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Diploma in Building Technology


The diploma in building technology in Kenya is provided in three modules. The course takes 3 years with each module taking a year on average after which a Knec exam is done to evaluate your skills in the field of building and construction technology.

Why You Should Get Career Guidance First

Our passionate career guidance experts will help you identify a marketable course that aligns to your career aspirations. Being in such a career boosts your morale, keeps you committed at the workplace, gives your life a meaning, and is well paying. Do you know over 75% of professionals are dissatisfied by their jobs? The major cause of this dissatisfaction is lack of career guidance at the point of selecting a college course. The career guidance service we offer helps you avoid ending up in a boring, dead-end job that does not pay well. If you need help to identify a course that aligns to your career interests, and pays well for quick progress in life, contact us for personalized help.

As one of the most dynamic fields in the industry today, you can do a lot with a diploma in building technology in Kenya. For instance, you can explore many good paying jobs in the construction such as construction foreman, construction supervisor, project manager or start your own construction business through the practical skills acquired from diploma in building technology.

Diploma in Building Technology Modules

The diploma in building technology comprises of three modules; module 1, module 2 and module 3. Each of the modules explores various course units that equip you with the skills you need for a successful entry in the construction industry. The diploma in building and construction course outline and units are described below;

Diploma in Building Technology Module I Units

Module one of diploma in building construction covers the following course units;

  1. Communication skills
  2. Life skills
  3. Information communication technology
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. Mathematical I
  6. Physical science
  7. Construction materials
  8. Workshop technology I (mechanical
  9. Technical drawing
  10. Geotechnology1
  11. Construction plant and equipment
  12. General building and construction i
  13. Surveying I
  14. Structures

Diploma in Building Course Module II Units

The course units for diploma in building course module two covers the following topics;

  1. Mathematics II
  2. Geotechnology II
  3. Concreate technology II
  4. Workshop technology II (electrical)
  5. General building construction ii
  6. Structures II
  7. Surveying II
  8. Measurements of building works
  9. Estimating and costing I
  10. Building and Drawing CAD
  11. Building construction project design portfolio
  12. Construction management

Diploma in Building Technology Module III Units

The course units for diploma in building technology module three covers the following topical areas;

  1. Mathematics II
  2. General Building Construction II
  3. Surveying II
  4. Structures II
  5. Construction Management II
  6. Estimating and Costing II
  7. Building Services
  8. Building Drawing and Cad II
  9. Building Construction Project Design Portfolio II

Course Requirements

To study building technology course, you need to have a KCSE mean grade of C- (minus). The subjects needed include math’s and physics. However, the general requirements for diploma in building is overall mean grade of C- in KCSE.

Is Diploma in Building and Construction Marketable?

A shelter is one of the human basic needs. Building and construction is major process that facilitates the development of houses or habitable shelters. Thus, a building and construction course is a marketable course in Kenya. Skills acquired through the course can help you get jobs such as; construction foreman, building supervisor, project manager or start your own construction business.


It’s the desire of every study to study a marketable course in order to achieve social mobility in life. A diploma in building technology is a marketable course whose jobs can be found in many parts of the country; in rural, urban and cities around Kenya and the globe.

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By | 2023-08-27T21:45:54+03:00 May 26th, 2023|Blog Articles|
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