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**Get the Best Courses for High-Paying Jobs – Expert Guide in PDF– [Download Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**

How to become a certified Jua Kali artisan in Kenya.

Who is a Jua kali artisan? An artisan is a worker who is skilled in a trade, especially one that involves making things or products by hand. Such trades include; tailoring, metalwork, leather work, plumbing, mechanics, electrical installation among others. Jua kali artisans are skilled trades people who do not have formal training or [...]

By | 2019-10-25T12:14:47+03:00 October 25th, 2019|Artisan Level, Craft Level|

How to become a military officer in Kenya

Who is a military officer? A military officer is a person working in the military for national defense. Military (known collectively as armed forces) is a heavily armed and highly organized force that protects the country from external aggressions, threats and attacks. The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), the umbrella body for armed forces in [...]

By | 2019-10-14T08:06:57+03:00 October 14th, 2019|Artisan Level, Craft Level, Diploma Level, Undergraduate Level|

How to become a project management craftsman in Kenya

Who is a project management craftsman? A project management craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in project management or a closely related field. A project is a series of tasks and activities performed to accomplish or develop a product or service. Project management is a process that involves planning, organizing and managing [...]

By | 2019-07-01T09:53:42+03:00 June 17th, 2019|Craft Level|

How to become an ECDE teacher in Kenya

Who is an ECDE teacher? An ECDE teacher is a person or a worker skilled in Early Childhood Development and Education, (ECDE) or a closely related field. Early childhood development and education is a branch of education that deals with teaching children from birth up to the age of eight (8) years. ECDE teachers [...]

By | 2020-02-03T10:19:51+03:00 June 17th, 2019|Craft Level, Diploma Level, Undergraduate Level|

How to become a computer craftsman in Kenya

Who is a computer craftsman? A computer craftsman is a craftsperson or a worker skilled in computer studies or a closely related field. A computer is a device or machine that performs various activities as instructed by a software or hardware program. Computer studies focuses on studying how computers work including their software and [...]

By | 2019-06-17T08:47:59+03:00 June 17th, 2019|Craft Level|
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