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**Get the Best Courses for High-Paying Jobs – Expert Guide in PDF– [Download Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**

Electrical and electronics engineering in Kenya

Electrical engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with electricity and its application to the world. Electronic engineering deals with the design of electronic systems to transmit information. Electrical & electronics engineering is concerned with practical application of electricity in all its form including allied applications in electronics. Professionals in this field are known as electrical engineers among other titles. Electrical and electronics engineers design and maintain electrical and electronics systems.

Requirements for electrical and electronic engineering
The admission requirements/ qualifications for electrical and electronic engineering/ electrical engineering in Kenya vary with the level of education. The cluster subjects required are; Subject 1 MAT A, Subject 2 PHY, Subject 3 CHE and Subject 4 BIO or any GROUP III or any GROUP IV or any GROUP V.

Electrical / Electrical and electronics engineering courses in Kenya
There are various courses available to young Kenyans depending with their qualifications. These include; degrees, diplomas, certificates and artisan courses.

Degree courses

  1. Bachelor of Science (Bsc) in Electrical and electronics engineering
  2. Bsc in Electrical & electronics engineering
  3. Bachelor of technology in electrical and electronic technology
  4. Bsc in electrical & electronics
  5. Bsc in electrical and electronics
  6. Bsc in electrical engineering

Diploma courses

  1. Diploma in electrical and electronics
  2. Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering
  3. Diploma in electrical and electronic engineering
  4. Diploma in electrical and electronic engineering

Certificate courses

  1. Craft certificate in electrical engineering
  2. Certificate in electrical and electronics engineering
  3. Certificate in electrical and electronic engineering
  4. Craft in electrical engineering
  5. Certificate in electrical engineering
  6. Electrical engineering certificate

Artisan courses

  1. Artisan in electrical installation

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By | 2020-02-07T09:30:24+03:00 February 7th, 2020|Blog Articles|
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