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How to become a metal craftsman in Kenya

Who is a metal craftsman? A metal craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in metal work, metal processing, metal crafts or closely related field. Metal work entails the use of metals to create assemblies, individual parts as well as large scale structures. Under the supervision of senior officers, metal craftsmen install, fabricate, [...]

By | 2020-02-13T13:31:28+03:00 April 29th, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become a nutrition craftsman in Kenya

Who is a nutrition craftsman? A nutrition craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in nutrition and dietetics or closely related field. Nutrition and dietetics relates to the use of food and nutrition to improve human health. Nutrition craftsmen assist in the provision of food and nutritional programs under the supervision of nutritionists [...]

By | 2019-04-24T08:42:25+03:00 April 24th, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become a plumbing craftsman in Kenya

Who is a plumbing craftsman? A plumbing craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in plumbing or closely related field. Plumbing can be described as a network of pipes that allows water or other kinds of fluids to flow from point A to B. The work of plumbing craftsmen entails installation and repairing [...]

By | 2019-04-15T08:47:10+03:00 April 15th, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become a telecommunication craftsman in Kenya

Who is a telecommunication craftsman? A telecommunication craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in telecommunication engineering or closely related field. Telecommunication is a process that transmits sounds, images, signals, signs or any other form of information through telephone, wire, or other electromagnetic systems. Telecommunication engineering is an engineering field focused on electrical [...]

By | 2019-04-15T08:38:50+03:00 April 15th, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become an electrical craftsman in Kenya

Who is an electrical craftsman? An electrical craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in electrical engineering or closely related field. Electrical engineering is concerned with the application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism towards the design, installation, repair and maintenance of electrical and electronic systems.  Electrical craftsmen installs, diagnoses, and repairs faults on [...]

By | 2019-04-11T10:45:18+03:00 April 11th, 2019|Craft Level|
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