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KITI Nakuru Courses

Kiti NakuruKiti Nakuru or the Kenya Industrial Training Institute (Kiti), is an educational institute under the ministry of investments, trade and industry in Kenya. The institute is located in Nakuru town. It offers market driven industrial/ entrepreneurship skills training to school leavers and upgrading skills for industrial workers from SMEs and SMIs. In this article we explore all Kiti nakuru courses, intakes, application form, and fee structure.

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Kiti Nakuru Courses Offered

Kiti Nakuru courses comprise of diplomas, craft-certificates, artisans and upgrading programs in different technical fields. The following are the courses offered at Kiti Nakuru;

  1. Diploma in building construction
  2. Diploma in fashion design and clothing technology module I
  3. Diploma in Information Communication Technology (ICT) module I, II and III
  4. Diploma in mechanical engineering (production option) module I
  5. Diploma in mechanical engineering (plant option) module I
  6. Diploma in automotive engineering module I and II
  7. Diploma in electrical and electronic engineering (power & telecommunication) module I, II, & III
  8. Diploma in food and beverage management module II
  9. Craft certificate in building technology module I and II
  10. Craft certificate plumbing
  11. Craft certificate in fashion design and garment making module I
  12. Craft certificate in leather work and tannery
  13. Craft certificate in ICT module I and II
  14. Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (production) module I
  15. Craft certificate in welding and fabrication module I
  16. Craft certificate in automotive engineering module II
  17. Craft certificate in electrical and electronic engineering module I
  18. Craft in food and beverage sales and services module I
  19. Artisan certificate in leather work
  20. Artisan certificate in welding and fabrication
  21. Plumbing basics
  22. Dress making basic (including tie & dye and embroidery)
  23. Tailoring basics (including tie & dye and embroidery)
  24. Hair dressing and beauty therapy
  25. Welding and fabrication
  26. Lathe machine operator
  27. General fitting
  28. Motor vehicle mechanics (advance)
  29. Certificate in food and beverage
  30. Certificate in food production, sales and service
  31. Juice making
  32. Yogurt making
  33. Jam making
  34. Electrical installation basic intermediates and advance
  35. Solar water heating
  36. Solar PV technology
  37. Computer proficiency course
  38. Computer Aided Design (CAD) Courses; AutoCad, AutoDesk inventor and Civil 3D
  39. Leather tanning basics
  40. Footwear (shoemaking) production basics
  41. Leather work basic

Diploma Courses Offered at Kiti Nakuru

Kiti Nakuru offers different diploma courses to individuals with KCSE mean grade C- (minus) and above. Explore the programmes and select your preferred option;

  1. Diploma in building construction
  2. Diploma in fashion design and clothing technology module I
  3. Diploma in Information Communication Technology (ICT) module I, II and III
  4. Diploma in mechanical engineering (production option) module I
  5. Diploma in mechanical engineering (plant option) module I
  6. Diploma in automotive engineering module I and II
  7. Diploma in electrical and electronic engineering (power & telecommunication) module I, II, & III
  8. Diploma in food and beverage management module II

Kiti Craft Certificate Courses

Candidates with KCSE mean grade D plain and above can explore the following craft courses offered at Kiti college;

  1. Craft certificate in building technology module I and II
  2. Craft certificate plumbing
  3. Craft certificate in fashion design and garment making module I
  4. Craft certificate in leather work and tannery
  5. Craft certificate in ICT module I and II
  6. Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (production) module I
  7. Craft certificate in welding and fabrication module I
  8. Craft certificate in automotive engineering module II
  9. Craft certificate in electrical and electronic engineering module I
  10. Craft in food and beverage sales and services module I

Kiti Artisan Courses

Applicants with KCSE grade D- (minus) can explore the following artisan courses offered at Kiti institute;

  1. Artisan certificate in leather work
  2. Artisan certificate in welding and fabrication

Kiti Industrial Skills Up-Grading Courses

Industrial workers wanting to upgrade their skills can explore the following programs depending with one’s preferences;

  1. Plumbic basics
  2. Dress making basic (including tie & dye and embroidery)
  3. Tailoring basics (including tie & dye and embroidery)
  4. Hair dressing and beauty therapy
  5. Welding and fabrication
  6. Lathe machine operator
  7. General fitting
  8. Motor vehicle mechanics (advance)
  9. Certificate in food and beverage
  10. Certificate in food production, sales and service
  11. Juice making
  12. Yogurt making
  13. Jam making
  14. Electrical installation basic intermediates and advance
  15. Solar water heating
  16. Solar PV technology
  17. Computer proficiency course
  18. Computer Aided Design (CAD) Courses; AutoCad, AutoDesk inventor and Civil 3D
  19. Leather tanning basics
  20. Footwear (shoemaking) production basics
  21. Leather work basic

Kiti Nakuru Intake

The college has three major intakes in the months of January, May and September. Qualified candidates are encouraged to download and fill Kiti Nakuru application form and submitting for consideration. You can apply for any course above through the Director Kenya Industrial Training Institute office or using the following Kiti Nakuru contacts; email director@yahoo.com, or make a call through 0774-944-615. You can get the fee structure from the admissions office.

Final Word

Kiti Nakuru is a premier public training college situated in Nakuru town. It offers different technical courses for diverse academic levels such as; diplomas, certificates, artisans and upgrading courses. Based on your qualifications and career ambitions; Kiti college can be a destination of choice to actualize your career goals.

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