-one, or online via platforms like; Zoom, google meet, and others.

By the end of this article, you will discover different short courses in Kenya you can explore to identify your preferred option. Besides, we’ll shortlist several colleges offering short courses to help you make informed choices regarding your desire to upgrade your skills.

238 Short Courses in Kenya

Whether you want to upgrade your skills in IT, hospitality, healthcare, construction, water, environment, business or other fields, there are hundreds of short courses in Kenya you can consider to meet your goals. The following are some of the short courses available to you;

  1. Excel for business
  2. Cyber security
  3. Graphic design
  4. Digital marketing
  5. Python programming
  6. Fundamentals of GIS
  7. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
  8. AutoCAD Civil 3D
  9. International Computer Driving License (ICDL)
  10. Monitoring and evaluation
  11. Leadership skills
  12. CCTV installation
  13. Criminology
  14. Film production
  15. Video editing
  16. Photojournalism
  17. Events management
  18. Advocacy and lobbying
  19. First aid management
  20. Health records management
  21. Public relations
  22. Psychology
  23. Marketing
  24. Digital marketing
  25. Customer care management
  26. Public procurement
  27. Store keeping
  28. NGO management
  29. Electrical wireman/ installation
  30. Computer networking
  31. Juice making and cocktails
  32. bookkeeping
  33. School/ college management
  34. Drug abuse and rehabilitation
  35. Conflict management
  36. Conflict management
  37. HIV/AIDs management
  38. Solar technology
  39. Integrated management of acute malfunction
  40. Computer packages
  41. Computer repair and maintenance
  42. Welding
  43. Bakery technology
  44. Waiting and waitress
  45. Entrepreneurship management
  46. Financial management
  47. Ethics and county rights
  48. Gender and human rights
  49. Investment
  50. Project management
  51. Sales and marketing
  52. Disaster management
  53. City skills
  54. Food and beverage management
  55. French
  56. English
  57. Front office management
  58. Instructional leadership programme
  59. Guidance and counselling for schools
  60. Strategic instructional leadership course
  61. Transformative leadership
  62. Financial management for Bursars and Accounts clerks
  63. Career guidance and counseling for TVET institutions
  64. Public procurement for education institutions
  65. Schools of excellence
  66. Education for sustainable development
  67. The 21st century teacher
  68. Data security and management
  69. Digital skills for education managers
  70. Online safety and security
  71. ICT integration in education management
  72. ICT integration in curriculum delivery
  73. Blended and online learning design
  74. Qualitative methods for monitoring and evaluating the quality of education
  75. Human resource management
  76. Customer care and public relations
  77. Quality assurance and standards
  78. Standards assessments and report writing
  79. Institutional based QA
  80. Data mining management and utilization
  81. Using education data to monitor education quality, access and relevance
  82. Education law, policies and reforms
  83. Training of trainers (ToT)
  84. Climate change and health
  85. Psychological first aid
  86. Positive psychology
  87. Addition counseling
  88. Monitoring and evaluation
  89. Leadership, management and governance for health systems strengthening
  90. Practical project design, management and sustainability
  91. Strategic management and leadership (result based management)
  92. Health communication and journalism
  93. Logistics, commodity and supply chain management
  94. Disaster and trauma counseling management
  95. Behavior change and communication
  96. Research methods- quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  97. Finance management for non-finance managers
  98. Training of facilitators (TOF)
  99. Fundraising and resource mobilization
  100. Customer care and management
  101. Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS- level 1
  102. Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS- level 2
  103. School leaver’s career and campus life preparation training
  104. Distance learning courses
  105. Nursing and midwifery continuing professional development (CPD)
  106. N+ certification
  107. Building eSecure websites
  108. Executive development
  109. Supervisory skills development
  110. Accounts and finance for non-finance managers
  111. Public relations and customer care
  112. Purchasing and stores management
  113. Productivity and performance management
  114. Trainers of trainers (TOTs)
  115. Project management
  116. Cisco/ CompTIA IT Essentials (PC hardware & software)
  117. CCNA 1: Cisco Routing & Switching- introduction to networks
  118. CCNA 2: Cisco Routing & Switching
  119. CCNA 3: Cisco Routing & Switching- scaling networks
  120. Cyber security (cyberops associate)
  121. CCNP enterprise (core networking, ENCOR and Advanced Routers, ENARSI
  122. Certificate in computer applications
