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A List of Artisan Certificate Courses In Kenya.

artisan-certificate-courses-in-kenyaArtisan courses are technical or tvet programs offered in technical colleges and vocational training centers commonly known as youth polytechnics. Artisan courses in Kenya are accessible nationwide as artisan certificate schools are decentralized. You can find them in Nairobi and other countries. The admission requirements or qualifications for artisan courses are a primary school certificate (KCPE) or KCSE mean grade D- (minus) and below. Besides, secondary school dropouts qualify for artisan courses.

Download a PDF guide for the best Artisan Courses to study. It will take less than 4 minutes to read the PDF. The PDF costs Kshs.74/= [Download Now]

What is an Artisan Certificate?

An artisan certificate is a post-secondary credential issued to an artisan who has completed the study of an artisan course. To become a qualified or successful artisan, you need to enroll in an artisan course in a reputable vocational training center or technical college and seek internship opportunities after graduation. Experience obtained from industry linkages can help you launch a successful career or business as an artisan. Successful artisans without formal education can get artisan certification through a prior learning program.

Which Artisan Course is Marketable? / The best artisan courses in Kenya

With over a hundred artisan courses available to qualified youths, selecting a marketable artisan course can be a daunting task to recently graduated high school students, which is why seeking career guidance is necessary. Career guidance will help you identify an artisan course that aligns with your interests and personality and is well-paying. If you need help choosing a marketable artisan certificate course, our enthusiastic career guidance officers can guide you.

In brief, the following artisan courses are deemed marketable;

  1. Fashion design and clothing
  2. Welding and fabrication
  3. Carpentry
  4. Building construction/ masonry
  5. Plumbing
  6. Motor vehicle mechanics
  7. Beauty therapy and hairdressing
  8. And many more,

If you need a complete list of marketable artisan courses based on your interests, we can help. Contact us for personalized guidance.

KUCCPS Artisan Courses in Kenya

Want to study an artisan course under a government-sponsored program? The following is a comprehensive list of the artisan courses offered by the kuccps. The courses are examined by Knec and offered in public and private colleges.

List  of Artisan Courses in Kenya



Entry Qualifications

Grade III, II, and I in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in hair and beauty therapy     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in Hair and Beauty Therapy     KCSE D- and E
NVCET level I & II in hairdressing and beauty therapy     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in hairdressing     KCSE D- and E
Trade Test III in Carpentry and Joinery     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in Carpentry & Joinery     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in plumbing     KCSE D- and E
Artisan plumbing     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in plumbing works     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in plumbing & building services     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in plumbing     KCSE D- and E
Grade Test in plumbing     KCSE D- and E
Artisan certificate in electrical installation     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in Electrical     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in electrical engineering     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in electrical and electronics     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in electrical and electronics technology     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in electrical wireman     KCSE D- and E
Grade (I, II & III) in electrical wireman     KCSE D- and E
Artisan certificate in electrical wireman     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in electrical installation     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in electrical and electronics technology     KCSE D- and E
NVCET level I & II in electrical and electronics     KCSE D- and E
Grade test in electrical installation and wiring     KCSE D- and E
Grade test III in electrical installation     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in electrical engineering     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in electrical fitter     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in welding     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in arc welding     KCSE D- and E
Trade tests III & I in arc welding     KCSE D- and E
Grade III in an arc welder     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in gas welding     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in welding and fabrication     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in welding & fabrication     KCSE D- and E
Artisan craft in welding and fabrication     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in welding & fabrication     KCSE D- and E
Trade test grade III in welding     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in general agriculture     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in modern methods of agriculture (agribusiness development)     KCSE D- and E
Artisan certificate in agribusiness     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in I and II in agribusiness management     KCSE D- and E
NVCET refrigeration and air conditioning/ artisan air conditioning     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in Information Communication Technology     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in Information Communication Technology/ NVCET (ICT)     KCSE D- and E
Trade test/ Artisan in ICT     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in leatherwork technology     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in leatherwork     KCSE D- and E
Artisan certificate in food and beverage production and service     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in food and beverage production, sales and service     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in food and beverage     KCSE D- and E
Artisan craft in food & beverage     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in food processing     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in food processing technology     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in food processing technology     KCSE D- and E
Artisan certificate in building technology     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in building construction technology     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in building technology     KCSE D- and E
Artisan certificate in motor vehicle mechanics     KCSE D- and E
Artisan craft in motor vehicle mechanics     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in motor vehicle technology     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in automotive vehicle mechanics     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in automotive engineering     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in automotive vehicle mechanics     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in automotive engineering     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in motor vehicle electrical (wiring)

