Are you interested in pursuing a career in agriculture or related field? Let us help you choose the most appropriate course in the best fit training institution. Our course choice guidance or full admission support will help you avoid costly mistakes that many young people encounter.
List of agriculture, forestry, animal science, food science and nutrition degree courses offered in various schools, colleges and universities in Kenya
The following is a list of agriculture and related degree courses offered in various schools, colleges and universities in Kenya.
- Bachelor of science (agriculture)
- Bachelor of science in agriculture
- Bachelor of science (food science & technology)
- Bachelor of science (food science and technology)
- Bachelor of science in food science and technology
- Bachelor of science in food technology & quality assurance
- Bachelor of technology (food science and technology)
- Bachelor of science (range management)
- Bachelor of science (wildlife enterprise management)
- Bachelor of science (wildlife enterprises & management)
- Bachelor of science (wildlife management)
- Bachelor of science (wildlife management and conservation)
- Bachelor of science in soil environment & land use management)
- Bachelor of science (agroforestry & rural development)
- Bachelor of science (management of agro-ecosystem and environment)
- Bachelor of science (horticultural science & management)
- Bachelor of science (horticulture, with it)
- Bachelor of science (horticulture)
- Bachelor of science horticulture
- Bachelor of science in horticultural science & management
- Bachelor of science(horticulture)
- Bachelor of science (environmental conservation and natural resources management)
- Bachelor of science (food nutrition & dietetics)
- Bachelor of science (food nutrition and dietetics)
- Bachelor of science (food, nutrition & dietetics
- Bachelor of science (nutrition and dietetics, with it)
- Bachelor of science in food nutrition and dietetics
- Bachelor of science (food science & nutrition)
- Bachelor of science (food science and nutrition)
- Bachelor of science in food science and nutrition
- Bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics
- Bachelor of environmental science
- Bachelor of environmental studies (science)
- Bachelor of science (environmental science, with it)
- Bachelor of science (environmental science)
- Bachelor of science (environmental sciences)
- Bachelor of science in environmental science
- Bachelor of science in environmental studies
- Bachelor of science (environmental geoscience)
- Bachelor of environmental studies (community development)
- Bachelor of environmental studies
- Bachelor of environmental studies (arts)
- Bachelor of science (food science and nutrition)
- Bachelor of science (animal health, production & processing)
- Bachelor of science in animal health and production
- Bachelor of science in animal production and processing
- Bachelor of science (animal production & health management)
- Bachelor of science (animal science & management)
- Bachelor of science (animal science, with it)
- Bachelor of science (animal science)
- Bachelor of science in animal science
- Bachelor of science (animal health & production)
- Bachelor of science (animal health and production)
- Bachelor of science in animal science
- Bachelor of arts in environmental planning and management
- Bachelor of environmental planning & management
- Bachelor of science (forestry)
- Bachelor of environmental studies (biology and health)
- Bachelor of science in parks, recreation and leisure management
- Bachelor of science (dairy technology & management)
- Bachelor of science (agriculture & human ecology extension)
- Bachelor of science in agriculture and extension
- Bachelor of science (applied aquatic science)
- Bachelor of science (natural resource management)
- Bachelor of science (natural resources management)
- Bachelor of science in natural resource management
- Bachelor of science in natural resources
- Bachelor of science (land resource planning & management)
- Bachelor of science (environmental horticulture & landscaping technology)
- Bachelor of technology (nutrition and dietetics)
- Bachelor of science in forestry ecosystem management
- Bachelor of science (waste management)
- Bachelor of science (dry land, agriculture & enterprise development)
- Bachelor of science (dryland agriculture)
- Bachelor of science in dryland resource management
- Bachelor of science (agriculture and enterprise development)
- Bachelor of science in agriculture and rural development
- Bachelor of science (human nutrition and dietetics)
- Bachelor of science in human nutrition and dietetics
- Bachelor of science (agricultural extension education)
- Bachelor of science agricultural extension and education
- Bachelor of science in agricultural extension education
- Bachelor of science in agriculture education & extension
- Bachelor of education (agricultural education)
- Bachelor of science (agricultural extension and rural development)
- Bachelor of agricultural education & extension
- Bachelor of agricultural education and extension
- Bachelor of science (agricultural education & extension)
- Bachelor of science (agricultural education and extension)
- Bachelor of science (agricultural extension and education)
- Bachelor of science (agriculture education & extension)
- Bachelor of science (agriculture education and extension, with it)
- Bachelor of science in agricultural education & extension
- Bachelor of science (integrated forest resources management)
- Bachelor of science (crop improvement & protection)
- Bachelor of science (leather technology)
- Bachelor of science in leather technology
- Bachelor of technology (environmental resource management)
- Bachelor of science (soil science)
- Bachelor of science (soil science and plant nutrition)
- Bachelor of science (food security)
- Bachelor of science (water resources and environment)
- Bachelor of Science in Ethno botany
- Bachelor of science (water resource management)
- Bachelor of science (water and environment management)
- Bachelor of technology in water, sanitation and habitat engineering
- Bachelor of science (nutraceutical science and technology)
- Bachelor of science in energy and environmental technology
- Bachelor of science (fisheries and aquaculture management)
- Bachelor of science (fisheries and natural resources, with it)
- Bachelor of science (fisheries & aquatic sciences)
- Bachelor of science in aquaculture and fisheries technology
- Bachelor of science in fisheries and aquaculture
- Bachelor of science in fisheries and aquaculture
- Bachelor of science in fisheries and aquaculture technology
- Bachelor of science (BSC) in fisheries and oceanoggraphy
- Bachelor of science ( bio-resources management and conservation)
- Bachelor of science in maritime management (commercial)
- Bachelor of science (coastal & marine resource management
- Bachelor of science (marine biology & fisheries)
- Bachelor of science in marine resource management
- Bachelor of science (environmental education)
- Bachelor of science (natural products)
- Bachelor of science (utilization & sustainability of arid lands (USAL)
- Bachelor of science (climate change adaptation and sustainable development)
- Bachelor of science (agronomy, with it)
- Bachelor of science (agricultural biotechnology)
- Bachelor of science (agriculture & biotechnology)
- Bachelor of science (agriculture and biotechnology)
- Bachelor of science (BSC) in food science and processing
- Bachelor of science (food science and management)
- Bachelor of science (food processing)
- Bachelor of environmental studies (environmental resource conservation)
- Bachelor of environmental science (resource conservation)
- Bachelor of science in animal health management
- Bachelor of science (geography and natural resource management, with it)
- Bachelor of science (environmental science and resource management)
- Bachelor of science (environmental management)
- Bachelor of science in environmental resource management
- Bachelor of science in animal products technology
Minimum Admission Requirements
Admission requirements for degree courses is the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (KCSE) mean grade C + (plus) and above. Applicants should also have performed well in the various cluster subjects required for each course or study option or programme.
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