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CBC education system in Kenya

CBC education system in KenyaCBC education system in Kenya is the new curriculum structured into a 2-6-3-3-3 education cycle, with each learner transitioning through a minimum of 17 levels, each lasting one year. It was introduced in Kenya in 2017 . The CBC education system in Kenya is a competency based curriculum that focuses on monitoring the learning progress of each learner over a 2-6-3-3-3 year period, evenly divided into three major levels of education; Early years education, junior school education, senior School, tertiary, and university education offering diverse CBC career pathways.

PAY ATTENTION: We have created a well curated guide for the CBC education system in Kenya pdf to help learn about this captivating syllabus, [download PDF]

What is the structure of CBC education system in Kenya?

The CBC structure of education in Kenya is structured into a 2-6-3-3-3 education cycle, with each learner transitioning through a minimum of 17 levels, each lasting one year. These levels are grouped into four general categories: Early year education which includes pre-primary and lower primary education, middle school encompassing upper primary and lower secondary education.

The senior school focuses on upper secondary education. On the other hand, tertiary education: includes technical and vocational education and Training (TVET) or university education. The previous 8.4.4 system has been blamed for producing graduates who don’t meet the demands of labor market. Conversely, the CBC is producing learners with market driven competencies.

The current structure of education in Kenya which is winding up comprise of eight years of compulsory primary education (beginning at age six), four years at the secondary level, and four years of higher education. The government provides free primary and secondary education. However, it is not free purse, parents pay money for stationeries, food among others.

The importance of the new CBC education system in Kenya can not be underestimated. For instance, the education is deemed to produce well rounded manpower ready to address the different challenges facing industries. Part of the objectives of the CBC education in Kenya is to achieve the following goals and objectives.

  1. Promote individual development for gainful employment.
  2. Promote sound moral and religious values.
  3. Promote social equality and responsibility.
  4. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.

Final word

The CBC education system in Kenya is a competency based curriculum that focuses on monitoring the progress learning progress of each learner over a 2-6-3-3-3 year period. The curriculum is evenly divided into three major levels of education; Early years education, junior school education, senior School, tertiary, and university education. The goals and objectives of the new education is to promote individual development for gainful employment, promote sound moral and religious values, promote social equality and responsibility as well as promoting respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.

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By | 2024-09-15T17:52:02+03:00 September 15th, 2024|CBC|
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