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Is chemistry compulsory in Kenya

Is chemistry compulsory in Kenya?Is chemistry compulsory in Kenya is a popular question among many students in secondary schools and It is a question we get regularly. According to the KNEC KCSE subject selection policy guidelines, chemistry is Not compulsory at KCSE. However, most schools in Kenya have internal subject regulations making chemistry compulsory in their schools. In this article, we discuss chemistry as a subject and why you should endeavor to have it in your KCSE subjects.

PAY ATTENTION. We have created a well-summarized KCSE subject selection PDF guide to help you make informed choices for all KCSE subjects including chemistry, [Download PDF].

Is chemistry compulsory in Kenya? – the career choice significance

Chemistry whose code is (233) falls under group 2 [the sciences] of the KNEC KCSE subjects. Other subjects in group II include; physics (232), biology (231), biology for the blind (236), and general science (237). The last 2 options are for special needs students. Students must take at least two subjects in group 2. The school you attend can influence the 2 science subjects you will take.

For most students, chemistry is deemed difficult. Consequently, many students don’t wish to study chemistry oblivious of the opportunities they will miss if they don’t take the subject. Take note chemistry is highly important in modern societies because of its requirement as a prerequisite to the study of many other science-oriented courses.

You need to think carefully about your future career ambitions before deciding whether to do or not to do chemistry. There are many courses and careers you will not be able to pursue if you don’t take chemistry. Some of the chemistry-related courses and careers include;

  1. Medical-related courses such as; medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, etc.
  2. Engineering-related courses such as; civil engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.
  3. Building related courses such as; architecture, quantity surveying, etc.
  4. Fashion and interior courses such as; interior design, fashion design, etc.
  5. Among others

Final word

According to the KNEC KCSE subject selection policy guidelines, chemistry is not a compulsory subject. However, most schools in Kenya have internal subject regulations making chemistry compulsory in their schools. Note that chemistry is an important subject because it opens up diverse opportunities in medicine, engineering, building sciences, agriculture, etc. Opportunities in these areas help us meet our most basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water, and soil. It is a crucial subject to take in your KCSE subjects. To help you make informed subject choices, we have created a well-summarized PDF guide, [download it here].

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By | 2024-09-16T00:21:31+03:00 September 16th, 2024|Career guidance|
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