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Courses for class eight (8) school leavers, (class eight graduates)

Class eight leavers can enroll in different courses that are open to class eight (8) school leavers in Kenya. The courses are open to any person with a minimum qualification of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, (KCPE), meaning secondary school dropouts qualify for these courses. So if you have dropped out of high school for one reason or the other, you can explore courses shared in this article. The courses are offered by various Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges/ institutions as well as Vocational Training Centers, (Youth Polytechnics-YPs).

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Opportunities Open to Class 8 Leavers

Did you know you can start your journey to university education if you are a qualified class eight leaver, (if you have a KCPE). The journey will however be longer for you to eventually join university. Upon successful completion of class 8, candidates have 3 options on their way.

1. Continue with secondary education
2. Join a technical college or youth polytechnic
3. Enter the job market.

The options above have been listed in the order of their priority. However, we know you came here because your interest is (option 2 above) and want to have an idea of the courses that are open to class 8 school leavers. The list is shared below.

List of Courses for Class 8 school leavers & Secondary School Dropouts

1. Grade III in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
2. Artisan in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
3. Trade Test III in Carpentry and Joinery
4. Artisan in Carpentry & Joinery
5. Artisan in plumbing
6. Artisan in plumbing works
7. NVCET in plumbing
8. Grade Test in plumbing
9. Trade test in plumbing and pipe fitting
10. Artisan in electrical installation
11. Artisan in electrical engineering
12. Artisan in electrical and electronics
13. Artisan in electrical and electronics technology
14. Trade test in electrical wireman
15. NVCET in electrical installation
16. NVCET in electrical and electronics technology
17. Trade test in electrical fitter
18. Artisan in arc welding
19. Artisan in welding and fabrication
20. Artisan in general agriculture
21. NVCET in modern methods of agriculture (agribusiness development)
22. Grade I, II, III in agribusiness
23. NVCET in agribusiness
24. NVCET I and II in agribusiness development
25. NVCET refrigeration and air conditioning
26. Trade test in leatherwork technology
27. Artisan in Information Communication Technology
28. NVCET in Information Communication Technology
29. Artisan in food and beverage production and service
30. Artisan in food and beverage production, sales and service
31. Trade test in food processing
32. Artisan in building technology
33. Artisan in building construction technology
34. NVCET in building technology
35. Artisan in motor vehicle electrical
36. Artisan in motor vehicle mechanics
37. Artisan in motor vehicle technology
38. Artisan in automotive vehicle mechanics
39. Artisan in automotive engineering
40. Trade test in automotive vehicle mechanics
41. Trade test in automotive engineering
42. Artisan in storekeeping
43. Artisan in catering and accommodation
44. Artisan in general fitters
45. Artisan in masonry
46. Trade test in masonry
47. Grade III in masonry
48. Artisan in garment making
49. Artisan in fashion design and garment making
50. Artisan in fashion & design
51. Artisan in in fashion design and garment making technology
52. NVCET in fashion design and garment making
53. Grade III in dressmaking and tailoring
54. Artisan in dressmaking and tailoring
55. Trade Test in Solar Photovoltaic

Study Duration for KCPE Courses

The study duration for class eight school leavers courses takes an average of 2 years

Education Progression

Students who want to continue with their studies can do so. Upon successful completion of one level, you can apply and enroll for the next level, see below;

1. Enroll for artisan course (starting level for class 8 school leavers)
2. Enroll for a craft certificate
3. Enroll for a diploma course
4. Enroll for a degree course

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