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Colleges and Vocational Training Centers in Nakuru County

We provide up to date information of colleges in Nakuru County, the courses they offer, their admission requirements, the fees and other costs they charge and much more. We also provide career guidance to help you choose the right course at the right institution. If you need this kind of support, contact us through the chatbot at the bottom of this website and we will respond promptly.

For ease of reference, we have classified colleges and other training institutions in Nakuru County into two categories; (1) Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) and (2) Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) commonly known as Youth Polytechnics (YPs). The list is a combination of both public and private colleges.

A list of Technical and Vocational Colleges in Nakuru County
Technical and Vocational colleges offers mainly artisan certificate courses, craft certificate courses and diploma courses. The following is a list of Technical and Vocational colleges in Nakuru County.

  1. Achievers School of Professional Studies
  2. Adept College of Professional Studies
  3. African Institute of Research and Development Studies
  4. AIC Naivasha Technical Training institute
  5. Amboseli Institute of Hospitality and Technology
  6. Bahati Institute of Business and Administration Studies
  7. Baraka Agricultural College
  8. Berea Christian College for Integrated Studies
  9. Bright Star Institute of Business Studies
  10. Classic Su Hair and Beauty College
  11. Dairy Training Institute
  12. Dykaan College-Nakuru Campus
  13. Earthrise Institute of Technology
  14. German Kenya Training Institute
  15. Institute of Advanced Technology – Nakuru Campus
  16. Kenstar College of Accountancy
  17. Kenya industrial training institute –nakuru
  18. Kenya Institute of Management – Nakuru Campus
  19. Kenya Institute of Security and Criminal Justice – Nakuru
  20. Kenya Institute of Development Studies
  21. KWS Training Institute
  22. Lake Lawrenzo Medical Training College
  23. Lake Naivasha Institute
  24. Milele College Nakuru
  25. MMCT-ST. Mary’s Nursing School
  26. Morendat Institute of Oil and Gas
  27. Mwangaza College Nakuru
  28. Nairobi Aviation- Nakuru
  29. Nakuru College of Health Sciences and Management
  30. Nakuru Training College
  31. NYS Advanced Building School
  32. NYS School of Catering – Gilgil
  33. NYS School of Fashion Design – Naivasha
  34. Osons Business Systems Institute
  35. P.C.E.A Molo College of Professional Studies
  36. Prudential International School of Professional Studies
  37. Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies
  38. Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology
  39. Sensei Institute of Technology
  40. Serein Education Centre
  41. Skyways Aviation Training Institute
  42. Stac institute
  43. The Serenity College – Gilgil
  44. Tracom College

Scroll down to view more training institutions in Nakuru County

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A list of Vocational Training Centers/ Youth Polytechnics in Nakuru County
Vocational Training Centers or (Youth Polytechnics as commonly known) offers mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of Vocational Training Centers/ youth polytechnics in Nakuru County, both public and private.

  1. Barut Youth Polytechnic
  2. Chemare Vocational Training Center
  3. Cheptuech Vocational Training Center
  4. Comboni Polytechnic
  5. Comboni Vocational Training Center
  6. Dundori Vocational Training Center
  7. House of Plenty Vocational Training Center
  8. Kenya Institute of Development Studies
  9. Kikopey Vocational Training Center
  10. Lion Hill Vocational Training Center
  11. Maiela Vocational Training Centre
  12. Mirera Vocational Training Centre
  13. Molo Vocational Training Center
  14. Muteithia Vocational Training Centre
  15. Nakuru Youth Polytechnic
  16. Rongai Vocational Training Center
  17. SAPTET Vocational Training Center
  18. Subukia Vocational Training Center
  19. Wanyororo Vocational Training Center
  20. Kagoto Youth Polytechnic
  21. Kamara Youth Polytechnic
  22. Kware Vocational Training Centre
  23. Ndungiri Youth Polytechnic
  24. Njoro Youth Polytechnic
  25. Piave Youth Polytechnic
  26. Ruiyobei Youth Polytechnic
  27. St Clare Vocational Training Institute

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Do you need information on the courses offered by each of the above vocational training centres?, Admission requirements?, Study duration?, Fees and other costs to pay (fee structure)?, Intake months? Or need career guidance to help you choose the best course in the best-fit-institution? Contact us via the chatbot at the bottom of this website and we will assist you.

Course offerings
Technical and Vocational Centers offers training for diploma courses, craft certificate and artisan courses. To get receive career guidance on each of these options, follow these links; for diplomas, for craft certificates and artisan courses.

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By | 2020-02-25T16:50:10+03:00 October 1st, 2019|Blog Articles|
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