*GET CAREER GUIDANCE NOW:* Explore the most marketable and best courses to study in 2024. **[Download PDF]( https://selar.co/a85027)**
*GET CAREER GUIDANCE NOW:* Explore the most marketable and best courses to study in 2024. **[Download PDF]( https://selar.co/a85027)**

Core values in CBC

Core values in CBC are crucial ethics and ideals that the CBC education system in Kenya. Core values are very important as they guide people when making choices, enacting relationships, and solving problems. The core values advanced in the CBC education in Kenya are; love, responsibility, respect, unity, peace, patriotism, social justice, and integrity. In [...]

By | 2024-09-16T18:42:10+03:00 September 16th, 2024|CBC|

CBC education system in Kenya

CBC education system in Kenya is the new curriculum structured into a 2-6-3-3-3 education cycle, with each learner transitioning through a minimum of 17 levels, each lasting one year. It was introduced in Kenya in 2017 . The CBC education system in Kenya is a competency based curriculum that focuses on monitoring the learning progress [...]

By | 2024-09-15T17:52:02+03:00 September 15th, 2024|CBC|

CBC career pathways

CBC career pathways are an important topic among students, teachers, parents, and education stakeholders. Understanding the plethora of CBC career choices is vital to help students plan their academics appropriately and ultimately make informed course choices. In this article, we are going to explore the various career routes as enshrined in the CBC model. Career [...]

By | 2024-09-15T20:25:51+03:00 September 13th, 2024|CBC|
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