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Orthopedic and trauma medicine in Kmtc

Orthopedic and trauma medicine in KmtcOrthopedic and trauma medicine in Kmtc comprises a diploma and a certificate in orthopedic and trauma medicine courses. These medical programs aim to produce skilled technicians and technologists in the orthopedics field. In this article, we discuss orthopedic courses in Kmtc in detail.

Orthopedic and trauma medicine focuses on the musculoskeletal system, such as broken, fractured, or dislocated bones and soft tissue injuries. These orthopedic injuries could be caused by anything from a low-energy fracture in an older patient to multiple injuries caused by a road traffic accident or fall from high heights.

Orthopedic and trauma surgeons are professionals in this field. They diagnose and treat musculoskeletal system conditions, including bones, joints, and structures that enable movement, such as ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves.

Requirements for orthopedic and trauma medicine in Kmtc

The entry requirements for orthopedic and trauma medicine in Kmtc depend on the course you wish to study. The following are the minimum admission requirements for diploma and certificate courses in Kmtc.

  1. Diploma in Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine. Admission requirements are – Mean Grade C, C in English or Kiswahili and C in Biology/ Biological Sciences, C- in any of the following: Mathematics, Physics/Physical Sciences, Chemistry. Or Certificate in Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine. Kmtc campuses in Nairobi and Nakuru offer a Diploma in orthopedic and Trauma Medicine.
  2. Admission requirements for a Certificate in Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine is KCSE Mean Aggregate C- with D+ in Biology/Biological, sciences, C- English or Kiswahili, and D+ in any of the following Mathematics, Physics, Physical Science, Chemistry, computer studies, Agriculture, Home science.

Final word

Orthopedic and trauma medicine in Kmtc comprises a diploma in orthopedic and trauma medicine and a certificate in orthopedic and trauma medicine courses. These medical programs aim to produce skilled technicians and technologists in the orthopedics field. Entry requirements for a diploma in Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine are – Mean Grade C, C in English or Kiswahili and C in Biology/ Biological Sciences, C- in any of the following: Mathematics, Physics/Physical Sciences, Chemistry. At the same time, a certificate in Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine requires 1. CSE Mean Aggregate C- with D+ in Biology/Biological, sciences, C- English or Kiswahili, and D+ in any of the following: Mathematics, Physics, Physical Science, Chemistry, Computer Studies, Agriculture, Home science.

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By | 2024-09-23T14:06:16+03:00 September 23rd, 2024|Blog Articles|
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