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**Don’t Risk Your Future – A Wrong Course Choice Can Ruin It. Get Expert Curated PDF Course Guides. [Learn More](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**

How to become a builder in Kenya

Who is a builder? A builder is an artisan or a worker skilled in building and construction technology or closely related field. A building is a physical structure with a roof and walls such as a house, classroom among others. Construction is the process of erecting/ constructing a building. Building and construction technology therefore [...]

By | 2019-03-12T08:28:10+03:00 March 12th, 2019|Artisan Level|

How to become a cook in Kenya

Who is a cook? A cook is an artisan or a worker skilled in food and beverage production or closely related field. Food and beverage can be described as any nutritious substance that people eat or drink in order to maintain life and growth. Food and beverage production is the process of preparing food [...]

By | 2019-03-11T08:09:26+03:00 March 11th, 2019|Artisan Level|

How to become a computer/ ICT fitter/ clerk in Kenya

Who is a computer/ ICT fitter/ clerk? A computer/ ICT fitter/ clerk is an artisan or a worker skilled in information communication technology (ICT) or closely related field. Information communication technology refers to technologies that provides access to information with focus on communication technologies such as; computers, cell phones, wireless networks among others. Computer/ [...]

By | 2019-03-12T15:41:28+03:00 March 11th, 2019|Artisan Level|

How to become a leather artisan in Kenya

Who is a leather artisan? A leather artisan is a worker skilled in leather work technology or closely related field. Leather work technology is the processing of raw animal hides into leather and production of goods from leather and related materials. Are you in college? You can only make an informed decision on where [...]

By | 2020-01-29T11:48:41+03:00 March 8th, 2019|Artisan Level|

How to become a refrigeration fitter in Kenya

Who is refrigeration fitter? A refrigeration fitter is an artisan or a worker skilled in refrigeration and air conditioning or closely related field. Refrigeration is a process of keeping items below room temperature usually by storing them in systems designed for that purpose, e.g. a refrigerator/ fridge. Air conditioning on the other hand is [...]

By | 2019-03-07T08:38:15+03:00 March 7th, 2019|Artisan Level|
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