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Artisan/ grade test courses: Grade D- (minus), E, and KCPE courses in Kenya

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List of courses for the above grades or qualifications
The following is a list of courses you can pursue or do with the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (KCSE) mean grade D- (minus), E, or even the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, (KCPE). Regardless of the grade or qualification you have, there are countless courses or career options you can pursue with any of the above qualifications. Explore some course choices below;

  1. Grade III in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
  2. Artisan in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
  3. Trade Test III in (Carpentry and Joinery)
  4. Artisan in Carpentry & Joinery
  5. Artisan in plumbing
  6. Artisan in plumbing works
  7. NVCET in plumbing
  8. Grade Test in plumbing
  9. Artisan in electrical installation
  10. Artisan in electrical engineering
  11. Artisan in electrical and electronics
  12. Artisan in electrical and electronics technology
  13. Trade test in electrical wireman
  14. NVCET in electrical installation
  15. NVCET in electrical and electronics technology
  16. Artisan in arc welding
  17. Artisan in welding and fabrication
  18. Artisan in general agriculture
  19. NVCET in modern methods of agriculture (agribusiness development)
  20. Grade I, II, III in agribusiness
  21. NVCET in agribusiness
  22. NVCET I and II in agribusiness development
  23. NVCET refrigeration and air conditioning
  24. Trade test in leatherwork technology
  25. Artisan in Information Communication Technology
  26. NVCET in Information Communication Technology
  27. Artisan in food and beverage production and service
  28. Artisan in food and beverage production, sales and service
  29. Trade test in food processing
  30. Artisan in building technology
  31. Artisan in building construction technology
  32. NVCET in building technology
  33. Artisan in motor vehicle electrical
  34. Artisan in motor vehicle mechanics
  35. Artisan in motor vehicle technology
  36. Artisan in automotive vehicle mechanics
  37. Artisan in automotive engineering
  38. Trade test in automotive vehicle mechanics
  39. Trade test in automotive engineering
  40. Artisan in storekeeping
  41. Artisan in catering and accommodation
  42. Artisan in general fitters
  43. Artisan in general fittings
  44. Artisan in masonry
  45. Trade test in masonry
  46. Grade III in masonry
  47. Artisan in garment making
  48. Artisan in fashion design and garment making
  49. Artisan in fashion & design
  50. Trade Test in Solar Photovoltaic

The above list of courses is not exhaustive, to get more information or guidance on course selection or career choices that you can pursue or do with a KCSE mean grade D- (minus), E, or even KCPE, kindly contact us through the Chabot at the bottom of this website, and we will be glad to assist you.

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By | 2020-01-20T12:22:01+03:00 January 13th, 2020|Blog Articles|
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