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Core values in CBC

Core values in CBCCore values in CBC are crucial ethics and ideals that the CBC education system in Kenya. Core values are very important as they guide people when making choices, enacting relationships, and solving problems. The core values advanced in the CBC education in Kenya are; love, responsibility, respect, unity, peace, patriotism, social justice, and integrity. In this article, this topic will be explained in detail to unearth the tenets of the CBC curriculum.

Core values in CBC: What are the 7 competencies of CBC?

The foundation of the Competency-Based Curricula (CBC) is to prepare learners adequately for current and future labor markets and life, learners need appropriate exposure to relevant real-life requirements to succeed in life. This calls for the inclusion of cross-cutting ideas, processes, and practical skills in their curriculum from the early stages of education. Consequently, the following are the 7 competencies of CBC.


Language is a vital tool we use to exchange and convey information with others. Under the curriculum, learners can acquire the skill and ability to exchange with others’ thoughts, information, and behavior. The Competency-Based Curriculum promotes collaboration in several learning activities. For instance, to promote teamwork, work can be done in pairs or groups if not the entire class. This encourages learners to speak to one another and be cooperative to achieve a common goal while developing critical skills.

Critical thinking and problem-solving

The ability to showcase creativity is paramount in a competitive labor market. One of the key outcomes of quality education is a learner’s ability to utilize critical thinking skills such as problem-solving, making judgments, and reasoning. This skill is important as it allows learners to constantly evolve their thinking and adapt in the future.

Imagination and creativity

Early childhood education is paramount for the general development of children. A child’s mind is rather creative and imaginative in their formative years. The CBC’s core values capitalize on that aptitude. It encourages learners to convert what is in their imagination into creative materials. It also motivates learners to seek out new ideas and turn them into reality.

Citizenship- core values in CBC

Citizenship is the foundation of patriotism. A community is a group of people who share a common belief or identity. This shared identity is often anchored by sub-communities. The more the group of people in this community grows, the more set of values they share.

Once communities are governed by a political, economic, social, and religious framework, they become citizens. They experience a sense of belonging, peace, love, and patriotism – wanting to uphold what is right and condemn wrong behavior. The CBC encourages learners to understand their role as members of the larger community.

Continuous learning

People learn throughout life because learning is a never-ending endeavor. Acquiring new information allows one to become a better decision-maker and problem solver. The CBC encourages teachers to teach learners how to think and not what to think, which means learners will develop an inclination to seek problem-solving information, even outside the confines of the school system.


The CBC curriculum ensures that learners are capable of independently completing tasks successfully. This means that a learner can take a difficult task and break it down into smaller components for better understanding without relying heavily on their teacher. The by-product of this skill is that the learner demonstrates high self-esteem and increased confidence.

Digital literacy

The world has become a global village thanks to advances in technology. One advantage the current generation enjoys is being digitally savvy. Children can navigate their way on digital devices with ease. Digital literacy can be measured by the learner’s ability to safely and cleverly use hardware and software technology to access information. In a world where tech becomes quickly obsolete, learners who are prepared for change adapt quickly.

A final word on core values in CBC

Core values in CBC are crucial ethics and ideals that the CBC education system in Kenya. Core values are very important as they guide people when making choices, enacting relationships, and solving problems. The core values advanced in the CBC education in Kenya include; love, responsibility, respect, unity, peace, patriotism, social justice, and integrity. In addition, the following are typical examples of the 7 competencies depicted in the CBC structure; Collaboration, Critical thinking, problem-solving, Imagination and creativity, Citizenship, Continuous learning, Self-efficacy, Digital literacy.

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By | 2024-09-16T18:42:10+03:00 September 16th, 2024|CBC|
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