Artisan in storekeeping/storekeeping

    KCSE D- and E
Artisan in catering and accommodation     KCSE D- and E
Artisans in general, fitters     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in general fitters     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in mechanical engineering     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in automotive engineering     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in Masonry     KCSE D- and E
Artisan/ Trade test in masonry     KCSE D- and E
Grade III in masonry     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in fashion design and garment making     KCSE D- and E
Grade III, II & I in tailoring and dress-making     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in dressmaking and tailoring     KCSE D- and E
Grade in garment making     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in garment making     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in garment making and fashion design     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in garment making     KCSE D- and E
Artisan craft in garment-making     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in fashion design and garment making     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in fashion design and garment-making technology     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in fashion & design     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in fashion and design     KCSE D- and E
NVCET in garment making and fashion design     KCSE D- and E
Trade Test in Solar Photovoltaic     KCSE D- and E
Trade test in clothing     KCSE D- and E
Single and group/ artisan in secretarial studies     KCSE D- and E
Artisan in secretarial     KCSE D- and E
Artisan, an accounting technician     KCSE D- and E

Download a PDF guide for the best Artisan Courses to study. It will take less than 4 minutes to read the PDF. The PDF costs Kshs.74/= [Download Now]

Knec Artisan Courses in Kenya

KNEC administers the courses in Kenya. Different Knec artisan programs are available to qualified students. Whether you want to become a carpenter, plumber, storekeeper, or other artisan, the following KNEC artisan courses are open for your consideration.

KNEC Artisan Courses



Entry Qualifications

Artisan in storekeeping     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
Artisan Certificate in clerk/ typist     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
Artisan in salesmanship     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
Artisan in food and beverage production and service     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
Artisan in garment making     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
Artisan in carpentry and joinery     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
Artisan in Masonry     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
Artisan in plumbing     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert’
Artisan in seafarers     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
Artisan in motor vehicle mechanics     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
NVCET in fashion design and garment making     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
NVCET in food processing     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
NVCET in hairdressing and beauty therapy     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
NVCET in appropriate carpentry and joinery     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’
NVCET in building technology     KCSE D- & below or KCPE cert.’

Download a PDF guide for the best Artisan Courses to study. It will take less than 4 minutes to read the PDF. The PDF costs Kshs.74/= [Download Now]

Artisan Courses Qualifications level

The entry qualifications for the artisan course are KCPE or KCSE grade D- and below. On average, the artisan course takes one year to complete upon which CDACC/KNEC examines candidates. Artisan certificate qualification is rated at KNQF level four (4) and is lower than craft certificate. The difference between an artisan certificate and a craft certificate is in their education levels. Artisan is level four, while craft is level 5 of the KNQA framework.

What are Artisan Courses?

Artisan courses are technical or vocational training programs offered in technical colleges and vocational training centers, commonly known as youth polytechnics. Artisan courses in Kenya are accessible throughout the country as artisan schools are decentralized. The admission requirements or qualifications for artisan courses are a primary school certificate (KCPE) or KCSE mean grade D—(minus) and below.

Artisan Courses Duration, Requirements, and Cost in Kenya

Artisan certificate and craft certificate courses are both technical courses; the difference between the two programs relates to their level of study. The artisan level is lower than the craft certificate on the learning curve. An artisan course takes 1-2 years of study. Examples of different types of artisans include mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, and welders, among others.

The requirements for artisan courses in Kenya are the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D—(minus) and below. Those with a Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) certificate are also eligible, including secondary school dropouts. The cost of artisan courses in Kenya varies with the institution; for example, in polytechnics, the price is around Ksh 20,000 per year, while in technical colleges, the cost is over Ksh 60,000/-.

What Are the Benefits of Artisan Courses?

Artisan courses equip learners with valuable skills for employment or business. Skills acquired through this form of training can help learners start their own businesses and live dignified lives. Some artisan courses, such as carpentry, mechanics, tailoring, and electrical installation, are in great demand.

I heard that Artisan Courses are for academic failures.

Nothing is further from the truth. There are so many artisans leading a very successful life as a result of the education they acquired through artisan course certification. Besides, after completing an artisan course, you can look for a job, start your own business, or choose to further your education up to university level, depending on your interest.

Furthering Your Education.

An artisan course certification gives you a pathway to university education without stepping into a secondary school classroom. After every successful completion of one level, you can advance upwards in a related field. See below how this is possible.

  1. Get Artisan certificate
  2. Advance to Craft certificate
  3. Advance to Diploma certificate
  4. Advance to Degree certificate

What Are Some Examples of Artisan Courses?

There are so many artisan courses offered in various VTCs and TVETs across the country. Some examples include dressmaking, masonry, carpentry, mechanics, electrical installation, food processing, computer, leather work, metal work, welding, and fabrication, among many other fields. The list shared above is just a preview of the many courses. Some of the courses, especially non-technical ones, can be done online.

Career Guidance is Crucial

It’s advisable to seek personalized career guidance on artisan programs before committing to a study option. If you need help making informed decisions on artisan courses and related career options, we highly recommend getting career guidance first. Click here to access these resources.

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