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Craft Certificate Courses Offered by Kuccps


As a prospective college applicant, you might ask, “what are the certificate courses available at Kuccps? There are hundreds of craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps for placement to different technical colleges in Kenya. The minimum grade for certificate courses is KCSE D plain, and a craft certificate take 2 years to complete. Kuccps places students with D plain, and D+ plus to certificate and craft certificate courses. This article provides a comprehensive coverage of all the craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps to help you make informed career choice.

Get Help to Select the Best Course

Selecting the best course is a challenging task for many students and their families. Unfortunately, majority of students and their parents are not aware on the importance of seeking career guidance when choosing the course to study. We have been providing career guidance for over 10 years to help students study marketable courses with good career opportunities upon graduation. If you need a course with greater employment opportunities, request our career guidance service today.

Vehicle Technology Craft Courses Offered by Kuccps

Are you enthusiastic about motor vehicle mechanics? You can get a course through Kuccps college placement. The following are vehicle related courses you can explore as you navigate your career choices.

  1. Craft certificate in motor vehicle mechanics
  2. Craft certificate in automobiles technology
  3. Craft certificate in motor vehicle technology
  4. Craft certificate in automotive engineering
  5. Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (automotive option)
  6. Craft certificate in vehicle engineering

Food Beverage Craft Certificate Courses

Are you passionate about the hospitality industry? Kuccps college placement can connect you to different career options in food and hospitality sector. Here is a list of potential craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps you can explore.

  1. Craft certificate in food and beverage
  2. Craft certificate in food and beverage management
  3. Craft certificate in food and beverage production
  4. Craft certificate in food and beverage production, sales and service
  5. Certificate in pastry and baking technology
  6. Certificate in baking technology

Electrical Engineering Craft Courses Offered by Kuccps

Does electrical installations and technologies fascinate you? You can fulfil your career dream in the electrical engineering field by exploring the following electrical engineering craft courses.

  1. Craft certificate in electrical engineering
  2. Craft certificate in electrical and electronics technology
  3. Craft certificate in electrical engineering and electronic technology (telecommunication option).
  4. Craft certificate in electrical and electronic engineering (power option).
  5. Craft certificate in electrical technology (power)
  6. Craft certificate in electrical and electronics
  7. Craft certificate in wireman
  8. Craft certificate in electrical installation
  9. Craft certificate in electrical installation and maintenance
  10. Craft certificate in telecommunication and power
  11. Craft certificate in electrical technology (telecommunication option)
  12. Craft certificate in electrical engineering (telecommunication option)
  13. Craft certificate in electrical and electronic technology (telecommunication)
  14. Craft certificate in electrical and electronic engineering (telecommunication)
  15. Craft certificate in telecommunication and power
  16. Craft certificate in telecommunication engineering
  17. Craft certificate in telecommunication

Building and Construction Craft Certificate Courses Offered by Kuccps

Are you want to develop a career helping people own somewhere they can call home? A career in building construction can open up diverse opportunities for passionate masons, plumbers, and more. Below is a list of building related craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps you can consider;

  1. Craft certificate in building construction
  2. Craft certificate in building and construction technology
  3. Craft certificate in building and civil engineering
  4. Craft certificate in building technology
  5. Craft certificate in plant mechanics
  6. Craft certificate in construction plant mechanics
  7. Craft certificate in plumbing
  8. Craft certificate in plumbing technology
  9. Craft certificate in plumbing and pipe fitting
  10. Craft certificate in plumbing and water services
  11. Craft certificate in plumbing and building services
  12. Craft certificate in nutrition and dietetics

Mechanical Engineering Craft Certificate Courses Offered by Kuccps

Does repairing and servicing machines fascinate you? You can begin your career as a mechanical craftsman by pursing one of the mechanical craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps. Explore the illustrated list and navigate to your future.

  1. Craft certificate in mechanical engineering
  2. Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (production option)
  3. Craft certificate in mechanical engineering (marine)
  4. Craft certificate in mechatronics engineering
  5. Certificate in metal work and process technology

Information Studies Craft Courses Offered by Kuccps

Ever imagined working as an information clerk? You can begin a career focused on helping people get information in libraries or secure crucial company data by enrolling for one of the craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps. You can digest the following courses and choose the one that suits you.

