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**Don’t Risk Your Future – A Wrong Course Choice Can Ruin It. Get Expert Curated PDF Course Guides. [Learn More](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**

How to become a social work craftsman in Kenya

Who is a social work craftsman? A social work craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in social work or a closely related field. A social problem can be defined as various problems affecting members of the community such as poverty, drug abuse and environmental issues among others. Social work is a profession [...]

By | 2019-05-31T08:32:36+03:00 May 31st, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become a community development craftsman in Kenya

Who is a community development craftsman? A community development craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in community development or a closely related field. A community is a group of people living in the same area or with a common characteristic. To develop is to cause something to grow or exist. Community development [...]

By | 2019-05-30T10:27:56+03:00 May 30th, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become a social development craftsman in Kenya

Who is a social development craftsman? A social development craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in social development or a closely related field. Social development can be described as a process geared towards improving the social economic wellbeing of every individual in a given society so that they can reach their full [...]

By | 2019-05-29T08:48:29+03:00 May 29th, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become a human resources craftsman in Kenya

Who is a human resources craftsman? A human resources craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled inhuman resources management or a closely related field. Human resources management commonly abbreviated as HRM or simply HR can be defined as a strategic management of employees within an organization. The role of HR is to maximize [...]

By | 2019-05-28T07:58:43+03:00 May 28th, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become an aquaculture craftsman in Kenya

Who is an aquaculture craftsman? An aquaculture craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in aquaculture or a closely related field. The term aqua-(tic) refers to an ecosystem within water bodies. Aquaculture is a branch of agriculture that deals with cultivation or rearing of fish and other aquatic organisms. Under the supervision of [...]

By | 2019-05-27T08:18:46+03:00 May 27th, 2019|Craft Level|
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