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**Get the Best Courses for High-Paying Jobs – Expert Guide in PDF– [Download Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**

How to become a military officer in Kenya

Who is a military officer? A military officer is a person working in the military for national defense. Military (known collectively as armed forces) is a heavily armed and highly organized force that protects the country from external aggressions, threats and attacks. The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), the umbrella body for armed forces in [...]

By | 2019-10-14T08:06:57+03:00 October 14th, 2019|Artisan Level, Craft Level, Diploma Level, Undergraduate Level|

Colleges and Vocational Training Centers in Kitui County

Colleges in Kitui town and its county environs comprise of one public university, several technical colleges and many vocational training centers, (vtcs) or youth polytechnics as commonly known. Courses offered in the middle level colleges include; artisan, craft-certificate and diploma courses. Kitui County Location Kitui County is located in Kenya’s eastern region. It is [...]

By | 2023-08-30T00:04:46+03:00 September 26th, 2019|Blog Articles, Diploma Level|

How to become an English teacher in Kenya

Who is an English teacher? An English teacher is a trained person in teacher education with a specialization in English combined with another subject. English teachers teach students English lessons as well as other fields depending on teachers’ area of specialization. Area of specializations English and Geography Teacher Art and Design/ English Teacher French/ [...]

By | 2019-07-31T08:04:15+03:00 July 31st, 2019|Diploma Level|

How to become a credit technician in Kenya

Who is a credit technician? A credit technician is a technical person or a person skilled in credit management or a closely related field. A credit is something of value (such as money) received with an agreement to pay it at a later date usually with an interest (additional money) above the credit received. [...]

By | 2019-07-30T08:33:11+03:00 July 30th, 2019|Diploma Level|

How to become an ECDE teacher in Kenya

Who is an ECDE teacher? An ECDE teacher is a person or a worker skilled in Early Childhood Development and Education, (ECDE) or a closely related field. Early childhood development and education is a branch of education that deals with teaching children from birth up to the age of eight (8) years. ECDE teachers [...]

By | 2020-02-03T10:19:51+03:00 June 17th, 2019|Craft Level, Diploma Level, Undergraduate Level|
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