**Best Courses to Study for Jobs – [Download Your Guide Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**
**Best Courses to Study for Jobs – [Download Your Guide Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**
Blog 2019-02-08T14:41:32+03:00

List of courses offered by Aberdare Institute of Business Studies and Catering

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of accredited/ approved courses offered at Aberdare Institute of Business Studies and Catering, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Craft in Business Management (ABMA) Craft in Hairdressing (NITA) Do [...]

By | March 9th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Uthiru Vocational Training Center

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited/ approved courses offered at Uthiru Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Artisan in Motor vehicle mechanic (KNEC) Trade test Grade III-I in Motor vehicle mechanic [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Thogoto Vocational Training Center

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited/ approved courses offered at Thogoto Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Trade Test in Appropriate Carpentry (KNEC) Trade Test in Motor Vehicle Technology (KNEC) Trade [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by St Bosco Vocational Training Center

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at St Bosco Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Trade Test in Electrical wireman (NITA) Do you find our information and [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Riuki Youth Polytechnic

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Riuki Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Trade Test in Tailoring &Dressmaking (NITA) Trade Test in Electrical and electronics (NITA) [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Nyaga Vocational Training Center

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Nyaga Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. NVCET level 1&II in Motor Vehicle Technology (KNEC) Trade Test III – I [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Ndenderu Vocational Training Center

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Ndenderu Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. GTT III – I in Motor Vehicle Mechanics (NITA) GTT III – I [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Munyu-ini Vocational Training Center

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited/ approved courses offered at Munyu-ini Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Trade test in appropriate carpentry and joinery (NITA) Trade test in Garment making (NITA) [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Muguga Vocational Training Center

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Muguga Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. NVCET in Information communication technology (KNEC) Grade III-I in Plumbing (NITA) NVCET in [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Mbichi Vocational Training Center

Vocational training centers (VTCs) offer mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Mbichi Vocational Training Center/ youth polytechnic, located in Kiambu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Grade III-I in Dressmaking (NITA) Grade III-I in Motor vehicle mechanics (NITA) Grade [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|Blog Articles|

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