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Degree courses: Grade C+ (plus), B- (minus), B plain, B+ (plus), A- (minus) and A (plain) courses in Kenya

To receive career guidance on various degree courses, open this page. To get guidance on various degree related career options, open this page. Got questions, chat with us via the chatbot at the bottom of this website.

List of courses for the above grades or qualifications
The following is a list of courses you can pursue or do with the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (KCSE) mean grade C+ (plus), B- (minus), B plain, B+ (plus), A- (minus) and A (plain). Explore some of the examples below;

  1. Bachelor science in dairy technology and management
  2. Bachelor science in agriculture and human ecology extension
  3. Bachelor science in(applied aquatic science)
  4. Bachelor of urban and regional planning
  5. Bachelor of the built environment in urban and regional planning
  6. Bachelor of arts in spatial planning
  7. Bachelor of science in spatial management
  8. Bachelor of arts in planning
  9. Bachelor science in parks, recreation and leisure management
  10. Bachelor science in events and leisure management
  11. Bachelor of arts in history and economics
  12. Bachelor of arts in counselling psychology
  13. Bachelor of science in forensic biology
  14. Bachelor of science natural resources management
  15. Bachelor of science in mining and mineral processing engineering
  16. Bachelor of conflict resolution and humanitarian assistance
  17. Bachelor of engineering in mechanical & production engineering
  18. Bachelor of arts in sociology and anthropology with IT
  19. Bachelor science in geomatics and geospatial information systems
  20. Bachelor science in geoinformatics
  21. Bachelor science in entrepreneurship
  22. Bachelor science in entrepreneurship and small enterprises management
  23. Bachelor of arts in international relations and diplomacy
  24. Bachelor science in animal health and production
  25. Bachelor of science in animal science
  26. Bachelor of arts in geography
  27. Bachelor of arts in geography and economics
  28. Bachelor science in medical biotechnology
  29. Bachelor science in climate change adaptation and sustainable development
  30. Bachelor science in agronomy with IT
  31. Bachelor of economics and statistics
  32. Bachelor of economics & sociology
  33. Bachelor science in optometry and vision sciences
  34. Bachelor science in biomedical science and technology
  35. Bachelor science in medical laboratory sciences
  36. Bachelor science in telecommunication and information engineering
  37. Bachelor science in occupational health and safety
  38. Bachelor science in food science and nutrition
  39. Bachelor science in food nutrition and dietetics
  40. Bachelor of technology education in building construction
  41. Bachelor of technology education
  42. Bachelor science in microbiology and biotechnology
  43. Bachelor science in microbiology
  44. Bachelor of arts in English, literature, and sociology
  45. Bachelor science in renewable energy
  46. Bachelor science in renewable energy and biofuels technology
  47. Bachelor of technology in electrical and electronic engineering
  48. Bachelor of arts in linguistic
  49. Bachelor of arts in history
  50. Bachelor of arts in history and archeology with IT
  51. Bachelor of engineering in chemical engineering
  52. Bachelor science in geographic information systems
  53. Bachelor of communication and media studies
  54. Bachelor of arts in leadership and management
  55. Bachelor of management and office administration
  56. Bachelor of religion, with IT
  57. Bachelor of technology education in computer studies
  58. Bachelor of education in ICT
  59. Bachelor of business leadership
  60. Bachelor of arts in theology
  61. Bachelor of arts in religious studies
  62. Bachelor of theology, with IT
  63. Bachelor of science in industrial chemistry
  64. Bachelor science in in mathematics
  65. Bachelor science in mathematical sciences with It
  66. Bachelor of architecture
  67. Bachelor of architectural studies/ technology
  68. Bachelor of quantity surveying
  69. Bachelor of arts, (BA)
  70. Bachelor of arts in anthropology
  71. Bachelor of science in actuarial science/ with IT
  72. Bachelor of arts in design
  73. Bachelor of health services management
  74. Bachelor of Islamic sharia
  75. Bachelor of disaster manager and international diplomacy
  76. Bachelor science in molecular and cellular biology
  77. Bachelor science in molecular biology and forensic technology
  78. Bachelor science in health promotion and sports science
  79. Bachelor science in biochemistry and molecular biology
