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D- courses in Kenya

D- (Minus) courses in Kenya are basically artisan courses offered in various technical colleges or vocational training centers across the country. These courses can also been be pursued or studied with Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade E and below including Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). You can explore artisan careers by opening this page or explore artisan courses by following this link.

How long do artisan courses take?
Artisan courses in Kenya take on average  two (2) years or less.

Where can one enroll for an artisan course?
Artisan courses can be studied in various technical colleges or vocational training centers in Kenya. For technical colleges in Kenya open this page, for vocational training centers in Kenya open this page.

What are the admission requirements?
Artisan courses can be pursued with any of these qualifications; KCSE mean grade D- (minus) or KCSE mean grade E or KCPE.

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By | 2019-09-03T15:24:48+03:00 September 3rd, 2019|Blog Articles|
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