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Career guidance for high school students

Career guidance for high school studentsCareer guidance for high school students in Kenya is disjointed with thousands of bright students finishing secondary schools without knowing what the future holds for them in terms of career options. It’s a sad state of affairs where over 66% of university students find themselves pursuing courses they do not like. Imagine a student graduating with a course that is not aligned to their future career interests, isn’t that a waste of families-cum-students’ resources and time?

What is Career Choice Guidance in Kenya?

Career choice guidance in Kenya and world over refers to the process of guiding students on various aspects of academic preparation and eventual career choices. Academic preparation and career choice are intertwined; thus students must be prepared academically to pursue careers of their interest. An important factor in academic preparation is choosing KCSE subjects in relation to career

For primary school pupils and secondary school students to be able to make informed career choices, career choices guidance process should start very early in life for example in primary schools all through high or secondary schools. This notwithstanding, there has been a gap in the provision of career guidance and counselling in Kenya as more effort is put in the achievement of academic grades at the expense of career guidance.

How Should Career Guidance for High School students Provided?

Provision of career guidance for high school students in Kenya should be robust to help students understand and explore all their career choices at the right time. Secondary school career teachers should be well versed with modern career guidance methods to equip all secondary school students with the attitudes; skills, knowledge and information required to make realistic academic plans, informed career as well as course choices when joining colleges and universities.

Many students making career decisions in Kenya wonder, “how do I choose a career path?” the response to this question is simple yet complex. To make informed career decision, students must consider the four aspects of career choice which are;

  1. Personal identity; you need to identify your value system such as; passions, interests, skills, and abilities etc.
  2. Explore the world of careers. High school students in Kenya can only make informed career choices if they are aware of the available careers. You cannot pursue a career that you don’t know exists. So exploring career opportunities is crucial in career choices
  3. Seek career guidance. Making career choice independently can be challenging, so it is advisable to seek career guidance from counsellors and mentors. Mentors and career advisors can simplify the complex process of deciding what and where to study
  4. Decide on your career. Making the career decision is easier once you have the right information and guidance from mentors.

Types of Career guidance for high school students in Kenya

There are various ways career guidance can be provided for students in secondary schools in Kenya. Some of them include; career talks, visits to industries and universities as well as timely access to reliable career information.

1. Career talks

A career talk is a vocational related communication between teachers to students, college students to high school or primary school students, and professionals to students among others. Career guidance talks in schools empower students with the information, knowledge, skills and inspiration needed to make better choices about the future. Our team offers one on one career talks to inspire all students for a brighter future.

2. Visits to colleges and universities

A visit to a training institution such as a vocational training center, colleges or universities can inspire students to plan for their futures. Students can also visit companies to help them link what they are learning in school with real life situations.

3. Career information

Access to career information is one of the fundamental factors that help high school students in Kenya make informed career choices.  We provide easy to use information materials that offer career guide for secondary school students to help them make informed choices. The career information is delivered through various channels; online chats, career guidance in Kenya pdf, booklets, career compass wheels among other varieties.

4. Impartial career guidance

Students can have access to career information but still be confused on which career to pursue, at this point, impartial career guidance is vital. Career guidance support can help high school students identify the most popular career choices such as; teaching, computer science, architecture, medicine, engineering, just to mention a few.

Importance of Career Guidance for Students

While career guidance practice is a crucial undertaking for the success of students after school; it is mostly undervalued in Kenya and Africa. The significance of career guidance is noted in the workplace and success of young people. Professional career guidance helps students to choose careers that suit their individual interests, and abilities. Well-chosen careers are the epitome of successful career growth and personal development.

Considering the impact of career guidance towards vocational growth and personal development; it is worthwhile to say, vocational guidance should be offered to students from a very young age to help them get career and educational clarity and inspiration regarding the future they want.


Career guidance for high school students in Kenya should be given to children from preschool to familiarize children about careers from a tender age. When students are informed and guided about careers from a tender age, they are able to subjects and careers that would lead to their future success. Our team provides expert career guidance all over Kenya to help secondary school students to make informed career choices. Learn more about our career guidance materials that can benefit you, click here.

Request high quality study notes for all subjects or career guidance to actualize your academic and career dreams. We make academic preparation and career success achievable.

By | 2024-03-30T12:14:02+03:00 February 5th, 2020|Blog Articles|
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