One of our website users asked the above question regarding a career in architecture. Do you have a similar or related question? See our response below.
- Are you passionate about architecture?
- Do you meet the minimum admission qualifications to become an architect?
- Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to succeed in the field of architecture?
If you answered the above in the affirmative, then, you don’t need to be “good” in drawing, but you must be willing to learn this skill as it is very important in expressing your ideas. Architecture requires one to have high level of creativity and imagination so as to come up with unusual designs. You must be able to express your ideas on paper. Are you up to the task?
Although in college or university you will use drawing tables / drawing using your hands to express your design concepts, with time you will be introduced to Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, which will equip you with skills to design buildings and other structures using computers or technology.
Therefore, if you can be creative with high level of imagination, CAD will greatly boost your design efforts.
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