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Orthopedic and trauma medicine

Orthopedic and trauma medicineOrthopedic and trauma medicine is an academic field that deals with the study of bones and trauma injuries. Professionals in this field are known as trauma and orthopedic (T&O) surgeons. The role of T & O surgeons is to diagnose and treat conditions of the musculoskeletal system including, joints and structures that enable movement such as ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Orthopedic and trauma medicine in Kenya

The orthopedic field in Kenya is well developed with qualified T & O surgeons to offer the necessary trauma treatment. For instance, orthopedic and Trauma Medicine in Kenya covers injuries caused by some external force, such as a severe fall or any other serious accident. These trauma injuries occur in the musculoskeletal system, such as bones, cartilage, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles.

In the training space, this field of study is well advanced. For instance, there is a degree in orthopedic and trauma medicine in Kenya offered at the University of Nairobi and Moi University. The duration of orthopedic surgery degree program extends over a minimum of four (4) years and a maximum of eight (8) years of full time attendance unless.

Apart from the degree programs in orthopedics, there are other courses in the same field offered at lower levels. For instance, KMTC offers the course at certificate and diploma levels. Various KMTC campuses such as; Nairobi,Nukuru, Machakos, Makindu, Chuka, Segowet, and Thika offers orthopedic and trauma medicine courses.

As you warm up for this program you need to decide whether you want to become a technologist/ technician or an orthopedic surgeon. Thus it is important to understand the difference between orthopedic technology and orthopedic and trauma medicine. The difference is that orthopedic technology produces technicians while orthopedic and trauma medicine produces orthopedic physicians.

Qualifications for orthopedic and trauma medicine

In Kenya, the entry qualification for orthopedic courses depends with the level of study. For example, if you want to study the course at KMTC, the following are the course requirements for orthopedic and trauma medicine in KMTC.

  1. Certificate course. KCSE Mean Aggregate C- with D+ in Biology/Biological, sciences, C- English or Kiswahili,
  2. Diploma course. – Certificate in Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine

So, depending on your qualification, you can get the course at certificate, diploma, degree or masters.

Final word

The program discussed above deals with the diagnosis and treatment of severe bone, joint, and muscle injuries that require urgent medical attention. These injuries may or may not be life-threatening, but they always need highly specialized medical care. The entry qualification for orthopedic courses depends with the level of study. The role of T & O surgeons is to diagnose and treat conditions of the musculoskeletal system including, joints and structures that enable movement such as ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

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By | 2024-09-19T19:08:44+03:00 September 19th, 2024|Blog Articles|
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