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How to become a lawyer in Kenya

Who is a lawyer?

A lawyer is a professional with qualifications in legal education either at undergraduate or graduate level. A legal education is the education of individuals who intent to become legal professionals (lawyers) and related areas. Lawyers offer legal advice to clients or represent individuals and businesses in legal matters, (continue reading)

What is lawyers work environment?

Lawyers generally work in offices. These professionals may also work within court rooms representing their clients.

What are some lawyer’s career opportunities?

Lawyers are employed by Government, academia, the private sector and Non-Governmental Organizations among other areas.

Typical areas of employment include; law firms, advocacy organisations, banking institutions, government departments, commercial firms, among other wide range of businesses. With industry experience, graduates lawyers can also opt to start their own law consultancy practice and related services.

….Continue reading about becoming a lawyer

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How to become a lawyer in Kenya

High school subject selection

To pursue a career as a lawyer, you will require good performance in the following cluster subjects.

  1. Subject 1 ENG/ KIS,
  2. Subject 2 MAT A / MAT B or any GROUP II,
  3. Subject 3 any Group III,
  4. Subject 4 Any GROUP II or 2nd GROUP III or any GROUP IV or any GROUP V, (source; JAB/ Kuccps).

Candidates should have at least a B (plain) in ENG/ KIS.

Education and Training Routes

If you work hard and score good grades in the above subject’s combination with an overall, KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) and above, you can pursue this career directly in the university (academic route).

However, if you do not qualify for direct university admission for this career option, you can still pursue it through a different route (technical route). Under the technical route, you will pursue a diploma course that can help or enable you further your education and become a lawyer.

So what course(s) can you pursue in either route and eventually become a lawyer?

Academic route

  1. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or similar course(s)

Technical route

  1. An approved diploma in a relevant discipline

Some important skills to have

  1. Analytical skills
  2. Self confidence
  3. Interpersonal skills
  4. Communication skills
  5. Problem solving skills
  6. Technical skills
  7. Listening skills among others

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By | 2020-02-19T10:38:46+03:00 February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|
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