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**Get the Best Courses for High-Paying Jobs – Expert Guide in PDF– [Download Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**
Blog 2019-02-08T14:41:32+03:00

List of courses offered by St Jude’s Technical College

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at St Jude’s Technical College located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Diploma in Business Management (KNEC) Diploma in Social Work and Community development [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Shamberere Technical Training Institute

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Shamberere Technical Training Institute (TTI) located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Diploma Food and Beverage Production, Sales and Service (KNEC) Artisan Food [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Sabatia Technical and Vocational College

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of courses offered at Sabatia Technical and Vocational College located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Artisan in electrical installation Artisan in food and beverage Artisan in welding and fabrication [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Mumias West Technical Training Institute

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of courses offered at Mumias West Technical Training Institute (TTI) located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Artisan/ trade test in masonry Artisan in welding and fabrication NVCET in electrical [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Fafa Medical Training College

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Fafa Medical Training College located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery (KNEC / CoC) Diploma in Kenya [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Excellent Institute of Professionals

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Excellent Institute of Professionals located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Diploma in Accounting Technicians (KASNEB) Professional in Certified Public Accountants (KASNEB) For [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Diocese of Kakamega St Elizabeth School of Nursing

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Diocese of Kakamega St Elizabeth School of Nursing located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (NCK) [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Butere Technical and Vocational College

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of courses offered at Butere Technical and Vocational College located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Artisan in electrical installation Artisan in electrical wireman Artisan in food and beverage Artisan [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Bushiangala Technical Training Institute

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of accredited / approved courses offered at Bushiangala Technical Training Institute (TTI) located in Kakamega County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Artisan in electrical installation (KNEC) Craft in electrical and electronics technology [...]

By | April 2nd, 2020|Blog Articles|

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