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History form 2 topical questions and answers

History form 2 topical questionsHistory form 2 topical questions are crucial learning resources that offer summarized guides for quick mastery of the history and government content. The topical questions contain major questions evaluated in the exam. Utilizing history form 2 topical questions can strengthen your knowledge on various aspects tested in the history and government exam.

In this article, we explore the different history form 2 topical questions to familiarize yourself with all the concepts you need to master before the exam.

Coursebook is an educational website providing high quality educational resources such as; course materials, exam practice questions, and history and government notes form 1-4. If you are looking for history form 2 topical questions to get a guaranteed A in KCSE subjects, our guides can help. The notes are created by highly educated and experienced tutors using approved textbooks such as KLB among others. Request the notes using the Chatbot at the bottom.

Topics explored in the history form 2 topical questions

The following are the history form 2 topics discussed in the topical questions herein. These topics are the major chapters covered in history form 2. The History form 2 topical questions chapters comprise the following topics;

  1. Trade
  2. The development of transport and communication
  3. Development of industry
  4. Social, economic and political organization of African societies in the 19th century
  5. Constitution and constitution making
  6. Democracy

History form 2 topical questions and answers


  • Define the term trade. (1 mark)
  • Identify two factors that led to development of trade. (2 marks)
  • Mention two methods of trade. (2 mark)
  • Identify the main method of trade in Africa during the precolonial period. (1 mark)
  • Define the term barter trade. (1 mark)
  • Outline three advantages of barter trade. (3 marks)
  • State five disadvantages of barter trade. (5 marks)
  • State two problem faced by traders when using barter trade. (2 marks)
  • Define the term currency trade. ( 1 mark)
  • Name two metals that were used as currency in precolonial Africa (2 marks)
  • State two main types of currency today. (2 marks)
  • Identify the main form of trade through which the world’s trade is carried out today. (1 mark)
  • Mention three world currencies. (3 marks)
  • State two advantages of the use of money over barter as a medium of exchange. (2 markets)
  • Give two items which were used as money before the invention of modern money. (2 marks)
  • List two characteristics of money. (2 marks)
  • State two disadvantages of currency/Money. (2 marks)
  2. Identify three types of trade. (3 marks)
  1. Define the term local trade. (1 mark)
  2. State three factors for the development of local trade. (3 marks)
  3. Describe six ways in which local trade was organized. (12 marks)
  4. Explain six impact of local trade. (12 marks)
  1. What is regional trade? (1 mark)
  2. State two characteristics of regional trade. ( 2 marks)
  3. Mention a good example of regional trade. (1 mark)


  1. Define the term trans-Saharan trade. ( 1 mark)
  2. State five factors for the development of trans-Saharan trade. (5 marks)
  3. Describe the organization of Trans-Saharan trade. (10 marks)
  4. Give the two main items of the trans-Saharan trade. (2 marks)
  5. Identify the main item of trans-Saharan trade from West Africa during the Trans- Saharan trade.. (1 mark)
  6. Give the main form of transport that was used in the Trans- Saharan trade.(1 mark)
  7. Give the main reason why the camel was preferred as means of transport during the trans- Saharan trade. (1 mark)
  8. Identify the earliest methods of trade used during the Trans- Saharan trade.(1 mark)
  9. Identify two types of trade routes used in Trans- Saharan trade. (2 marks)
  10. State the three primary/ Main routes used in T.S.T (3 marks)
  11. Mention two trade items from North Africa during the TST. (2 marks)
  12. Mention two trade items from West Africa during the TST ((2 marks)
  13. Mention two groups of people who participated in the TST. (2 marks)
  14. Identify two roles played by the Tuaregs in the TST. (2 marks)
  15. State two roles played by the kings of western Sudan in the TST (2 marks)
  16. Give two roles played by Berbers in the TST(2 marks)
  17. Outline two role played by West African traders during the Trans-Saharan trade. (2 marks|)
  18. Why was silent trade practiced by trans-Saharan Trade? (1 mark)
  19. State five problems faced by Trans-Saharan traders(5 marks)
  20. Explain five positive impact Trans-Saharan trade. (5marks)
  21. Identify five negative of Trans-Saharan trade( 5marks)
  22. Explain five factors for the decline of Trans-Saharan trade. (12marks)
  1. Define the term international trade. (1 mark)
  2. Give two examples of international trade. (2 marks)


  1. What is the Trans-Atlantic trade? (1 mark)
  2. Why is the trans-Saharan trade called the ‘’Triangular trade’’? (1 mark)
  3. Name two groups of people that were involved in the trans-Saharan trade. (2 marks)
  4. Identify five major European nations that took part in Trans-Atlantic trade. (5 marks)
  5. Explain five reasons why African slaves were preferred than other races. (10 marks)
  6. State the factors that contributed to the development of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (3marks)
  7. Describe how trans-Atlantic trade was organized (12 marks)
  8. What was the main item of trade in TAT? (1 mark)
  9. Mention two items of trade obtained from West Africa during the trans-Atlantic trade. (2 marks)
  10. Give one item of trade from America during the Trans-Atlantic trade. (2 marks)
  11. Identify three items of trade from Europe during the trans-Atlantic trade. (3 marks)
  12. List two major European ports during the Trans-Atlantic trade. (2 marks)
  13. Name two major ports in West Africa from which slaves were shipped to America. (2 marks)
  14. Give three methods used to acquire slaves from West Africa during the Trans-Atlantic trade. (3 marks)
  15. Explain six negative effects of Trans-Atlantic trade on African communities. (12 marks)
  16. State three positive effects of Trans-Atlantic trade. (3 marks)
  17. Identify five social effects of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (5 marks)
  18. Explain five economic effects of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (10 marks)
  19. State three political effects of the trans-Atlantic trade. (3 marks)
  20. Give two impact of the Trans- Atlantic trade on Europe. (2 marks)
  21. Identify one impact of Trans-Atlantic trade on America. (1 mark)
  22. Discuss six factors which led to the decline of the trans-Atlantic trade. (12marks)

Final word

History form 2 topical questions are crucial learning resources that offer summarized guides for quick mastery of the history and government content. The topical questions contain major questions evaluated in the exam. Utilizing history form 2 topical questions can strengthen your knowledge on various aspects tested in the history and government exam. The above History form 2 topical questions are evaluated from the chapter one of history and government. If you need answers to all the questions above, contact us and we will be glad to share the marking scheme with you. Topics explored in the topical questions include; Trade, the development of transport and communication, development of industry, social, economic and political organization of African societies in the 19th century, constitution and constitution making and the democracy.

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By | 2024-07-27T16:42:40+03:00 July 27th, 2024|History and government|
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