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Careers Guide 2023-11-01T18:22:59+03:00

How to become a military officer in Kenya

Who is a military officer? A military officer is a person working in the military for national defense. Military (known collectively as armed forces) is a heavily armed and highly organized force that protects the country from external aggressions, threats and attacks. The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), the umbrella body for armed forces in [...]

By | October 14th, 2019|Artisan Level, Craft Level, Diploma Level, Undergraduate Level|

How to become a Librarian/ Information Scientist in Kenya

Who is a Librarian/ Information Scientist? A librarian/ information scientist is a professional trained in Library and Information Science or closely related field. Library science can be defined as the study of preservation, collection, cataloguing and making documents and other books within libraries available to users. Information science on the other hand is the [...]

By | February 25th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a Health Records Officer in Kenya

Who is a Health Records Officer? A health records officer is a professional trained in health records or closely related field. Health records can be described as a confidential documentation of important facts related to individual health history, including present and past medical conditions, illnesses and treatments. Health records officers collect, organize, store and [...]

By | February 25th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a Supply Chain Officer in Kenya

Who is a Supply Chain Officer? A supply chain officer is a professional trained in supply chain management or closely related field. Supply chain management is simply the buying of goods and services that enable an organisation to operate efficiently. It encompasses the sourcing, movement, storage and inventory of goods and services from suppliers to [...]

By | February 22nd, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a Human Resources Officer in Kenya

Who is a Human Resources Officer? A human resources officer is a professional with qualifications inhuman resource management or closely related field. Human Resource Management commonly abbreviated as “HRM” describes any formal systems developed for the management of people within a given organization with a sole objective of maximizing employee performance. Are you in [...]

By | February 19th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a lawyer in Kenya

Who is a lawyer? A lawyer is a professional with qualifications in legal education either at undergraduate or graduate level. A legal education is the education of individuals who intent to become legal professionals (lawyers) and related areas. Lawyers offer legal advice to clients or represent individuals and businesses in legal matters, (continue reading) [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a mechatronic engineer in Kenya

Who is a mechatronics engineer? A mechatronic engineer is a professional with qualifications in mechatronics engineering or closely related field. Mechatronic refers to a multidisciplinary discipline encompassing; mechanical, electrical, telecommunication as well as computer engineering. It is a relatively new approach to product design that addresses four interconnected disciplines used for all complex modern [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become an electrical & electronics engineer in Kenya

Who is an electrical & electronics engineer? An electrical & electronics engineer is a professional with qualifications in electrical & electronics engineering or closely related field. Electrical and electronics engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the applications of electricity, electronics as well as electromagnetism with an objective of designing, developing, testing [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a mechanical engineer in Kenya

Who is a mechanical engineer? A mechanical engineer is a professional with qualifications in mechanical engineering or closely related field. In a simple definition, mechanical engineering is all about the design, manufacture and maintenance of various kinds of machinery ranging from small individual parts to complex mechanical systems. Are you in college? You can [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become an actuary in Kenya

Who is an actuary? An actuary is a professional educated in actuarial science or closely related field. Actuarial science is a profession that applies statistical, probability and mathematical techniques to assess risk in various sectors such as finance, insurance among other industries. As a profession, it helps businesses develop policies and programs that helps [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become an accountant in Kenya

Who is an accountant? An accountant is a professional educated in accounting or closely related field. Accounting is a profession that deals with the management of financial records or accounts within a business environment. Without this profession, businesses would have no foundation on which both short and long term financial decisions could be made. [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a statistician in Kenya

Who is a statistician? A statistician is a professional educated in statistics or closely related field. Statistics is a branch of mathematics that is concerned with collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of scientific data towards solving real problems in health, business, and agriculture among other fields. Are you in college? You can only make [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a mathematician in Kenya

Who is a mathematician? A mathematician is professional educated in mathematics or closely related field(s). Mathematics is a field of study that is concerned with shapes, quantities and numbers. The application of mathematics is useful in virtually all industries. Mathematics or maths as fondly referred to influences our everyday lives. Mathematicians therefore use various [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a real estate manager in Kenya

Who is a real estate manager? A real estate manager is a professional trained in real estate management or closely related field. Real estate refers to the land and other immovable structures affixed to it such as buildings, natural resources and structures both above and below the earth surface. Are you in college? You [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a physical planner in Kenya

Who is a physical planner? A physical planner also known as urban planner, town planner, spatial planner or simply a planner is a professional whose work is to plan how land is going to be used for various uses such as; residential, commercial, industrial, educational, religious and recreational among other land uses. These professionals [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a construction manager in Kenya

Who is a construction manager? A construction manager is a professional whose job entails planning, control as well as coordination of major construction projects from start to finish. In summary, these professionals oversee planning, coordination, budgeting, as well as supervision of all construction projects from inception to completion. Are you in college? You can [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a landscape architect in Kenya

Who is a landscape architect? A landscape architect is a design professional whose job is to plan, design, construct and manage gardens and landscapes of all sizes. These professionals creates gardens and landscapes that are aesthetically pleasing, functional to the intended users and sustainable in terms of long term management plans. Are you in [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become a quantity surveyor in Kenya

Who is a quantity surveyor? A quantity surveyor is a professional who calculates or estimates the entire cost of a building project. The most basic role of a quantity surveyor is to figure out what a construction project is going to cost. Are you in college? You can only make an informed decision on [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

How to become an architect in Kenya

Who is an architect? An architect is a design professional whose work entails overall planning, designing and management of construction work of various houses, office buildings and other physical structures. Are you in college? You can only make an informed decision on where to look for internships/ attachments or jobs when you exactly understand [...]

By | February 7th, 2019|Undergraduate Level|

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