**Get the Best Courses for High-Paying Jobs – Expert Guide in PDF– [Download Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**
**Get the Best Courses for High-Paying Jobs – Expert Guide in PDF– [Download Now](https://www.coursebook.co.ke/buy/).**
Services 2020-03-18T14:18:25+03:00

The Sad Reality….

70% (that is 7 in every 10 students) who are in college say, given an opportunity, they would change the course they are studying because they don’t like it. Why is it so? A major cause of this, is due to lack of access to relevant career information and / or guidance when students are applying to join colleges. Misinformed course choices not only wastes student’s time and family resources, but also puts students along career paths that might NOT bring tangible benefits on their postsecondary education. Together, we can help young people prepare for careers that aligns with who they are, we’re on that mission.

Our Services

Course guidance

Determining which course to study in a postsecondary training institution is a tough decision for thousands of youth countrywide. It becomes even harder to make this most critical decision when our youth are supposed to choose their preferred course from a list of over 1,000 different courses. Lack of access to quality information and guidance has made thousands of youth to make poor course choices, which negatively affects their future career growth and personal development. We provide course guidance to youth and their families to help them make informed course choices.

College information

With more than 1,400 training institutions spread across the country, youth and their families today have a wide choice of education providers than ever. Did you know our database has got easy to use – high quality information for more than 1,400 course providers and the courses they offer countrywide? We are simply saying, regardless of your geographical location in Kenya, we can assist you find a course of your choice in a college near you or in any other location of your interest. Our goal is to match you with an affordable college offering high quality education.

Career  awareness

Students can only plan for, choose and apply for appropriate careers and / or course(s) if they are aware of their options from an early age. This will enable them to make realistic academic plans towards their envisioned course or career of choice. To support students in this process in an easy way, we provide robust awareness of all courses available to students across the three (3) major levels of postsecondary education.

Tailor made service

This is a service dedicated to parents and guardians who are committed to help their children prepare fully for careers and postsecondary education. It is a robust service that equips children with tools, knowledge, information and guidance required to make realistic career plans and informed postsecondary choices, a sure pathway to prosperity. If you are a parent or guardian interested in this service, kindly contact us.

Join the mission

You can also help us prepare underserved students and their families for careers and education choices by contributing even a small amount if you find our services useful, or if our support has been helpful to you, Learn more.

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