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List of courses offered by Bumbe Technical Training Institute

Bumbe Technical Training InstituteBumbe technical training institute is a public college based in Busia county. Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses.

ACCESS THE DOWNLOADS NOW. Bumbe technical training institute fee structure [download fee structure here] and for all the courses offered [download list of courses brochure here]

Bumbe technical training institute courses offered

The following is a list of courses offered at Bumbe Technical Training Institute (TTI). Download the course brochure to explore all the courses offered. Download brochure.

  1. Artisan Motor Vehicle Mechanics (KNEC)
  2. Artisan Plumbing (KNEC)
  3. Artisan Food and Beverage (KNEC)
  4. Craft Motor Vehicle Mechanics (KNEC)
  5. Craft Building Construction Technology (KNEC)
  6. Craft Plumbing (KNEC)
  7. Craft Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Telecommunication Option) (KNEC)
  8. Craft Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Power option) (KNEC)
  9. Craft Sales and Marketing (KNEC)
  10. Craft Social Work and Community Development (KNEC)
  11. Craft Fashion Design and Garment Making (KNEC)
  12. Craft Secretarial Studies (KNEC)
  13. Certified Public Accountant Professional (KASNEB)
  14. Craft Food and Beverage Production, Sales and Service (KNEC)
  15. Craft Human Resource Management (KNEC)
  16. Diploma Building Construction Technology (KNEC)
  17. Diploma Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Telecommunication option) (KNEC)
  18. Diploma Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Power option) (KNEC)
  19. Diploma Food and Beverage Production, Sales and Service (KNEC)
  20. Diploma Automotive Engineering (KNEC)
  21. Diploma Fashion Design and Garment Making (KNEC)
  22. Diploma Nutrition and Dietetics Management (KNEC)
  23. Diploma Social Work and Community Development (KNEC)
  24. Diploma Guidance and Counseling (KNEC)
  25. Diploma Information Communication Technology (KNEC)
  26. Diploma Business Management (KNEC)
  27. Diploma Secretarial Studies (Computerized) (KNEC)
  28. Diploma Human Resource Management (KNEC)
  29. Diploma Supply Chain Management (KNEC)
  30. Diploma Sales and Marketing (KNEC)
  31. Diploma Accounts Technicians (KASNEB)

Other courses offered by this TTI include;

  1. Artisan in Garment Making
  2. Artisan in Carpentry & Joinery
  3. Artisan in Masonry
  4. Artisan in Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy
  5. Artisan in Electrical Engineering
  6. Certificate in Business Management
  7. Certificate in Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  8. Certificate in Carpentry and Furniture Technology
  9. Craft Certificate in Welding and Fabrication
  10. Certificate in Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy
  11. Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics
  12. Diploma in Civil Engineering
  13. Diploma in Accounting & Finance
  14. Diploma in Land Surveying
  15. Diploma in Secretarial Studies and Office Management

Bumbe technical training institute fee structure

You can download the fee structure for various courses offered at Bumbe tti. Download fee structure.

For more information on courses, admission requirements, intakes, fees, etc. Contact us via the chatbot at the bottom of this website and we will give you the assistance you need.


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