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Is orthopedic and trauma medicine marketable in Kenya

Is orthopedic and trauma medicine marketable in KenyaIs orthopedic and trauma medicine marketable in Kenya is a popular question among candidates interested in orthopedic and trauma medicine careers. This field of study offers diagnosis and treatment for bones and trauma injuries. Orthopaedic and trauma medicine can be a good course if you are swift and empathetic enough to respond to emergencies concerning trauma patients.

Answering is orthopedic and trauma medicine marketable in Kenya.

Trauma related injuries in Kenya are very common. Whether it’s through accidents, falls from heights or other forms of accidents. These kind of accidents justify the need to have competent orthopedic technicians and surgeons. As such, orthopedic and trauma medicine can be a marketable course in Kenya. However, the marketability of any course is relative. No course is market-proof. So, do your research before committing to the course.

The orthopedic field in Kenya is well developed with qualified orthopedic technicians and surgeons who provide the necessary trauma treatment. For instance, orthopedic and Trauma Medicine professionals in Kenya handle injuries caused by some external force, such as a severe fall or any other serious accident. These trauma injuries occur in the musculoskeletal system, such as bones, cartilage, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Entry requirement

In Kenya, the entry qualification for orthopedic courses depends on the level of study. For instance, if you want to study the course at KMTC, the following are the course requirements for orthopedic and trauma medicine in KMTC.

  1. Certificate course. KCSE Mean Aggregate C- with D+ in Biology/Biological, sciences, C- English or Kiswahili,
  2. Diploma course. – Certificate in Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine

So, depending on your qualification, you can get the course a certificate, diploma, degree, or master’s.

Final word

Trauma-related injuries in Kenya are very common. Whether it’s through accidents, falls from heights, or other forms of accidents. This kind of accident justifies the need to have competent orthopedic technicians and surgeons. As such, orthopedic and trauma medicine can be a marketable course in Kenya. However, the marketability of any course is relative. No course is market-proof. So, do your research before committing to the course.

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By | 2024-09-19T20:31:02+03:00 September 19th, 2024|Blog Articles|
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