  1. Craft certificate in information studies
  2. Craft certificate in information science
  3. Craft certificate in archives and information sciences
  4. Craft certificate in library information science
  5. Craft certificate in information studies (library science)
  6. Craft in library science
  7. Craft certificate in archives and information studies
  8. Craft certificate in library archival studies
  9. Craft certificate in library science
  10. Craft certificate in library information studies
  11. Craft certificate in library science
  12. Craft certificate in library information studies
  13. Craft certificate in library and information technology
  14. Craft certificate in information studies (library science)
  15. Craft certificate in library and archives studies
  16. Craft certificate in archives and information studies
  17. Craft certificate in information technology, (IT)

More Craft Courses by Kuccps

Haven’t seen your preferred course from the courses shared above? Explore more craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps from the list below;

  1. Craft certificate in information communication technology, (ICT)
  2. Craft certificate in petroleum geoscience
  3. Craft certificate in welding and fabrication
  4. Craft certificate in welding
  5. Craft certificate in journalism and mass media
  6. Craft certificate in fisheries technology
  7. Craft certificate in aquaculture
  8. Craft certificate in clothing technology
  9. Craft certificate in clothing design
  10. Craft certificate in fashion design
  11. Craft certificate in tailoring and dressmaking
  12. Craft certificate in fashion design and garment making
  13. Craft certificate in fashion design and clothing
  14. Craft certificate in knitting
  15. Craft certificate in garment making
  16. Craft certificate in community wildlife management
  17. Craft certificate in electrical instrumentation
  18. Craft certificate in electrical instrumentation and control
  19. Craft certificate in electrical and electrical engineering (instrumentation and control option)
  20. Craft certificate in civil engineering
  21. Craft certificate in building and civil engineering
  22. Craft certificate in water engineering
  23. Craft certificate in water resources technology and management
  24. Craft certificate in water technology
  25. Craft certificate in clerical operations
  26. Craft certificate in road transport management
  27. Craft certificate in tour guide
  28. Craft certificate in tour guiding and travel
  29. Craft certificate in tour guiding operations
  30. Craft certificate in tourism management
  31. Craft certificate in carpentry and furniture technology
  32. Craft certificate in carpentry and joinery
  33. Craft certificate in customs administration
  34. Craft certificate in tax administration
  35. Craft certificate in food processing technology
  36. Craft certificate in food science and processing technology
  37. Craft certificate in food science technology
  38. Craft Certificate in Food Processing and Preservation
  39. Craft certificate in accountancy
  40. Craft certificate in accounting
  41. Craft Certificate in accounting technician
  42. Craft certificate in accounting and management skills
  43. Craft certificate in hairdressing and beauty therapy
  44. Craft certificate in general agriculture
  45. Craft certificate in agriculture and community development
  46. Craft certificate in entrepreneurial agriculture
  47. Craft certificate in agricultural engineering
  48. Craft certificate in agricultural technology
  49. Craft certificate in agricultural mechanics
  50. Craft certificate in aquaculture
  51. Craft certificate in fisheries technology
  52. Craft certificate in human resources management
  53. Craft certificate in social development
  54. Craft certificate in community development
  55. Craft certificate in social work and community development
  56. Craft certificate in community development
  57. Craft certificate in social work and community development
  58. Craft certificate in social development
  59. Craft certificate in social work
  60. Craft certificate in social work and community development
  61. Certificate in freight management
  62. Craft certificate in supply chain management
  63. Craft certificate in supplies chain management
  64. Craft certificate in purchasing and supply management
  65. Craft certificate in storekeeping
  66. Craft certificate in storekeeping
  67. Craft certificate in business management
  68. Craft certificate in business administration
  69. Craft certificate in credit management
  70. Craft certificate in banking
  71. Craft certificate in banking and finance
  72. Craft certificate in cooperative management
  73. Craft certificate in land surveying
  74. Craft certificate in survey and mapping
  75. Craft certificate in laundry and housekeeping
  76. Craft certificate in catering and accommodation management
  77. Craft certificate in catering and accommodation operation
  78. Craft certificate in science laboratory technology
  79. Craft certificate in secretarial studies
  80. Craft certificate in computerized secretarial studies
  81. Craft certificate in road construction technology
  82. Craft certificate in road and bridge construction
  83. Craft certificate in road building and construction
  84. Craft certificate in sales and marketing
  85. Craft certificate in health records and IT
  86. Craft certificate in records maintenance
  87. Craft certificate in project management
  88. Certificate in early childhood development and education
  89. Craft certificate in computer studies
  90. Craft certificate in computer packages
  91. Craft certificate in computer systems and application packages
  92. Certificate in nature interpretation and tour administration

What are the Requirements for Certificate Courses in Kuccps?

If you want enroll for one of the craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps, you must a KCSE mean grade D (plain) and above. The qualifications or requirements for some of the certificate courses in Kuccps is KCSE D plain, while others require KCSE D+ (plus).

Career Guidance Support

Our career guidance officers can help you choose the best option among the craft certificate courses offered by Kuccps. We can help you find a marketable certificate course that aligns to your career interests, thus boosting the chance of succeeding in life, early. You can contact us, if you need career guidance assistance.

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By | 2023-11-03T12:11:26+03:00 August 27th, 2023|Blog Articles|
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