Our expert-researched guides help you avoid low-demand careers and focus on courses employers are hiring for.
Other guides you can download on this page include KCSE subject selection, how to choose the right course through KUCCPS, Course Marketability Fact Sheets,
How to make money through your smartphone, CBC career guidance resources, Financial Literacy for those below 25, fee structures and course brochures.
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“I was unsure which course to choose, but coursebook guides helped me pick a marketable career. Now, I have a great job in my field!”
— James K., Recent Graduate
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Career Guidance for the Best Career
- Best Artisan Courses in Kenya PDF: for only Kshs.74/= [Buy Now]
- Best Craft Courses in Kenya PDF: for only Kshs. 74/= [Buy Now]
- Marketable Diploma Courses in Kenya PDF: for only Kshs. 74/= [Buy Now]
- Marketable Artisan, Craft, and Diploma courses in Kenya PDF: for only Kshs 180/= [Buy Now]
- Most marketable and best courses to study [PDF] – for only Kshs 180/- [Buy Now]
Applying through KUCCPS?
- How to find the best course in 4-easy steps PDF for KUCCPS applicants—for Kshs 199/- [Buy Now]
Career Choices in Kenyan Universities PDF
- All Career choices in Kenyan universities and the subjects required PDF– for only Kshs 250/- [Buy Now]
KCSE Subject Selection guide
- KCSE Subject Selection Guidance Masterpiece PDF – for only Kshs 250/- [Buy Now]
“I had no idea which subjects to choose for my dream career, but this guide made everything clear. I now feel confident about my future course and career path!”
— Brian M., KCSE Student
“As a parent, I struggled to guide my child in choosing the right KCSE subjects. This PDF simplified everything and helped us make an informed decision!”
— Susan K., Parent
CBC Career Awareness Materials
- CBC Career Pathways PDF: for only Kshs. 140 [Buy Now]
- CBC core learning areas PDF: for only Kshs. 140 [Buy Now]
- CBC Career Wheel Chart: for only Kshs. 140 [Buy Now]
Course Marketability Fact Sheet (CMFS)
Is your preferred course marketable? For each course you can imagine, our CMFS answer sheet offers an accurate response to this question. Eliminate guesswork in your course choice. We have a 2-page answer for every course. It is the best answer you can get anywhere because real data back it. Are there jobs that fit your preferred course in the government and private sector? What are the annual estimates of available jobs? What is the salary for graduates of the course? Are there opportunities for self-employment? What are the average course fees? A final word on the marketability of your preferred course and much more. Each guide costs Kshs 74 only.
- Is a diploma in general agriculture marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in industrial automation and robotics marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in electrical engineering (power option) marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in electrical installation marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in electrical operations (power option) marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in electronics engineering marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in instrumentation & control engineering marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in telecommunication engineering marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in medical engineering marketable? [Download answer]
- Is a diploma in geophysical exploration technology marketable? [Download answer]
Is your preferred course marketable? We have Course Marketability Fact Sheet for each course. Request yours now.
Learn to make money with your smartphone
- How to Make Money Using a Smartphone: for only Kshs. 250 [Buy Now]
Financial literacy for Pre-25 and Other Guides
Fee structures and course brochures assembled for you.
Please note that we are not affiliated with any college. We aim to democratize access to college information to help you get the information you need faster. Therefore, we have assembled the following information from different sources to help you quickly access the information you need to enroll in college. We charge a service fee of Kes 50/- (fifty bob only) to help us cover document storage and delivery costs. Tap the download now button to download the fee structures and course brochures.
Public colleges information
Kabete Polytechnic fee structure, PDF [Download now]
Karumo Technical Training Institute courses offered [PDF], brochure [Download now]
Siala Technical Fee Structure PDF [Download now]
Siala Technical Courses Brochure PDF [Download now]
Siala Technical Application Form PDF [Download now]
Kiti Nakuru fee structure PDF download+ courses brochure [Download now]
Kttc (KSTVET) fee structure PDF download [Download now]
Bumbe technical training institute fee structure, PDF [Download now]
Bumbe Technical Training Institute courses offered brochures, PDF [Download now]
Matili Technical Courses Brochure PDF [Download now]
Matili Technical Fee Structure (old model) [Download now]
Sang’alo Institute courses offered PDF download [Download now]
Kenya Coast National Polytechnic Fee Structure PDF [Download now]
Kenya Coast National Polytechnic Courses and Fee Structure PDF [Download now]
- Rwika Technical Training Institute/ Jeremiah Nyagah National Polytechnic (JNNP) fee structure in PDF. [Download now].
Private colleges information
- Jodan College fees structure per semester PDF [Download now]
- Jodan college courses offered brochure PDF [Download now]
- Jordan Hospital Medical College Fee Structure PDF [Download now]
Nibs college courses and requirements brochure PDF [Download now]
Summit Institute of Professionals fee structure, PDF [Download now]
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