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Computer packages

Computer packagesComputer packages are short courses in Kenya created to empower people with fundamental skills and competencies required to operate computers effectively. A computer is an electronic device that works through the help of software or programs. A functioning computer comprise of two important elements; hardware and software.

Computer hardware is any part of the computer you can touch such as; mouse, keyboard, hard disc, and ram among other physical features. On the other hand, computer software is any program installed in the equipment to make it possible to operate like; Operating system & Microsoft office. Computer packages provide basic skills on the two major parts of a computer.

Computer packages in Kenya

Computer packages are popular programs among form four leavers and other individuals wanting to upgrade their IT skills.  Since they are short courses, it will take a month or so to learn computer packages in Kenya. Advanced computer skills course takes two months.

Computer packages in Kenya will teach you the basics about computers. For instance, at the end of the course, you will have covered the 12 computer packages which include;

  1. Introduction to computers
  2. Microsoft windows/ operating system
  3. Word processing through MS office
  4. Spreadsheet through MS excel
  5. Database management through MS access
  6. Document presentation using MS PowerPoint
  7. Email and internet
  8. Introduction to graphic design, for instance using publisher, adobe PageMaker etc.
  9. Social media and digital skills
  10. Software installation
  11. Basic computer troubleshooting, repair and maintenance
  12. Printing and photocopying

Upon successful completion of basic computer courses, learners will be empowered with the following 4 skills and competencies.

  1. Basic understanding of how computers operate through operating system
  2. Able to prepare documents and presentations through MS office, MS PowerPoint etc.
  3. Understanding basic IT communication technologies
  4. Interweb connectivity e.g. email and internet serving

Besides, the basic computer skills concepts listed above, learners can advance their skills to advanced computer skills. Below are computer packages list you can consider after completing the packages for beginners.

  1. Advanced Photoshop package
  2. Advanced Corel draw
  3. Advanced graphic design
  4. Certificate in website design
  5. Quick Books (accounting)
  6. Sage (accounting)
  7. Pastel (accounting)
  8. Tally (accounting)
  9. SPSS (statistical)
  10. Stata (statistical)
  11. R test (statistical)
  12. Visual programming using basic (programming language)
  13. Object oriented programming using C/C++
  14. Database programming using SQL
  15. Java script
  16. PHP
  17. Python
  18. C#

Entry requirements for basic computer courses

There are no minimum requirements for basic computer skills courses. Admission is open to candidates interested in basic computer courses. The courses take one to two months depending with the type of packages you are studying. Upon completion of the course, candidates are awarded computer packages

Benefits of computer skills programs

Computers influence all aspects of our daily lives. They are used in all industries; schools, business, hotels, aviation, just to name a few. Therefore, to remain competitive in the job market, you need to upgrade your skills through computer packages. The following are some of the benefits you can achieve after learning basic computer courses.

  1. Computer skills enhances your job efficiency
  2. Enhances digital communication through email and other social forums
  3. Creates more opportunities for instance working online

Computer packages fee structure

The fee structure for computer skills course depends with the course provider and the package you are taking. For example, on average it will cost Kshs. 2,000/- to do basic computer packages or Kshs. 27,000/- for advanced computer skills. However, the actual cost depends on the course trainer and the level of study.

Final word

Computer packages are short courses created to empower people with fundamental skills and competencies required to operate computers effectively. Computer application has become a way of life for all people. Basic computer skills are therefore crucial in daily lives. The entry requirements for computer basics programs are open; the fee you need to do basic computer packages is Kshs. 2,000/-. Packages explored in the curriculum include; introduction to computers; Microsoft windows/ operating system, word processing through MS office, spreadsheet through MS excel, database management through MS access, document presentation using MS PowerPoint, email and internet among others.

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