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**Get the Best Courses for High-Paying Jobs + CBC Charts – [Download Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**
Blog 2019-02-08T14:41:32+03:00

Colleges and Vocational Training Centers in Kitui County

Colleges in Kitui town and its county environs comprise of one public university, several technical colleges and many vocational training centers, (vtcs) or youth polytechnics as commonly known. Courses offered in the middle level colleges include; artisan, craft-certificate and diploma courses. Kitui County Location Kitui County is located in Kenya’s eastern region. It is [...]

By | September 26th, 2019|Blog Articles, Diploma Level|

High quality pocket career guidance booklets for Kenyan primary and high school students and their parents to help them make informed decisions on their college education investment.

We provide high quality career guidance pocket booklets that disseminate accurate information on all career options, their subject’s requirements as well as and grades required for admission in those careers. Whether at home, school or on the go (move), our pocket sized career guidance booklets will empower you with the information you need to [...]

By | September 12th, 2019|Blog Articles|

Smart Career and Course Choices: How to choose the right career and course in Kenya

Are you wondering how you can choose a university degree or college course in Kenya? Joining a postsecondary institution whether a university or college is one of the most exciting moments in many students lives. This marks the point in which young people start preparing for their future careers. While this transition period is [...]

By | September 10th, 2019|Blog Articles|

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (Kuccps) placement.

What is Kuccps? Kuccps is an abbreviation for Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service. Kuccps is a government owned institution within the ministry of education whose core function is to coordinate the placement or admission of government sponsored students in  universities (both public and private) as well as public colleges among other functions. [...]

By | September 6th, 2019|Blog Articles|

All students should leave school knowing all their postsecondary or college options, it is their right

All students should leave school knowing all their postsecondary or college options, it is their right. No student should be prevented from pursuing a postsecondary education due to lack of awareness of their options, lack of relevant information, lack of guidance or misinformation about college fees and costs. Financial support exists for needy students. [...]

By | September 6th, 2019|Blog Articles|

D- courses in Kenya

D- (Minus) courses in Kenya are basically artisan courses offered in various technical colleges or vocational training centers across the country. These courses can also been be pursued or studied with Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade E and below including Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). You can explore artisan careers [...]

By | September 3rd, 2019|Blog Articles|

D plain courses offered in Kenya

There are hundreds of D plain courses offered in various Technical Vocational Colleges (TVCs) as well as Vocational Training Centers (VTCs). Technically, D plain courses are technical certificate courses that equip young people with technical and entrepreneurial skills. We have summarized the entire list below. Dear reader, become a Coursebook supporter today for as [...]

By | September 3rd, 2019|Blog Articles|

How to apply for HELB Loan for the first time?

What is Helb? The Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) is a state corporation that finances colleges and universities education for needy students in Kenya. Helb loan is a loan or financial support that is given to needy Kenyan students to support their college or university education. Who qualifies for Helb loan? Needy government sponsored [...]

By | September 2nd, 2019|Blog Articles|

A list of TVET institutions in Kenya

There are more than 1,000 (one thousand) TVET institutions in Kenya. We have the information on where they are located, the courses they offer, costs and much more. We will guide you to choose the right course at the right institution. For a list of TVET institutions, courses offered and costs of training open [...]

By | August 27th, 2019|Blog Articles|

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