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Requirements for electrical and electronic engineering

The admission requirements for electrical and electronic engineering in Kenya vary according to the level of education a person intends to pursue. Regardless of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (KCSE) grade a person has, there are electrical & electronics engineering related courses open to all people of all grades. In this article, we share the admission requirements for electrical and electronics engineering and or related courses in 3 levels of education. These levels are;

  1. Level 7 bachelor’s degree course
  2. Level 5 craft certificate course
  3. Level 4 artisan certificate course

Cluster subject requirements
The following are the cluster subjects required to pursue a course in electrical and electronics engineering. The four (4) major cluster subjects are;

  1. Subject 1 MAT A
  2. Subject 2 PHY
  3. Subject 3 CHE
  4. Subject 4 Subject 4 BIO or any GROUP III or any GROUP IV or any GROUP V

Level 7: Bachelor’s degree
The minimum grade required to pursue a bachelor of degree course in electrical and electronics engineering is KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) and above. In addition, students should have the following minimum subject grades; Mathematics option A –C+ (PLUS), Physics –C+ (PLUS), Chemistry -C+ (Plus) and  ENG/KIS -C+ (Plus).

The minimum admission requirements for a technology degree course in electrical and electronics engineering technology is KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) and above with the following subjects requirements; Mathematics option A –C (PLAIN), Physics –C (PLAIN), Chemistry -C (PLAIN).

Level 5: Craft certificate
The admission requirement of craft certificate course in electrical and electronics engineering or related field is KCSE mean grade C (minus) and above.

Level 4: Artisan certificate
The admission requirement of artisan certificate course in electrical and electronics engineering, installation or related field is KCSE mean grade D (minus) and below.

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By | 2020-02-12T09:53:50+03:00 February 12th, 2020|Blog Articles|
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