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Biology notes form 2

Biology notes form 2 diaramBiology notes form 2 is a continuation of biology notes studied in form 1. Biology is one of the science examined at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (KCSE). It is a science based subject that needs critical thinking to answer questions correctly, so access to high quality study notes is crucial for all students wanting to score good grades in biology at KCSE level.

Coursebook is an educational website providing high quality educational resources such as; course materials, exam practice questions, and biology guides form 1-4. If you are looking for biology notes form 2 to get a guaranteed A in KCSE, our guides are all you need. Our notes are created by highly educated and experienced teachers using approved coursebooks such as KLB among others. You can get the notes in PDF or MS word formats. Request the notes using the Chatbot at the bottom.

Snapshot of biology notes form 2 Kenya

Many textbooks and course materials are costly to purchase. In addition, they may have more content that learners must explore as they prepare for local exams and KCSE. Perusing hundreds of pages to master biology topics can be a daunting task to thousands of students. Our summarized biology notes cover crucial concepts tested in form 2. The following are some of the topics you will find in our summarized biology notes.

  1. Transport in plants and animals- biology notes form 2
  2. Respiration- biology notes form 2 KLB
  3. Gaseous exchange in plants and animals- biology notes form 2
  4. Biology notes form 2-excretion and homeostasis

Summarized subtopics covered in the biology notes form 2

Our biology learning guides are well organized to empower you with the skills, knowledge and competencies you need to answer CATs, mocks and national exams successfully. If you need notes from approved textbooks such as; KLB, Finder biology etc., in that case, the notes we create can meet your learning goals and objectives. Concepts covered in each chapter are as follows;

Chapter 1: Transport in plants and animals- biology notes form 2

The chapter 1 in biology covers extensive content on transport in plants and animals. The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes include;

  1. Introduction
  2. Transport in plants
  • Internal structure of roots and root hairs
  • Internal structure of a root hair cell
  • The stem
  • Absorption of water and mineral salts
  1. Transpiration
  • Structure and function of Xylem
  • Forces involved in transportation of water and mineral salts
  • Importance of transpiration
  • Factors affecting transpiration
  1. Translocation of organic compounds
  • Phloem
  1. Transport in animals
  • The circulatory system
  • Transport in insects
  1. Mammalian circulatory system
  • Structure and function of the heart
  • Pumping mechanism of the heart
  • Structure and function of arteries, capillaries and veins
  • Diseases and defects of circulatory system
  1. Structure and function of blood
  • Composition of blood
  • ABO blood groups
  • Lymphatic system
  1. Immune responses
  • Types of immunity
  • Importance of vaccination
  • Allergic reactions

Chapter 2: Respiration- biology notes form 2 KLB

The chapter 2 in biology notes form 2 covers extensive content on respiration. The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes include;

  1. Meaning and importance of respiration
  2. Tissue respiration
  • Mitochondrion structure and function
  • Aerobic respiration
  • Anaerobic respiration
  • Practical activities
  • Comparison between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  • Comparison between energy output in aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  • Substrates for respiration
  • Application of anaerobic respiration in industry and at home

Chapter 3: Gaseous exchange in plants and animals- biology notes form 2

The chapter 3 in biology notes form 2 covers extensive content on gaseous exchange in plants and animals. The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes include;

  1. Necessity of gaseous exchange in living organisms
  2. Gaseous exchange in plants
  • Structure of guard cells
  • Mechanism of opening and closing stomata
  • Process of gaseous exchange in roots, stem and leaves of aquatic and terrestrial plants
  • Gaseous exchange through stems
  • Gaseous exchange in roots
  1. Gaseous exchange in animals
  • Types and characteristics of respiratory surfaces
  • Characteristics of respiratory surfaces
  • Gaseous exchange in amoeba
  • Gaseous exchange in insects
  • Gaseous exchange in bony fish
  • Gaseous exchange in amphibians e.g. frog
  • Gaseous exchange in mammal e.g. human being
  • Dissection of a small mammal such as rabbit to show respiratory organs
  1. Diseases of the respiratory system
  2. Practical activities

Chapter 4: Biology notes form 2-excretion and homeostasis

The chapter 4 in biology notes form 2 covers extensive content on excretion and homeostasis. The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes include;

  1. Introduction
  • Excretion
  • Egestion
  • Secretion
  • Homeostasis
  1. Excretion in plants
  • Plant excretory products, their source and uses
  1. Excretory products in animals
  2. Excretion and homeostasis in unicellular organisms
  3. Excretion in human beings
  • Structure and function of the human skin
  • Structure and functions of the kidneys
  • Common kidney diseases
  • Role of the liver in excretion
  • Common liver ailments
  1. Homeostasis
  • Neuro-endocrine system and homeostasis
  • The skin and regulation of temperature
  • Homeostasis control of body temperature in humans
  • Behavioral and physiological responses to temperature changes
  • The skin and osmoregulation
  • The kidney and osmoregulation
  • The liver

Sample biology form 2 questions with answers

At the end of the biology form 2 notes, we have added practice questions with diagrams to test your mastery of the chapters you have covered. The biology questions and answers cover the following chapters; Transport in plants and animals, Respiration, Gaseous exchange in plants and animals, excretion and homeostasis. Questions and answers include;

Q.1a-i: Define transport


It is the movement of substances from one part of the body to another.

1a-ii: Explain the necessity of transport in plants and animals


  • it helps move nutrients from one point to the other
  • It facilitates movement of respiratory gases such as oxygen and carbon IV oxide
  • It helps eliminate metabolic wastes
  • It facilitates movement of water, salts and enzymes

b)-i: Describe the structure and function of root hair


  • Root hairs are located near the root tip.
  • They are cells with elongated finger-like projections which are connected to soil particles
  • They are permeable to water and mineral salts, hence able to draw water and mineral salts
  • Their large number offers a large surface area for absorption of water and mineral salts

ii) state the ways in which root hairs are adapted to their functions


  • Root hairs are narrow, long and numerous to increase surface area for absorption of water and mineral salts.
  • Root hairs are thin walled to speed up the rate absorption of water and mineral salts

We have many questions with diagrams illustrating important concepts in biology subject. The questions have answers to reinforce your knowledge in biological concepts learnt in form 2. You can request these notes in PDF or word formats.

Final word

The biology subject can be tough to many students. There are diverse concepts learnt in form 2 requiring mastery. High quality biology notes are crucial to help you master the examinable content. Our biology learning guides are developed by highly educated and experienced teachers in teaching and KCSE marking. Topics and chapters covered in the biology notes include; transport in plants and animals, respiration, Gaseous exchange in plants and animals. At the end of the notes, there are practice questions with answers to reinforce your skills. You can get these notes for free online or download in PDF or word to use them later, even if you are not online. Request our biology guides form 2 for guaranteed A in KCSE.

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By | 2024-07-18T17:52:31+03:00 July 18th, 2024|Biology|
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