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High quality pocket career guidance booklets for Kenyan primary and high school students and their parents to help them make informed decisions on their college education investment.

We provide high quality career guidance pocket booklets that disseminate accurate information on all career options, their subject’s requirements as well as and grades required for admission in those careers. Whether at home, school or on the go (move), our pocket sized career guidance booklets will empower you with the information you need to make realistic academic plans as well as eventual career choices. To get these high quality pocket-sized career guidance booklets, text or WhatsApp on 0723477691.

Why career guidance matters.
Career guidance is a critical developmental process in one’s academic and career planning endeavors. It helps students appreciate their self-awareness, become career aware, link learning to the world of work and much more. Students who receive proper career guidance support at the right time increases their chances of leading a fulfilling future career life. Despite the significant role played by career guidance in shaping people’s careers, majority of Kenyan secondary school students do not receive this vital support.

Due to this information gap, many students end up making poor career choices or fail to continue with college or postsecondary education. There is need to provide practical career information to Kenyan students and parents to equip them with tools and resources needed to make informed choices. Our pocket sized career guidance booklets have been designed to cater for this need.

The playing field is not level
Thousands of students especially in rural areas are unable to fully utilize post-secondary opportunities provided by the Kenyan government and the private sector. While there is equal number of education opportunities as the number of school leavers, due to the exposure divide, many school leavers are not taking up these opportunities. Many students get little or no guidance at all on the options available to continue with tertiary education. Our pocket sized career guidance booklets fill this gap for rural students in Kenya.

What we believe in
We believe that timely career awareness, access to accurate information and support empowers students to develop a deeper understanding of the full landscape of career and post-secondary options available to them. Our information services are designed to inform, motivate and inspire thousands of students to enthusiastically pursue technical and vocational training opportunities as a way of growing their skills in various technical fields. These skills are all critical to achieving Kenya’s vision 2030 as well as relevant to global labor demands. Get our career guidance books and experience the difference.

Need more help?

Our products and services focus around; career awareness, provision of accurate information and guidance services to help students and families make informed choices. We also assist them navigate college and financial aid application. If you need any of these services, please feel free to contact us.

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By | 2019-09-12T08:54:16+03:00 September 12th, 2019|Blog Articles|
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