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**Get the Best Courses for High-Paying Jobs – Expert Guide in PDF– [Download Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**
Blog 2019-02-08T14:41:32+03:00

List of courses offered by Bondo Technical Training Institute, TTI

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of courses offered at Bondo Technical Training Institute, TTI, located in Siaya County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Dear reader, become a Coursebook supporter today for as little as Kshs: 100 to [...]

By | May 8th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Kisumu Polytechnic, Poly

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of courses offered at Kisumu National Polytechnic, Poly, located in Kisumu County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Dear reader, become a Coursebook supporter today for as little as Kshs: 100 to help [...]

By | May 8th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Sikri Technical Training Institute for the Blind and Deaf, STTIBD

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of courses offered at Sikri Technical Training Institute for the Blind and Deaf, STTIBD, TTI, located in Homa Bay County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Dear reader, become a Coursebook supporter today [...]

By | May 7th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Siala Technical Training Institute, TTI

Siala Technical Training Institute, TTI, is a public college located in Migori County. The courses offered at the institute comprise of CBET, artisan, craft-certificate, and diploma courses. In this this article we have compiled a comprehensive list of all the courses offered at Siala technical training institute including government and self-sponsored ones. Dive into [...]

By | May 7th, 2020|Blog Articles|

List of courses offered by Ekerubo Gietai Technical Training Institute, TTI

Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) offer mainly artisan, craft / certificate and diploma courses. The following is a list of courses offered at Ekerubo Gietai Technical Training Institute, TTI, located in Nyamira County. The list may, or may not be exhaustive. Dear reader, become a Coursebook supporter today for as little as Kshs: 100 [...]

By | May 7th, 2020|Blog Articles|

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