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How to become a mechatronic engineer in Kenya

Who is a mechatronics engineer?
A mechatronic engineer is a professional with qualifications in mechatronics engineering or closely related field. Mechatronic refers to a multidisciplinary discipline encompassing; mechanical, electrical, telecommunication as well as computer engineering. It is a relatively new approach to product design that addresses four interconnected disciplines used for all complex modern devices.

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Mechatronic engineering is therefore the design of computer-controlled electromechanical systems. Simply put it’s an advanced mechanical engineering incorporating electrical, electronic and computer control aspects towards manufacturing methods and processes. As a field of study, mechatronics engineering has a strong emphasis on design of efficient systems for manufacturing.

Mechatronic engineers combine the principles of mechanical engineering, computer as well as electronics when designing, building and managing controls and imbedded systems, sensors, actuators and robotic systems used to control manufacturing processes.  These engineers create and improve automated processes through Mechanical and Electrical/Electronic Engineering and controls systems.

What is mechatronics engineer’s work environment?
Mechatronic engineers work mainly in offices among other establishments

What are some mechatronics engineer’s career opportunities?
Mechatronics engineers are employed by Government, academia, the private sector and Non-Governmental Organizations among other areas.

Typical areas of employment include; government departments, academic institutions, electronics companies, mining sector, automotive sector, industrial systems design, artificial intelligence and smart devices firms among other areas. Graduates can also start their own businesses.

How to become a mechatronics engineer in Kenya

Admission requirements
To pursue a career as a mechatronics engineer, you will require good performance in the following cluster subjects.

  1. SUBJECT 1: MAT A,
  2. SUBJECT 2: PHY,
  3. SUBJECT 3: CHE,
  4. SUBJECT 4: BIO or any GROUP III or any GROUP IV or any GROUP (source; JAB/ Kuccps).

Education and Training Routes
If you work hard and score good grades in the above subject’s combination with an overall, KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) and above, you can pursue this career directly in the university (academic route).

However, if you do not qualify for direct university admission for this career option, you can still pursue it through a different route (technical route). Under the technical route, you will pursue a diploma course that can help or enable you further your education and become a mechatronics engineer.

So what course(s) can you pursue in either route and eventually become a mechatronics engineer?

Academic route
Bachelor of Science in Mechatronic Engineering or related course(s)

Technical route
An approved diploma in any of the following field(s);

  1. Mechatronics Engineering
  2. Or other relevant qualifications

It is worthy to note that, with a diploma in the above field(s), you can either choose to get a job in line with your training or further your education to your desired career option.

Important skills to have
To work successfully as a mechatronics engineer, you will be required to possess important skills some of which are listed below;

  1. Maths skills
  2. Creativity
  3. Listening skills
  4. Problem solving skills
  5. Technical skills among others

Explore more careers
You can explore more related careers;

  1. Mechanical engineer,
  2. Instrumentation and control engineering,
  3. Mechatronics engineering craftsman

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By | 2020-02-10T15:53:15+03:00 February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|
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