  123. Certificate in web design
  124. Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS)
  125. Front desk techniques
  126. Hotel information systems
  127. Food & beverage control
  128. Cake making & decoration
  129. Pastry & bakery
  130. Kitchen operation techniques
  131. Food safety & hygiene practices in food establishments
  132. Supervisory management in organizations
  133. Food & beverage service supervision
  134. Banqueting operations techniques
  135. Barista
  136. Bar operations techniques
  137. Housekeeping operations techniques
  138. Laundry and dry-cleaning techniques
  139. Financial management in the water sector
  140. Procurement management in water supply sector
  141. Performance management for the water sector
  142. Operation and maintenance of pumping stations
  143. Electrical plant operation & fault finding
  144. Instrumentation for water and wastewater services
  145. Pump selection, installation and maintenance
  146. Operation & maintenance of standby power systems
  147. Pumping plant maintenance management
  148. Pump mechanics course
  149. Renewable energy systems for water pumping
  150. Drilling techniques
  151. Drilling operations and management
  152. Groundwater assessment and evaluation of aquifers
  153. Management of metering, billing & revenue collection
  154. GIS for hydrological applications
  155. GIS and remote sensing application in land cover, land change analysis
  156. GIS and remote sensing application in floods and wetland mapping
  157. Commercial and customer orientation in the water sector
  158. Customer care and public relations
  159. GIS and earth observation applications in support of water resources
  160. Application of GIS and ODK for mapping of water utilities
  161. Report writing
  162. Water quality sampling and testing
  163. Chemical water quality, testing and standards
  164. Microbial water quality testing standards
  165. Water governance and leadership
  166. Water quality management
  167. Testing and quality standards for bottled drinking water
  168. Water resources quality assessment and monitoring
  169. Climate change impacts and monitoring
  170. Climate change impacts and adaptations
  171. Integrated water resources management
  172. Flood forecasting and early warning
  173. Operation & maintenance of water supply treatment plants
  174. Water sanitation & hygiene in emergency
  175. Operation & maintenance of water supply networks
  176. Pipe fitting, plumbing and solar heating
  177. Non-revenue water management- classroom training
  178. Non-revenue water management- on job training (OJT in Embu)
  179. Metering and installation of consumable service connection
  180. Water safety planning
  181. Sustainable management of community water projects
  182. Pipework skills for water supply and sewer systems
  183. Training of trainers in WASH for enterprises
  184. Basic plumbing certification
  185. Operation & maintenance of wastewater treatment
  186. Operation & maintenance of sewer network systems
  187. Operation & maintenance of decentralized sanitation facilities
  188. Sanitation safety planning
  189. Pipefitting technology
  190. Modern irrigation techniques
  191. Climate smart agriculture
  192. Delivering effective WASH training of trainers
  193. Operation and maintenance of pumping systems
  194. Decentralized wastewater treatment and local reuse
  195. Construction of low-cost safe pit latrines (SATO toilets)
  196. Construction of green toilet system (GTS)
  197. Corporate leadership & governance course
  198. Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit
  199. Environmental Impact Assessment for projects
  200. Administrative skills
  201. Supervisory skills
  202. Senior manager’s leadership programme
  203. Strategic management
  204. Internet of things
  205. Data mining
  206. Project mining
  207. Research methodology project proposal
  208. Human resource management
  209. Public procurement
  210. Management of customers and front office public relations (I)
  211. Advanced public relations and customer care (II)
  212. Records management
  213. Advanced records management course (computer based)
  214. Forensic audit
  215. Cash and treasury management
  216. Computers security and maintenance
  217. Advanced ICT for executive assistants
  218. Executive secretaries’ management course
  219. Marketing and branding skills programme
  220. Disaster management
  221. Drug abuse and alcohol
  222. Occupational safety and health
  223. County governance
  224. HIV/ AIDS and development
  225. Retirement and pensions planning
  226. Peace building, arbitration, and conflict management
  227. Security management
  228. International English language
  229. Foundations course in community health
  230. HIV training and counseling services (HTS)
  231. Adherence counseling
  232. Echocardiography
  233. Safe phlebotomy
  234. Point of care ultra-sound for midwives
  235. Regional anesthesia and acute pain management
  236. Upper extremity splinting in occupational therapy
  237. Community mental health
  238. Certificate in community extension work

