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How to save money every day in Kenya

How to save money every day in KenyaHow to save money every day in Kenya is a critical concern for Kenyans wanting to build their saving portfolio. Say, for instance, you want to save Kshs 100,000 in a year. What would Kshs 100,000 mean to you today? Can it help you start and manage a business, invest, or fulfill an important goal? If you received Kshs 100,000 right now, how would it change your life? Many of us have aspirations that require money, but getting there can seem daunting. Fortunately, saving Kshs 100,000 is achievable with the right strategy and mindset.

In this guide, I will show you how you can save Kshs 100,000 in 12 months. Yes, you read that right—within just over a year, you can hit that financial target by saving incrementally every month.

The saving strategy: How to save money every day in Kenya

Let’s start with the math. Saving Kshs 100,000 over 12 months means that each month, you need to save approximately Kshs 8,333. Breaking it down even further, that’s about Kshs 278 per day. This is a manageable goal when approached systematically. You’ll be amazed how small, daily sacrifices can add up to a substantial amount over time.

How to save money every day in Kenya: Five questions to ask yourself

Before diving into saving, it’s crucial to answer the following questions to ensure you’re ready for the journey ahead:

  1.   What does Kshs 100,000 mean to you?
    Every individual has a different financial goal. For some, Kshs 100,000 could mean the difference between starting a small business or making a significant purchase. For others, it might just be a stepping stone towards bigger goals. The first thing is to define what Kshs 100,000 means to you.
  2.   What impact will saving Kshs 278 per day have on your budget?
    Will it affect your ability to pay rent, buy groceries, or cover other essential expenses? If you can comfortably set aside Kshs 278 daily without compromising your needs, then you are in an excellent position to commit to this savings plan.
  3.   When do you need the Kshs 100,000?
    Although we are talking about 12 months, you might need the money sooner or later. If that’s the case, you’ll need to save more each day or month to meet your target in less time. Conversely, if you have more time, you can extend the savings period.
  4.   How far can you stretch to save that money?
    This question focuses on sacrifices. What are you willing to cut out of your daily or monthly spending to reach your savings goal? Can you skip that daily coffee or reduce dining out? The more you stretch, the sooner you’ll hit your target.
  5.   How much do you make per day?
    Whether you’re employed or self-employed, understanding your daily income is essential. If your daily earnings allow you to save Kshs 278 comfortably, you’re on track. If not, you may need to adjust your target or time frame.

How to save money every day in Kenya: Stretching Your Savings

Now that you’ve answered those five questions let’s talk about sacrifices. For many people, cutting out small luxuries, like that extra coffee or an occasional outing, can make a significant difference. For instance, if you’re used to buying beef that costs Kshs 300 daily, simply cutting that habit can help you save towards your goal.

If you earn around Kshs1,000 a day, setting aside Kshs 278 leaves you with roughly Kshs 722. The question is, can you live comfortably on the remaining amount? If yes, then great! If not, you may need to reduce your daily savings target to Kshs 200 or Kshs 250 and extend the time frame to 24 months. Remember, the journey to financial goals isn’t a sprint but a marathon. Flexibility is key.

Adjusting for Lower Incomes

For students and those earning less—say, Kshs15,000 per month—it might be challenging to save Kshs 278 daily. But don’t be discouraged. Adjust your savings to what’s manageable, perhaps Kshs 100, 150, etc., per day, and extend the savings period to around 24 months. For those in school, you can use this strategy to save money every day as a student.

Similarly, someone earning Kshs 20,000 per month can still save a portion towards this goal. The important thing is consistency. Adjust the time frame or the amount saved per day based on your income and responsibilities, but stay committed to the process.

Use Your Savings to Make More Money

Once you’ve saved a substantial amount—let’s say Kshs 40,000—you might wonder if you can invest it to make the remaining journey easier. Consider putting that Kshs 40,000 into a low-risk investment, such as a money market fund. The interest earned from such investments can supplement your daily savings, helping you reach your target faster.

For instance, investing Kshs 50,000 in a money market fund that yields 12% annually can generate extra cash daily, easing the burden of reaching your Kshs 100,000 goal. The idea is to use what you’ve saved so far as a tool to make more money, reducing the pressure on your daily budget.

Final thoughts on how to save money every day in Kenya

Achieving any savings goal requires consistency and discipline. It won’t always be easy, especially when life throws unexpected expenses your way. However, if you stay consistent and keep the bigger picture in mind, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can reach your target.

Whether you can save Kshs 278 a day or need to adjust the amount, the key is to start. Even if you can only save Kshs 100 per day, by stretching the time frame, you will eventually reach your Kshs 100,000 goal. The most important thing is to keep going.

By breaking down the more considerable sum into manageable daily amounts, staying disciplined, and being flexible when needed, you’ll see that Kshs 100,000 isn’t so out of reach after all.

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By | 2024-09-25T17:39:06+03:00 September 25th, 2024|Financial and business|
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