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Geography notes form 2

Geography notes form 2Geography notes form 2 created by professional and experienced teachers are powerful resources to help you score a good grade in geography subject. The notes follow the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) geography form 2 syllabus. You can read these notes for free through our updated  blog posts or download them in PDF or word formats.

Coursebook is an educational website providing high quality educational resources such as; course materials, exam practice questions, and geography notes form 1-4. If you are looking for geography notes to get a guaranteed A in KCSE subjects, our guides can help. The notes are created by highly educated and experienced tutors using approved textbooks such as KLB among others. Request the notes using the Chatbot at the bottom.

Short geography notes form 2 Topics in Kenya

Many textbooks and course materials are costly to purchase. In addition, they may have extensive content that learners must explore as they prepare for local exams and KCSE. Perusing hundreds of pages to master geography topics can be a daunting task to thousands of students. Our short and well summarized geography notes cover crucial concepts tested in form 2. The following are some of the topics you will find in our summarized geography form 2 notes.

  1. Internal land forming/ endogenetic processes
  2. Map work- geography notes form 2
  3. Photography work
  4. Statistical methods
  5. Climate change notes
  6. Vegetation geography notes
  7. Forestry geography notes
  8. Bonus practice questions with answers

Summarized subtopics covered in the geography notes form 2

Our geography learning guides are well organized to empower you with the skills, knowledge and competencies you need to answer CATs, mocks and national exams successfully. If you need notes from approved textbooks such as; KLB, Finder geography etc., in that case, the notes we create can meet your learning goals and objectives. Concepts covered in each chapter is discussed below;

Chapter 1: Internal land forming/ endogenetic processes- geography notes form 2

The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes under the internal land forming/ endogenetic processes chapter include;


Crustal earth movement

  • Horizontal earth movement
  • Vertical earth movement
  • Causes of earth movement
  • Theories explaining earth movements


  • Parts of a fold
  • Types of folds
  • Resultant features due to folding
  • Significance of folding


  • Parts of a fault
  • Types of faults
  • Features resulting from faulting
  • Major faulted areas of the world
  • Significance of faulting


  • Causes of Vulcanicity
  • Types of Vulcanicity
  • Features resulting from Vulcanicity
  • World distribution of volcanoes
  • Significance of Vulcanicity


  • Causes of earthquakes
  • Measurement of earthquakes
  • World distribution of earthquakes
  • Effects of earthquakes

Chapter 2: Map work- geography notes form 2 KLB

The concepts and sub-topics covered and summarized in the notes map work include the following concepts and sub-topics;


  • Methods of showing direction
  • Bearing

Location of places

  • Methods

Methods of representing relief on topographical maps

  • Spot heights
  • Trigonometrical stations/ points
  • Isohyet/ contours and form lines
  • Pictorials
  • Hachures
  • Hill shading
  • Layer tinting

Chapter 3: Photograph work- geography notes form 2

The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes under the photograph work include the following content;


Types of photograph

Parts of a photograph

Uses of photographs

Limitations in the use of photographs

Interpretation of photographs

  • Determining the title
  • Estimating time
  • Estimating season
  • Determining compass direction
  • Interpretation of physical features on photographs
  • Sketching diagrams from photographs

Chapter 4: Statistical methods- Geography notes

The chapter 4 in geography notes form 2 covers extensive content on statistical methods. The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes include;

  • Statistical presentation, analysis and interpretation
  • Comparative/ group/ multiple line graph
  • Comparative bar graph
  • Divided bars or rectangles

Chapter 5: Climate- Geography notes form 2

The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes under the climate chapter comprise the following concepts and sub-topics;


Factors influencing climate

The climatic conditions of Kenya

  • Modified equatorial climate
  • Modified tropical climate
  • Tropical continental/ desert climate
  • Tropical climate
  • Tropical northern climate
  • Desert climate

World climatic conditions

  • Hot/ tropical climates
  • Warm climates
  • Cool climates
  • Cold climates
  • Mountain climates
  • Local/ micro climates

Aridity and desertification

  • Causes of aridity and desertification
  • Impacts of aridity and desertification
  • Solutions to aridity and desertification

Climate change

  • Causes of climate change
  • Effects of climate change
  • Solutions to climate change

Chapter 6: Vegetation- Geography notes form 2

The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes under the vegetation chapter consists of the following concepts and sub-topics;


Types of vegetation

Factors influencing types and distribution of vegetation

Vegetation of Kenya

  • Forests
  • Savanna
  • Semi-desert and desert vegetation
  • Health and moorland
  • Swamp vegetation

World vegetation zones

  • Forests
  • Grasslands
  • Desert vegetation
  • Mountain vegetation

Significance of vegetation

Chapter 7: Forestry- Geography guides

The concepts and sub-topics covered in the notes under the forestry chapter consists of the following concepts and sub-topics;


Types of forests

Factors influencing types and distribution of forests

Benefits of forests to Kenya

Benefits of forest products

Challenges facing forestry in Kenya

Management of conservation of forests

  • Conservation measures
  • Management measures
  • Importance of forests management and conservation

Softwood forests in Kenya and Canada

  • Factors influencing the development of softwood forests
  • Mode of exploitation
  • Planted softwoods in Kenya
  • Products
  • Economic significance of softwood in Kenya and Canada
  • Challenges in Kenya and Canada
  • Comparisons of softwood forests in Kenya and Canada

Sample geography form 2 questions with answers

At the end of the geography form 2 notes, we have added practice questions with diagrams to test your mastery of the chapters you have covered. The geography questions and answers cover the following chapters; Questions and answers include;

Q1. (i)    Give three sub branches of physical geography. (3 marks)

(ii)   Give four heavenly bodies that make up the solar system. (4 marks)

Q2. (i)    Apart from the crust, name the other two main internal layers of the earth. (2 marks)

(ii)  State five characteristics of the earth’s crust. (5 marks)

Q3.         Explain three environmental hazards associated with convectional rainfall. (6 marks)

Q4.  (i)  What are igneous rocks? (2 marks)

(ii)  State three differences between plutonic rocks and volcanic rocks. (6 marks)

Q5.  (i)  Define the term mining. (2 marks)

(ii) Give four ways in which minerals occur. (4 marks)

(iii) Explain four benefits of trona mining at Lake Magadi to Kenya. (8 marks)

Q6.       Give the three branches of geography. (3 marks)

Get the complete set of practice questions with the marking scheme in PDF or word to revise geography form 2 content at your own time. Contact us through the Chatbot below.

Final word

The geography subject can be tough to many students. There are diverse concepts learnt in form 2 requiring mastery. High quality geography notes are crucial to help you master the examinable content. Our geography learning guides are developed by highly educated and experienced teachers in teaching and KCSE marking. Topics and chapters covered in the geography notes include; Internal land forming/ endogenetic processes, map work, photograph work, statistical methods, climate change, vegetation, and forestry. At the end of the notes, there are practice questions with answers to reinforce your skills. You can get these notes for free online or download in PDF or word to use them later, even if you are not online. Request our geography notes form 2 for guaranteed A in KCSE.

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By | 2024-07-19T17:12:55+03:00 July 19th, 2024|(U.S.A), Geography|
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