Short Courses in Kenya Training Institutions

Finding an appropriate college or school for short courses in Kenya can be an overwhelming task if you don’t know the providers providing those courses. We have shared a snapshot of some colleges you can consider to meet your career regarding short courses in Kenya.

1. Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)

From graphic design to GIS, RCMRD provides various short courses in Kenya to meet your professional goals. These courses include;

  1. Excel for business
  2. Cyber security
  3. Graphic design
  4. Digital marketing
  5. Python programming
  6. Fundamentals of GIS
  7. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
  8. AutoCAD Civil 3D
  9. International Computer Driving License (ICDL)

2. Africa Institute of Research and Development Studies (AIRADS) Short Courses

Whether you want to upgrade your skills in leadership, business or other area, AIRADS a private college in Uasin-Gishu County offers several short courses in Kenya.

  1. Monitoring and evaluation
  2. Leadership skills
  3. CCTV installation
  4. Criminology
  5. Film production
  6. Video editing
  7. Photojournalism
  8. Events management
  9. Advocacy and lobbying
  10. First aid management
  11. Health records management
  12. Public relations
  13. Psychology
  14. Marketing
  15. Digital marketing
  16. Customer care management
  17. Public procurement
  18. Store keeping
  19. NGO management
  20. Electrical wireman/ installation
  21. Computer networking
  22. Juice making and cocktails
  23. bookkeeping
  24. School/ college management
  25. Drug abuse and rehabilitation
  26. Conflict management
  27. Conflict management
  28. HIV/AIDs management
  29. Solar technology
  30. Integrated management of acute malfunction
  31. Computer packages
  32. Computer repair and maintenance
  33. Welding
  34. Bakery technology
  35. Waiting and waitress
  36. Entrepreneurship management
  37. Financial management
  38. Ethics and county rights
  39. Gender and human rights
  40. Investment
  41. Project management
  42. Sales and marketing
  43. Disaster management
  44. City skills
  45. Food and beverage management
  46. French
  47. English
  48. Front office management

3. Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) Short Courses

From teacher upgrading skills to transformative leadership, KEMI a national leader in the education sector provides different short courses in Kenya;

  1. Instructional leadership programme
  2. Guidance and counselling for schools
  3. Strategic instructional leadership course
  4. Transformative leadership
  5. Financial management for Bursars and Accounts clerks
  6. Career guidance and counseling for TVET institutions
  7. Public procurement for education institutions
  8. Schools of excellence
  9. Education for sustainable development
  10. The 21st century teacher
  11. Data security and management
  12. Digital skills for education managers
  13. Online safety and security
  14. ICT integration in education management
  15. ICT integration in curriculum delivery
  16. Blended and online learning design
  17. Qualitative methods for monitoring and evaluating the quality of education
  18. Human resource management
  19. Customer care and public relations
  20. Quality assurance and standards
  21. Standards assessments and report writing
  22. Institutional based QA
  23. Data mining management and utilization
  24. Using education data to monitor education quality, access and relevance
  25. Education law, policies and reforms
  26. Training of trainers (ToT)

