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Bachelor of Science in Forestry

Course Overview
Forestry can be described as the science, practice or craft of planting, managing, conserving, as well as restoring forests and other forestry associated resources through a sustainable approach with an objective of meeting desired needs, goals and values for human benefit. Forestry and related resources have many benefits to humanity. At a wider scale forests stabilize climate; the plants enrich the soil by recycling the nutrients through the shedding of leaves and seeds; they also regulate the water cycle by absorbing and redistributing rainwater quite equally to every species living within its range. Overall, forests provide perfect habitats for life to flourish on land. In addition forests provide us with a huge amount of different medicinal materials among many other benefits. In Kenya today, Land cover under forestry has continued to diminish and this creates a huge impact to the society. Professionally managing this resource is therefore very important for sustainable development. Professionals well trained in this field can be referred to as foresters among other titles. The work of foresters briefly encompasses planning and managing the growing, protection and harvesting of trees and help to manage their utilization.

The Bachelor of Science in Forestry is a programme that has been designed to educate students, train them and impart the necessary forestry knowledge and skills for sustainable forestry management and utilization. It is an interdisciplinary programme that equips students with advanced skills in forestry physical, chemical as well as biological processes that regulate the total Earth system, the unique environment that it provides for life, the changes that are occurring in this system, and the manner in which the changes are influenced by human actions. The programme is aimed at generating the necessary technical knowledge in forestry that would impact on development of our environment so as to encourage harmonious interactions between the natural environment and man. Upon successful completion of this course, graduates will have the requisite skills, knowledge and attitudes capable of spearheading sustainable forestry development agenda by focusing on sustainable forestry technologies that enhances environmental conservation and management as well as being able to carry out research and policy analysis towards informed forestry decision-making for sustainable community livelihoods among many other duties.

Entry Qualifications
For self sponsored students, at least a mean grade of C+ in KCSE. For Government sponsored students, the minimum cut point which is announced annually applies. The students should in addition have good performance in the following cluster subjects; Subject 1 BIO, Subject 2 CHE, Subject 3 MAT A or PHY or GEO, Subject 4 ENG/KIS or 3rd GROUP II or a GROUP III or any GROUP IV or any GROUP V.

Becoming a forester
If you are passionate about the environment and interested in a career that can enable you make a difference through sustainably conserving our forests, woodlands and other forestry related resources, then pursuing this course might be a good choice for you. In addition, you should be prepared to develop skills that can help you grow and succeed in this field.

Foresters have got good communication skills that enable them to give clear instructions to forest and other conservation workers who typically do the labour necessary for proper forest creation and maintenance. In addition, these professionals need to communicate clearly with landowners and in some cases, the general public. Foresters may walk long distances within forests in steep and wooded areas; they must therefore have good physical stamina. Good management and interpersonal skills in this field is an asset as foresters need to work well with the forest and other conservation workers they supervise.

Foresters normally reach conclusions through sound reasoning and judgment as they determine how to improve forest conditions, and they must react appropriately to fires among other forestry issues, therefore good critical thinking skills are very important. Creativity and problem solving skills are equally important as these professionals must be able to use their expertise and experience to determine whether their forestry actions and findings will have an impact on soil, forest lands and the spread of fires. In addition, this necessitates one to have good decision skills.

Work environment.
Foresters work outdoors most of their time but could spend sometime in the offices.

Career opportunities
Graduates of this course can be employed by the National Government, County Governments, Private sector or Non Governmental organizations (NGOs). They can be employed within areas such as; timber plantations and processing (e.g. Panpaper mills, Kenya Power and Lighting Company etc, KENGEN); Wildlife sanctuaries and National parks; teaching Colleges and Universities that offer forestry courses,  Film making and wildlife journalism/Television channels, Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, Government institutions such as (Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), research institutions like the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) & National Museums of Kenya (NMK); international organization such as (World Agro-forestry Centre, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Bank’s Division of Environment etc), agro forestry and farm forestry advisory services among others. Graduates of the course can also use their skills to start their own forestry related businesses.

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Bachelor of Environmental Studies & Community Development

By | 2018-03-13T12:46:00+03:00 January 27th, 2016|
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