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Download fee structure in PDF

We empower students, parents, guardians and other college bound individuals with the information they need to make informed college decisions. Follow the links below for your preferred college(s) to download fee structure in PDF.

Public colleges fee structures, PDF

  1. Siala technical institute [download here]
  2. Kabete polytechnic [download here]
  3. Matili technical [download here]
  4. Karumo technical training institute [download here]
  5. Kiti Nakuru fee structure PDF [download here]
  6. Kenya technical trainers college (Kttc) fees structure [download here]
  7. Sang’alo institute brochure [download here]
  8. Bumbe technical training institute, [download fee structure here] and [download list of courses brochure here]
  9. Kenya national polytechnic courses and fee structure [download here]

Private colleges fee structures, PDF

  1. Jodan college of technology fees per semester [download here]
  2. Jordan hospital medical college [download here]
  3. Nibs College BROCHURE, [download here]
  4. Summit institute of professionals fee structure, [download here]

In case you don’t find the information you want, don’t worry, we are adding information regularly. Let us know what you need and we shall provide the information as soon as possible.

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By | 2024-08-24T19:01:17+03:00 August 23rd, 2024|Affliates|
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