  80. Bachelor science in exercise and sports science
  81. Bachelor of sports management
  82. Bachelor of technology in cosmetology
  83. Bachelor of environmental studies in earth sciences
  84. Bachelor of environmental studies in biology and health
  85. Bachelor of financial economics
  86. Bachelor of education (technology education)
  87. Bachelor science in forestry
  88. Bachelor of education (science) with guidance and counselling
  89. Bachelor of education (science) with special needs education
  90. Bachelor science in disaster mitigation and sustainable development
  91. Bachelor science in statistics and computer science
  92. Bachelor science in geospatial information science, with IT
  93. Bachelor of engineering in industrial and textile engineering
  94. Bachelor of business information systems
  95. Bachelor of business information technology
  96. Bachelor of arts in political science, with IT
  97. Bachelor of arts in political science and public administration
  98. Bachelor of applied science in geo-informatics
  99. Bachelor of arts in psychology
  100. Bachelor of science in community development
  101. Bachelor of tours & travel operations management
  102. Bachelor of international tourism management
  103. Bachelor of science in tourism management
  104. Bachelor of information technology (IT)
  105. Bachelor of science in information technology
  106. Bachelor science in instrumentation and control engineering
  107. Bachelor science in information science
  108. Bachelor of library and information science
  109. Bachelor science in computing and information systems
  110. Bachelor science in economics
  111. Bachelor science in genomic sciences
  112. Bachelor of arts in social work
  113. Bachelor science in wildlife enterprise management
  114. Bachelor science in wildlife management
  115. Bachelor science in marine engineering
  116. Bachelor science in wood science and industrial process
  117. Bachelor of management information systems
  118. Bachelor of cooperative business
  119. Bachelor of co-operative management
  120. Bachelor science in conservation biology
  121. Bachelor science in civil and structural engineering
  122. Bachelor of engineering in electrical and electronic engineering
  123. Bachelor science in health records and information technology/ management
  124. Bachelor science in public administration and leadership
  125. Bachelor science in animal health management
  126. Bachelor of church management and leadership
  127. Bachelor of social work and administration
  128. Bachelor science in travel and tourism management
  129. Bachelor science in agribusiness management
  130. Bachelor of education in early childhood and primary education
  131. Bachelor science in real estate management
  132. Bachelor of commerce, (B.Com/BCOM)
  133. Bachelor science in nursing
  134. Bachelor of medicine & bachelor of surgery (M.B.CH.B./ MBCHB)
  135. Bachelor of veterinary medicine
  136. Bachelor of education (science)
  137. Bachelor of criminology
  138. Bachelor of arts in criminology and security studies
  139. Bachelor of arts in criminology, criminal justice and public safety
  140. Bachelor of education (arts- in geography, mathematics and business studies)
  141. Bachelor of laws (LLB/ LL.B)
  142. Bachelor of education (arts-business studies)
  143. Bachelor science in medical psychology
  144. Bachelor of business management (marine business management)
  145. Bachelor of arts in communication studies
  146. Bachelor of business management (civil aviation management)
  147. Bachelor science in graphic, communication and advertising
  148. Bachelor science in media science
  149. Bachelor science in strategic management
  150. Bachelor science in human nutrition and dietetics
  151. Bachelor science in dry land agriculture & enterprise development
  152. Bachelor of technology in journalism and mass communication
  153. Bachelor of technology in geoinformation technology
  154. Bachelor science in land administration
  155. Bachelor science in hospitality management
  156. Bachelor science in geophysics
  157. Bachelor science in mathematics (pure mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics)
  158. Bachelor of technology in building technology
  159. Bachelor science in telecommunications
  160. Bachelor of arts in language and communication
  161. Bachelor of arts in communication
  162. Bachelor of arts in philosophy
  163. Bachelor of arts in Kiswahili and media studies
  164. Bachelor of arts in literature, theatre and film
  165. Bachelor science in physics
  166. Bachelor arts in business studies, with IT
  167. Bachelor science in mathematics and finance
  168. Bachelor of arts in peace education