4. Amref International University Short Courses

Amref International University provides different short courses in Kenya to meet your upskilling needs. Some of the courses include;

  1. Climate change and health
  2. Psychological first aid
  3. Positive psychology
  4. Addition counseling
  5. Monitoring and evaluation
  6. Leadership, management and governance for health systems strengthening
  7. Practical project design, management and sustainability
  8. Strategic management and leadership (result based management)
  9. Health communication and journalism
  10. Logistics, commodity and supply chain management
  11. Disaster and trauma counseling management
  12. Behavior change and communication
  13. Research methods- quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  14. Finance management for non-finance managers
  15. Training of facilitators (TOF)
  16. Fundraising and resource mobilization
  17. Customer care and management
  18. Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS- level 1
  19. Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS- level 2
  20. School leaver’s career and campus life preparation training
  21. Distance learning courses
  22. Nursing and midwifery continuing professional development (CPD)

5. Multimedia University Short Courses

Multimedia University provides diverse short courses in Kenya for those interesting career upskilling. Some of the courses include;

  1. N+ certification
  2. Building eSecure websites
  3. Executive development
  4. Supervisory skills development
  5. Accounts and finance for non-finance managers
  6. Public relations and customer care
  7. Purchasing and stores management
  8. Productivity and performance management
  9. Trainers of trainers (TOTs)
  10. Project management

6. Kabarak University Short Courses

Kabarak university a leading private university offers various short courses in Kenya to actualize professional goals. Short courses available at Kabarak University include;

  1. Cisco/ CompTIA IT Essentials (PC hardware & software)
  2. CCNA 1: Cisco Routing & Switching- introduction to networks
  3. CCNA 2: Cisco Routing & Switching
  4. CCNA 3: Cisco Routing & Switching- scaling networks
  5. Cyber security (cyberops associate)
  6. CCNP enterprise (core networking, ENCOR and Advanced Routers, ENARSI
  7. Certificate in computer applications
  8. Certificate in web design
  9. Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS)

7. Utalii College Short Courses

Are you a hotel professional looking for short courses in Kenya? Utalii college a premier brand in the hospitality sector offers several short courses related to careers in hospitality management;

  1. Front desk techniques
  2. Hotel information systems
  3. Food & beverage control
  4. Cake making & decoration
  5. Pastry & bakery
  6. Kitchen operation techniques
  7. Food safety & hygiene practices in food establishments
  8. Supervisory management in organizations
  9. Food & beverage service supervision
  10. Banqueting operations techniques
  11. Barista
  12. Bar operations techniques
  13. Housekeeping operations techniques
  14. Laundry and dry-cleaning techniques

8. Kenya Water Institute, KEWI Short Courses

Are you a professional in the water sector? The following short term training programmes in KEWI are designed to equip you with professional skills in your line of work;