  169. Bachelor science in economics and mathematics
  170. Bachelor of procurement and contract management
  171. Bachelor of supply chain management
  172. Bachelor of purchasing and supplies management
  173. Bachelor of logistics and supply chain management
  174. Bachelor of science in electrical and communication engineering
  175. Bachelor of science in mechatronic engineering
  176. Bachelor of science in in community development and environment
  177. Bachelor of mass communication
  178. Bachelor of science in agricultural economics and rural development
  179. Bachelor of science in agricultural economics
  180. Bachelor of science in fisheries and aquaculture
  181. Bachelor of science in fisheries and aquatic sciences
  182. Bachelor of science in computer security and forensics
  183. Bachelor of science in chemistry
  184. Bachelor of science in renewable energy and environmental physics
  185. Bachelor of science in energy and environmental technology
  186. Bachelor of history and international studies
  187. Bachelor of science in food processing technology
  188. Bachelor of science in communication in public relations
  189. Bachelor of science in corporate communication and management
  190. Bachelor of arts in bible and theology
  191. Bachelor of science in dental technology
  192. Bachelor of arts in drama and theatre studies
  193. Bachelor of arts in theater arts & film technology
  194. Bachelor of broadcast journalism
  195. Bachelor of construction management
  196. Bachelor of science in agroforestry & rural development
  197. Bachelor of science in water and environmental engineering
  198. Bachelor of science in agriculture & biotechnology
  199. Bachelor of education (special needs education-secondary option)
  200. Bachelor of science in health systems management
  201. Bachelor of education in early childhood education
  202. Bachelor of journalism
  203. Bachelor of journalism and mass communication
  204. Bachelor of science in management of agro-ecosystem and environment
  205. Bachelor of science in horticulture
  206. Bachelor of science in horticultural science & management
  207. Bachelor of justice and peace
  208. Bachelor of science in environmental health
  209. Bachelor of science in human resources management
  210. Bachelor of science in hotel and restaurant management
  211. Bachelor of Christian education
  212. Bachelor of business information and management
  213. Bachelor of public policy and administration
  214. Bachelor of science in environmental management
  215. Bachelor of arts in social communication
  216. Bachelor of arts in child and youth studies
  217. Bachelor of education in technology (civil engineering)
  218. Bachelor of education in guidance and counselling
  219. Bachelor of science in project planning and management
  220. Bachelor of arts in Kiswahili
  221. Bachelor of arts in Kiswahili and geography
  222. Bachelor of arts in Kiswahili and communication
  223. Bachelor of arts with education
  224. Bachelor of science in business administration
  225. Bachelor of education in primary education
  226. Bachelor of science in health education and promotion
  227. Bachelor of science in laboratory technology/ sciences
  228. Bachelor of science in computer technology
  229. Bachelor of science in urban design and development
  230. Bachelor of science in statistics and programming
  231. Bachelor of science in computer information systems
  232. Bachelor of music technology
  233. Bachelor of science in animal products technology
  234. Bachelor of science in biomedical engineering
  235. Bachelor of science in medical engineering
  236. Bachelor of technology in medical engineering
  237. Bachelor of technology in chemical engineering
  238. Bachelor of science in software engineering
  239. Bachelor of banking and finance
  240. Bachelor of economics and finance
  241. Bachelor of science in finance
  242. Bachelor of science in global health emporiatrics
  243. Bachelor of science in maritime management (commercial)
  244. Bachelor of arts, penology, correction and administration
  245. Bachelor of science (B.SC/ BSC)
  246. Bachelor of science in agricultural engineering
  247. Bachelor of science in agricultural and bio-systems engineering
  248. Bachelor of science in Biosystems engineering
  249. Bachelor of science in agriculture
  250. Bachelor of science in microbiology
  251. Bachelor of science in food science & technology
  252. Bachelor of science in range management
  253. Bachelor of dental surgery
  254. Bachelor of pharmacy
  255. Bachelor of science in petroleum exploration and production
  256. Bachelor of science in astronomy and astrophysics
  257. Bachelor of science in microprocessor technology and instrumentation