  1. Financial management in the water sector
  2. Procurement management in water supply sector
  3. Performance management for the water sector
  4. Operation and maintenance of pumping stations
  5. Electrical plant operation & fault finding
  6. Instrumentation for water and wastewater services
  7. Pump selection, installation and maintenance
  8. Operation & maintenance of standby power systems
  9. Pumping plant maintenance management
  10. Pump mechanics course
  11. Renewable energy systems for water pumping
  12. Drilling techniques
  13. Drilling operations and management
  14. Groundwater assessment and evaluation of aquifers
  15. Management of metering, billing & revenue collection
  16. GIS for hydrological applications
  17. GIS and remote sensing application in land cover, land change analysis
  18. GIS and remote sensing application in floods and wetland mapping
  19. Commercial and customer orientation in the water sector
  20. Customer care and public relations
  21. GIS and earth observation applications in support of water resources
  22. Application of GIS and ODK for mapping of water utilities
  23. Report writing
  24. Water quality sampling and testing
  25. Chemical water quality, testing and standards
  26. Microbial water quality testing standards
  27. Water governance and leadership
  28. Water quality management
  29. Testing and quality standards for bottled drinking water
  30. Water resources quality assessment and monitoring
  31. Climate change impacts and monitoring
  32. Climate change impacts and adaptations
  33. Integrated water resources management
  34. Flood forecasting and early warning
  35. Operation & maintenance of water supply treatment plants
  36. Water sanitation & hygiene in emergency
  37. Operation & maintenance of water supply networks
  38. Pipe fitting, plumbing and solar heating
  39. Non-revenue water management- classroom training
  40. Non-revenue water management- on job training (OJT in Embu)
  41. Metering and installation of consumable service connection
  42. Water safety planning
  43. Sustainable management of community water projects
  44. Pipework skills for water supply and sewer systems
  45. Training of trainers in WASH for enterprises
  46. Basic plumbing certification
  47. Operation & maintenance of wastewater treatment
  48. Operation & maintenance of sewer network systems
  49. Operation & maintenance of decentralized sanitation facilities
  50. Sanitation safety planning
  51. Pipefitting technology
  52. Modern irrigation techniques
  53. Climate smart agriculture
  54. Delivering effective WASH training of trainers
  55. Operation and maintenance of pumping systems
  56. Decentralized wastewater treatment and local reuse
  57. Construction of low-cost safe pit latrines (SATO toilets)
  58. Construction of green toilet system (GTS)

9. JKUAT Short Courses- Mombasa Campus

JKUAT Mombasa campus offers short courses in Kenya in collaboration with different local and international actors. The following are diverse short courses available at JKUAT Mombasa campus.

  1. Corporate leadership & governance course
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit
  3. Environmental Impact Assessment for projects
  4. Administrative skills
  5. Supervisory skills
  6. Senior manager’s leadership programme
  7. Strategic management
  8. Internet of things
  9. Data mining
  10. Project mining
  11. Research methodology project proposal
  12. Human resource management
  13. Public procurement
  14. Management of customers and front office public relations (I)
  15. Advanced public relations and customer care (II)
  16. Records management
  17. Advanced records management course (computer based)
  18. Forensic audit
  19. Cash and treasury management
  20. Computers security and maintenance
  21. Advanced ICT for executive assistants
  22. Executive secretaries’ management course
  23. Marketing and branding skills programme
  24. Disaster management
  25. Drug abuse and alcohol
  26. Occupational safety and health
  27. County governance
  28. HIV/ AIDS and development
  29. Retirement and pensions planning
  30. Peace building, arbitration, and conflict management
  31. Security management

10. KMTC Short Courses

Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) offers various short courses in Kenya. The following are some of the short courses in kmtc you can consider.

  1. International English language
  2. Foundations course in community health
  3. HIV training and counseling services (HTS)
  4. Adherence counseling
  5. Echocardiography
  6. Safe phlebotomy
  7. Point of care ultra-sound for midwives
  8. Regional anesthesia and acute pain management
  9. Upper extremity splinting in occupational therapy
  10. Community mental health
  11. Certificate in community extension work

11. KIHBT Short Courses

Kenya Institute of Highways & Building Technology (Kihbt) is a leading brand in technical training. Short courses offered by Kihbt include;

  1. First aid
  2. Defensive driving
  3. Fleet management
  4. Building supervisors
  5. Road overseers
  6. Plant operators
  7. Basic computer applications
  8. Basic engineers course
  9. Driving refresher
  10. Fire safety

Final Thoughts

Short courses in Kenya have grown in popularity among fresh learners and professionals. Compared to other courses like diplomas and degrees, short courses are affordable taking shorter period of study. Whether you want to earn new skills or upgrade existing knowledge there are many short courses open to you. We hope the information we have shared in this article will be resourceful in finding a good short course in a good training institution.

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