  258. Bachelor of science in agricultural extension and education
  259. Bachelor of science in agricultural education and extension
  260. Bachelor of science in applied physics and computer science
  261. Bachelor of science in integrated forest resources management
  262. Bachelor of education in technology in electrical and electronic engineering
  263. Bachelor of education in technology in mechanical engineering
  264. Bachelor of environmental planning and management
  265. Bachelor of science in industrial mathematics
  266. Bachelor of education arts in home economics
  267. Bachelor of arts in interior design, with IT
  268. Bachelor of education in physical education and sports
  269. Bachelor of education in physical education
  270. Bachelor of science in emergency management studies
  271. Bachelor of science in physics
  272. Bachelor of science in entomology and parasitology
  273. Bachelor of arts in youth ministry
  274. Bachelor of hotel management
  275. Bachelor of catering and hotel management
  276. Bachelor of science in applied computer science
  277. Bachelor of science in forestry ecosystem management
  278. Bachelor of science in agribusiness management & enterprise development
  279. Bachelor of science in geophysical and mineralogy
  280. Bachelor of science in aerospace engineering
  281. Bachelor of science in aeronautical engineering
  282. Bachelor of science in petroleum engineering
  283. Bachelor of science in recreation and sports management
  284. Bachelor of environmental education
  285. Bachelor of arts in translation and interpretation
  286. Bachelor of science in petroleum chemistry
  287. Bachelor of science in environmental chemistry
  288. Bachelor of science in agribusiness management and trade
  289. Bachelor of science in public management and development
  290. Bachelor of science in public health
  291. Bachelor of arts in fine arts
  292. Bachelor of technology in electrical and computer engineering
  293. Bachelor of technology in electronics
  294. Bachelor of science in nutraceutical science and technology
  295. Bachelor of arts in Islamic studies
  296. Bachelor of education in library science
  297. Bachelor of accountancy and financial management
  298. Bachelor of technology in office administration and technology
  299. Bachelor of science in epidemiology and biostatistics
  300. Bachelor of science in physiotherapy
  301. Bachelor of science in in zoology
  302. Bachelor of science in accountancy
  303. Bachelor of science in leather technology
  304. Bachelor of science in paramedical science
  305. Bachelor of science in botany
  306. Bachelor of business administration and management
  307. Bachelor of education in german
  308. Bachelor of arts in german
  309. Bachelor of science in applied statistics and computing
  310. Bachelor of science in applied statistics and programming
  311. Bachelor of education in French
  312. Bachelor of arts in French
  313. Bachelor of music
  314. Bachelor of education (arts in music)
  315. Bachelor of science in statistics
  316. Bachelor of science in seed science and technology
  317. Bachelor of landscape architecture
  318. Bachelor of science in environmental horticulture and landscaping technology
  319. Bachelor of science in financial engineering
  320. Bachelor of science in food operations and management
  321. Bachelor of science in land resource planning and management
  322. Bachelor of arts in sociology
  323. Bachelor of arts in sociology and social work
  324. Bachelor of arts in sociology and religion
  325. Bachelor of science in biotechnology and safety
  326. Bachelor of science in clothing textile and interior design
  327. Bachelor of science in fashion design and marketing
  328. Bachelor of science in fashion design and textile technology
  329. Bachelor of science in textiles, apparel design and fashion merchandising with IT
  330. Bachelor of science in innovation and technology management
  331. Bachelor of science in agricultural economics and resources management
  332. Bachelor of science in mechanical and manufacturing engineering
  333. Bachelor of science in environmental science
  334. Bachelor of science in environmental studies
  335. Bachelor of science in earth science, with IT
  336. Bachelor of science in manufacturing engineering & technology
  337. Bachelor of science in oral health
  338. Bachelor of science in medical microbiology
  339. Bachelor of technology in industrial biotechnology and biotechnology
  340. Bachelor of science in technology (automotive)
  341. Bachelor of film animation
  342. Bachelor of the built environment in construction management
  343. Bachelor of arts in public administration and governance
  344. Bachelor of science in finance and statistics
  345. Bachelor of science in community health education
  346. Bachelor of technology in marine engineering
  347. Bachelor of science in business computing
  348. Bachelor of technology in mechanical engineering
  349. Bachelor of technology in mechanical engineering technology
  350. Bachelor of science in operation research
  351. Bachelor of technology in civil engineering
  352. Bachelor of technology in civil engineering technology
  353. Bachelor of science in civil engineering
  354. Bachelor of science in fisheries and oceanography
  355. Bachelor of science in environmental health sciences (public health)
  356. Bachelor of science in management finance, with IT
  357. Bachelor of technology in surveying technology
  358. Bachelor of science in computer science
  359. Bachelor of science in analytical chemistry
  360. Bachelor of science in analytical chemistry with computing
  361. Bachelor of science in biology
  362. Bachelor of science in biological sciences
  363. Bachelor of science in meteorology
  364. Bachelor of science in geology
  365. Bachelor of science in biochemistry
  366. Bachelor of science in geospatial engineering
  367. Bachelor of science in biometry and informatics
  368. Bachelor of science in informatics
  369. Bachelor of science in community health and development
  370. Bachelor of science in crop improvement and protection
  371. Bachelor of science in agronomy
  372. Bachelor of technology in industrial and applied chemistry
  373. Bachelor of technology in technical and applied physics
  374. Bachelor of hospitality management
  375. Bachelor of science in mathematics and computer science
  376. Bachelor of real estate
  377. Bachelor of technology in construction and property management
  378. Bachelor of arts in gender and development studies
  379. Bachelor of arts in development studies
  380. Bachelor of arts in developmental and policy studies
  381. Bachelor of arts in gender
  382. Bachelor of science in forensic science
  383. Bachelor of education (arts) in fine art
  384. Bachelor of science in clinical medicine
  385. Bachelor of science in physical therapy
  386. Bachelor of science in radiography
  387. Bachelor of science in applied bioengineering
  388. Bachelor of science in coastal & marine resources management
  389. Bachelor of science in marine biology and fisheries
  390. Bachelor of science in marine resources management
  391. Bachelor of science in population health
  392. Bachelor of science in applied optics and lasers
  393. Bachelor of technology in biotechnology
  394. Bachelor of science in biotechnology
  395. Bachelor of science in hospitality management
  396. Bachelor of science in ecotourism
  397. Bachelor of science in ecotourism and hospitality management
  398. Bachelor of science in hotels and hospitality management
  399. Bachelor in hospitality and tourism management
  400. Bachelor of science in industrial biotechnology
  401. Bachelor of science in business management
  402. Bachelor of science in marketing
  403. Bachelor of technology in computer and electronics systems
  404. Bachelor of secretarial management and administration
  405. Bachelor of education in special needs education
  406. Bachelor of business and office management
  407. Bachelor of science in information and communication technology, ICT
  408. Bachelor of science in mathematics & business studies, with IT
  409. Bachelor of science in biostatistics
  410. Bachelor of science in food service and hospitality management
  411. Bachelor of science in water and environment management
  412. Bachelor of science in water resource management
  413. Bachelor of science in hydrology and water resources management
  414. Bachelor of science in food security
  415. Bachelor of science in event and convention management
  416. Bachelor of technology in institutional catering and accommodation
  417. Bachelor of science in networks and communication systems
  418. Bachelor of technology in networks and communication systems
  419. Bachelor of science in applied biology
  420. Bachelor of technology in applied biology
  421. Bachelor of technology in applied statistics
  422. Bachelor of science in medical social work
  423. Bachelor of science in soil science

The above list of courses is not exhaustive, to get more information or guidance on course selection or career choices that you can pursue or do with a KCSE mean grade C+ (plus), B- (minus), B plain, B+ (plus), A- (minus) or A (plain), kindly contact us through the Chabot at the bottom of this website, and we will be glad to assist you.

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